The Official DC Animation DVD Talkback, Part 6

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Active Member
Feb 4, 2002
Planet UK
GMahler said:
Well, I guess was getting at the fact that the 3rd set being released 9 months after the 2nd wouldn't be consistent with the amount of time between the 1st and 2nd sets. Besides, they recorded commentaries last week if I'm not mistaken and last time we had news of commentaries being recorded, the set was released approximately 4-5 months later. The 2nd set had a delay, though, so that kind of throws everything off.
Presumably, the Q3 release date for Vol 3 would have been decided after Vol 2 had been delayed, which keeps the schedule in line with the originally intended 4-6 month gap.

I certainly don't think the recording dates for the commentaries provide any kind of useless indication of when the next set will be out, as they would most likely be made at the convinience of the people involved rather than a set date relating to the release, as long as its within the deadline for being processed and included on the DVD, of course.

Still, it's probbaly a moot point. Something will undoubtedly go wrong, and Vol 3 won't be released until late 2006 :)


What does everyone think 2005 wil bring for animated DC DVDs? At least theyear is starting out right in January with B:TAS Vol. 2 and S:TAS Vol. 1. Of course, then there's the really bad JLU DVD coming in February. Man, that DVD is gonna be a huge flop. I like the sounds of more BTAS Volumes in 2005 even if I think TVTomes has it all wrong with the names of the later releases.


Save The Day
Apr 7, 2002
They'll more than likely continue with what they're already doing. I think a Volume 3 of B:TAS and a Volume 2 of Superman is a given, and so are more episode compilations of Justice League (Unlimited) and Teen Titans, and maybe Static. I don't think we're gonna see Batman Beyond: Season 1 or anything.


slackermonkey said:
They'll more than likely continue with what they're already doing. I think a Volume 3 of B:TAS and a Volume 2 of Superman is a given, and so are more episode compilations of Justice League (Unlimited) and Teen Titans, and maybe Static. I don't think we're gonna see Batman Beyond: Season 1 or anything.
I don't mind if we don't get a season one set for Batman Beyond. Twelve of the first season episodes are already out. Just do one more compilation to fill any gaps between the episodes they currently have, then continue on in episode order afterwards.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Robin said:
I don't mind if we don't get a season one set for Batman Beyond. Twelve of the first season episodes are already out. Just do one more compilation to fill any gaps between the episodes they currently have, then continue on in episode order afterwards.
I want a season set. I don't want to buy all of those crap double dip releases.

Speaking of crap does anyone have any further information on if Superman TAS Volume one's disc two will be a flipper? I don't understand why they couldn't just release the first season or if they had to add a third disc. Yes, I would rather have less episodes than have it be a flipper.

Bird Boy

WF Admin
Staff member
Apr 27, 2001
Depth's of World's Finest
Fone Bone said:
Speaking of crap does anyone have any further information on if Superman TAS Volume one's disc two will be a flipper? I don't understand why they couldn't just release the first season or if they had to add a third disc. Yes, I would rather have less episodes than have it be a flipper.

No word, but a few months back when the final cover art with the discs "sliding out" was released, disc two had disc art, so I'm guessing it's not a flipper.


Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Bird Boy said:
No word, but a few months back when the final cover art with the discs "sliding out" was released, disc two had disc art, so I'm guessing it's not a flipper.

God, I hope so. WB can be so stupid with their releases. After this new JLU disc was announced I lost all feelings of "They're coming along, slowly but surely." Now I just think they're a bunch of punks.


Fone Bone said:
I want a season set. I don't want to buy all of those crap double dip releases.
I doubt they would do a season set for Batman Beyond. If anything they would do a volume set like Batman and Superman. Batman Beyond could easily be collected in three volumes (two of 18, one of 16). I have the first 12 episodes thanks to all those DVDs released so far and releasing a season set with just one new episode would be aggrivating.

Tom Servo

Dec 21, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Episode list for B:TAS Volume 2 on DVD?

I am sure this is listed somewhere on the boards but I cannot locate it. Does anyone know offhand what episodes are to be included in the 2nd Volume of B:TAS on DVD, which is out this month? Thanks in advance! :)

Orange Brat

May 10, 2003
Speaking of crap does anyone have any further information on if Superman TAS Volume one's disc two will be a flipper? I don't understand why they couldn't just release the first season or if they had to add a third disc. Yes, I would rather have less episodes than have it be a flipper.
A flipper is when the feature is cut at a certain point, you flip the DVD over and it begins at the cut part. Having 6 episodes on one side and 6 on the other and having to flip it doesn't constitute a flipper. Doing it that way would be no different than including 6 on one DVD and 6 on another and having to simply swap discs. It's more economical to have less discs which in turn means less packaging and printing costs. Ideally, that should mean a cheaper price at the checkout counter, but we all know that isn't going to happen. ;)


I Don't See Gravity
Nov 2, 2003
City of Townsville, USA
Bird Boy said:
No word, but a few months back when the final cover art with the discs "sliding out" was released, disc two had disc art, so I'm guessing it's not a flipper.
I still think it will be a DVD-18. WB is the same place that releases Adult Swim DVDs in a two DVD-5 format when they could release a single DVD-9 with the same content. I guess we'll have to wait and see about this one though.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Orange Brat said:
A flipper is when the feature is cut at a certain point, you flip the DVD over and it begins at the cut part. Having 6 episodes on one side and 6 on the other and having to flip it doesn't constitute a flipper. Doing it that way would be no different than including 6 on one DVD and 6 on another and having to simply swap discs. It's more economical to have less discs which in turn means less packaging and printing costs. Ideally, that should mean a cheaper price at the checkout counter, but we all know that isn't going to happen. ;)
A flipper is a flipper is a flipper and they are still annoying for those of us with five-disc DVD players. I'd pay an extra five or ten bucks for a third disc.


May 25, 2003
New Jersey
I had trouble with this one, also. I was looking at the pictures, and they had cover art. Then, I saw the episode count, and thought that 12 episodes is way too much to have just one side.

My question is why would WB want to release six eps on one disc and twelve on the other instead of nine both ways? But, I bet that's what all of us want to know. We'll see on the 25th, huh.

And about the Batman Beyond set. I think that since they haven't been releasing any six-ep comps lately, they may have something in store.


I Don't See Gravity
Nov 2, 2003
City of Townsville, USA
Toonmaster said:
And about the Batman Beyond set. I think that since they haven't been releasing any six-ep comps lately, they may have something in store.
Don't count on it. The last two 6-episode releases were not released as part of a series. They were one time releases made as a part of WHV's plan to put old VHS releases on DVD for some quick cash. There were never any plans to release more Batman Beyond DVDs to begin with, so a lack of releases is unlikely any kind of sign.


Calm Before The Storm
Jul 4, 2001
Austin, TX, USA
I don't want the entire Batman Beyond series on DVD; just "The Call" will do. :D I'm hoping that Warner Bros. will release a single JLU DVD in the future with

BB "The Call" Part I
BB "The Call" Part II
JLU "The Once And Future Thing" Part I
JLU "The Once And Future Thing" Part II

on the disk. It would sell like crazy if they did... Hey, it could happen! :)

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Squall said:
I don't want the entire Batman Beyond series on DVD; just "The Call" will do. :D I'm hoping that Warner Bros. will release a single JLU DVD in the future with

BB "The Call" Part I
BB "The Call" Part II
JLU "The Once And Future Thing" Part I
JLU "The Once And Future Thing" Part II

on the disk. It would sell like crazy if they did... Hey, it could happen! :)
Well SOME of us DO want the whole series. Mean of you to deny us this. I want the entire DCAU on DVD in box sets.

5000th post.


I Don't See Gravity
Nov 2, 2003
City of Townsville, USA
Fone Bone said:
Well SOME of us DO want the whole series. Mean of you to deny us this. I want the entire DCAU on DVD in box sets.
So do I, but that doesn't mean everyone else feels the same way. Don't be so hard on someone just because you don't see eye to eye.


I have a bad feeling that we're not going to get any proper Batman Beyond releases. The DVDs we get now are just being shilled out to fill any remaining demand for the series without producing any new compilations. I want to see more Batman Beyond out ont he shelf. I'd scoop it right up. I just don't think WB still knows what they are doing with this cartoon. I don't think they ever did.
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