4Kids Talkback: A New Dawn Begins - The 4Kids Discussion V3

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D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
July 5th, 2008 (4Kids TV)
08:00 AM Viva Pinata - Mad Mongo; Hudson's Biggest Fan (#8)
08:30 AM Viva Pinata - Mission Impinitable; My Little Fergy (#9)
09:00 AM TMNT - Return to New York (#21)
09:30 AM TMNT - Return to New York (#22)
10:00 AM Sonic X - Missile Wrist Rampage (#3)
10:30 AM Dinosaur King - Alpha's Zeta Point (#12)
11:00 AM Kirby: Right Back at Ya! - Beware: Wispy Woods! (#5)
11:30 AM Winx Club - Point of No Return (#65)

July 5th
, 2008 (CW4Kids)
07:00 AM Will & Dewitt - You Bet; By Invitation Only (#16)
07:30 AM Magi-Nation - Magi Undercover (#16)
08:00 AM Tom & Jerry Tales - Ho Ho Horrors; Doggone Hill Hog; Northern Light Fish Fight (#8)
08:30 AM Tom & Jerry Tales - Xtreme Trouble; A Life Less Guarded; Sasquashed (#19)
09:00 AM Chaotic - Unexpected (#3) NEW to CW4Kids
09:30 AM The Spectacular Spider-Man - Competition (#5)
10:00 AM The Spectacular Spider-Man - The Invisible Hand (#6)
10:30 AM TMNT: Fast Forward - Playtime's Over (#122) NEW to CW4Kids
11:00 AM Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Conquering the Past, Part I (#146) NEW to CW4Kids
11:30 AM The Batman - White Heat (#56)

This week, both TMNT and Kirby skip ahead two episodes. Meanwhile, The Batman skips ahead one episode.
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Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Yu-Gi-Oh! was beating Pokémon for three or four years straight, actually. It was just this past year that Pokémon regained its crown. So, I think it's very possible that Chaotic could become the top trading card game relatively soon.

Really? Well, that's kind of surprising. I thought that Pokemon had the top spot for awhile, but I haven't really read up those CCG lists until I came to this form. Still, I'm just not sure if Chaotic could become the top card game mainly because of the history of success Pokemon has as a whole. Meanwhile, Chaotic is still relatively new and not much time has passed enough to see if it is a card game that can stand the test of time or if it is simply a fad. It feels more like a fad to me, at the moment anyway.

Ozone Shakespeare said:
I thought it would be able to eclipse Pokemon as the #1 best-selling CCG very easily in the USA, because of how fast the CCG was growing in popularity and the reported sell-outs are real proof of that.

I thought that part of that growth in popularity had to do with the online play. Regardless, things can seem quite popular at one moment and then fizzle out into relatively successes. That's why they're called fads. Yes, Choatic's growth in popularity is surprising, but I don't think that it is strong enough ot eclipse Pokemon sales.

Undrave said:
The question is...can it keep at it for the long haul? The World of Warcraft TCG had a rather explosive start in some market...but now... I don't really see it getting as much attention...and that franchise was bigger than Chaotic.

I just don't get the appeal of that game... I mean the fact you can play with variable number of monsters sounds interesting on paper, but in practice it means having to design multiple decks, one for each configuration, to be the most effective and be able to handle any challenge... its a bit bothersome.

That's what I was thinking of too. Sure, Chaotic is doing quite nicely for itself, but we don't know if that will last long enough for it to not be a fad card game. I think that its only been out for less than or close to a year's time. I didn't know that World of Warcraft had a card game, but it isn't too surprising considering that franchise's success. I also agree with you about the game. Parts of it may sound interesting in theroy, but I just don't see the appeal of the game. No offense to those who do, but it just doesn't seem that interesting to me. Maybe that's because the card battles in episodes I've seen in the show always bored me. That and I'm pretty much content with playing Yu-Gi-Oh! on my video games.

Blackstar said:
Is Chaotic really "selling like hotcakes"? Because I really haven't heard anyone talking about the show outside of 4Kids, and I've never seen any kids playing the card game (mind you, I rarely, if ever, spend time with any kids).

I was also wondering that myself. I know that reports say how well its doing, but I really don't hear anyone talking about it outside of these forms. In fact, the only commericals for the game I've ever seen have only been on 4KidsTV and Cartoon Network, but I don't think that they're played often on CN. I also don't see or hear about kids playing the game, but it helps that I don't really spend time with kids or anyone interested in card games, outside of my friend whose really into Yu-Gi-Oh!.

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
Well, just because you don't see kids playing Chaotic doesn't mean it's not selling well. I mean, how often do you hear about the Pokémon or Magic TCGs in your regular day? Sure, it may not be at a Pokémon or Power Rangers popularity level, but the cards are selling well. And it's not 4Kids just boasting about it; ICv2 has reported the same thing.

4Kids also has enormous confidence in the brand, too. Just look at the new animation confirmed for season two. It's spectacular, and they're producing 26 episodes of the show. Meanwhile, TMNT, which has always been at the top for 4Kids, is getting a 13 episode season with what appears to be mediocre animation (at least compared to Chaotic's new style). They wouldn't make such a bold move if the cards weren't selling.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2006
When has America ever made their own tuku shows? Didn't Tokusatsu originate in Japan?

Yes, tokus did originate in Japan and tokusatsu isn't just all Asian suit-doning crimefighters who fight monsters. In fact, the word "tokusatsu" can apply to any live-action program with special effects, Asian or non-Asian.

And please, let's not have that "Jetix is destroying Toon Disney" discussion again. That is so tired that it's needs to be tucked and kissed goodnight.

I don't think it's being talked about as much as it used to be.:sweat:

Holy Lightning Vortex! Do you EVER stop Ozone? Do you like...wake up screaming in the middle of the night to worry about Chaotic destroying America? Do you take breaks at work/school/whatever just so you can hate Chaotic and 4Kids some more?

Since 4Kids has almost always rely on licensed/acquired IPs for their cash and has mishandled their foreign acquisitions in the past, it's indeed normal to worry about much money they make all the time from those properties.:yawn:

I thought that part of that growth in popularity had to do with the online play. Regardless, things can seem quite popular at one moment and then fizzle out into relatively successes. That's why they're called fads. Yes, Choatic's growth in popularity is surprising, but I don't think that it is strong enough ot eclipse Pokemon sales.

Yes, the online plays had something to do with the CCG's popularity but the sellouts are also a huge part of it.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Ozone Shakespeare said:
Yes, tokus did originate in Japan and tokusatsu isn't just all Asian suit-doning crimefighters who fight monsters. In fact, the word "tokusatsu" can apply to any live-action program with special effects, Asian or non-Asian.

In Japan, sure, but here in the West labeling shows like Buffy and Battlestar Galactica 'tokusetsu' would be like calling Avatar and The Venture Brothers 'anime'. In the Eastern definition of the term it's correct, but in the Western definition, it's not.

Unless you're from Japan or in Japan, it's best to reserve the Japanese terminology for the shows of Japanese origin, as doing otherwise only serves to confuse newbies and annoy elitists.

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
Final K6-11 Ratings for Saturday, June 21, 2008 Broadcast Networks only (Live + SD Data):

CW (Kids' WB!) 1.1/6 Avg.
FOX (4Kids TV) 1.0/5 Avg.
ABC 0.9/4 Avg.

7:00 AM

Will & Dewitt 0.2 (CW)

7:30 AM
Magi Nation 0.5 (CW)

8:00 AM
Tom & Jerry Tales 1.0 (CW)
Viva Pinata 0.4 (4Kids)

8:30 AM
Tom & Jerry Tales 1.2 (CW)
Viva Pinata 0.7 (4Kids)

9:00 AM
Tom and Jerry Tales 1.4 (CW)
TMNT 1.0 (4Kids)
The Emperor's New School 0.5 (ABC)

9:30 AM
Chaotic 1.4 (CW)
TMNT 1.3 (4Kids)
The Replacements 0.8 (ABC)

10:00 AM
Spectacular Spider-Man 1.4 (CW)
Sonic X 1.3 (4Kids)
That's So Raven 1.0 (ABC)

10:30 AM
TMNT Fast Forward 1.4 (CW)
Dinosaur King 1.3 (4Kids)
That's So Raven 1.2 (ABC)

11:00 AM
Kirby 1.3 (4Kids)
Hannah Montana 1.3 (ABC)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX 0.9 (CW)

11:30 AM
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody 1.3 (ABC)
Winx Club 0.9 (4Kids)
The Batman 0.9 (CW)

12:00 PM
Power Rangers Jungle Fury 0.6 (ABC)

12:30 PM
Power Rangers Jungle Fury 0.3 (ABC)

Man, this is a pretty close race between the two 4Kids blocks. The CW4Kids just barely beat out 4Kids TV with their Tom & Jerry ---> Chaotic ---> Spider-Man ---> TMNT lineup, but the TMNT ---> Sonic X ---> Dinosaur King ---> Kirby lineup is also doing surprisingly well, considering we're in summer rerun mode.

Some 4Kids.tv updates:

- Sneak peaks from CW4Kids shows are streaming in the Watch section. Also, 4Kids has started to upload previous kidswb.com mini-games to their Play section.

- 4Kids is hosting the Top 10 Moments in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, like they did with Sonic X and Yu-Gi-Oh! earlier this year. Go here to watch the duels and vote.

And on a side note, I've started watching GX again, and I find the dub music terribly addicting. It's probably the only one of 4Kids soundtracks that I like listening to.


Mar 18, 2007
Apparently this guy thinks after 4KidsTV has left Fox channels across the nation, FoxKids will return.

Just look at the comments.

BTW "4Kids TV Last Stand"? They turned KidsWB into lebensraum.
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Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I'm kind of surprised that they're having a top ten countdown for GX, but I guess that they want to make an event like this so that more people would watch the episodes on CW4Kids and on their website. That looks like fun. I was hoping for a couple of duels to make the list, but it seems like a decent one. I should watch those episodes for the heck of it and for the voting, even though I'm leading towards the Graduation Match at this point. I also agree with you D Dubbs about the dub music for GX. I often find it really cacthy to listen to as I watch the episodes.


Justice must be served!
Nov 11, 2003
Odessa, TX
I'm a little surprised with the GX rating on the CW. It was basically the same as it was on 4Kids. On the other hand, their FOX line-up is doing better than before, which might make them reconsider letting FOX go after this year.

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
I'm a little surprised with the GX rating on the CW. It was basically the same as it was on 4Kids. On the other hand, their FOX line-up is doing better than before, which might make them reconsider letting FOX go after this year.

A bunch of possibilities for the lowness of GX:
  • It's in reruns
  • Kids were looking for it on 4Kids TV
  • They started at episode 144, which is in the middle of an arc with a ton of back-story
I assume they're doing these five weeks of repeats so kids are able to figure out what channel the show is on before new episodes start again.

As for renewing the contract with FOX...eh, the ratings are good, but they're not really that good. When 4Kids TV starts getting in the 2.0s, then we'll talk.


Look skyward
Jun 9, 2008
Yeah, I'd wait until the fall seasons start up again before looking closely at how the two blocks are doing. Both of them are basically in summer rerun mode. Even if the Chaotic, FF, and GX episodes are new to the CW they're still old episodes.

The third season of GX probably more or less killed the show's ratings though. It has too many episodes in the season and they're all one long continuous story, unlike the first two seasons, which makes it really hard to jump into withoutwondering what the hell's going on. You can't miss very many episodes without getting lost, and there's over 50 and they didn't get rerun either except for these few weeks. And the show changed networks twice this season already, so that probably just added to the confusion.

I'm expecting 5D's to do quite a bit better than GX in the fall because of this. I think GX will probably disappear right after it finishes airing its last season.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Yeah, I'd wait until the fall seasons start up again before looking closely at how the two blocks are doing. Both of them are basically in summer rerun mode. Even if the Chaotic, FF, and GX episodes are new to the CW they're still old episodes.

The third season of GX probably more or less killed the show's ratings though. It has too many episodes in the season and they're all one long continuous story, unlike the first two seasons, which makes it really hard to jump into withoutwondering what the hell's going on. You can't miss very many episodes without getting lost, and there's over 50 and they didn't get rerun either except for these few weeks. And the show changed networks twice this season already, so that probably just added to the confusion.

I'm expecting 5D's to do quite a bit better than GX in the fall because of this. I think GX will probably disappear right after it finishes airing its last season.

I don't think that the third season of GX has too many episodes. If I recall correctly, all of the seasons have fifty-two episodes, with the exception of the fourth season because that one was shorten. It is one long continuous story, but I kind of like that. Season two was awesome and I did like how it had some side stories along with the main storyline, but I don't see how that would make it any less confusing for those who just literally start watching the show in the middle of this season. Granted, since this season is closer to being over and that would make a lot of new viewers confused, but I think that most people would be confused jumping right into the middle of either of the past seasons. Probably not as much, but they would be still wondering what the heck is going on. If that happens, and it probably has, they would most likely just look up episode guides and summaries to see what has happened. Provided that they're interested enough that is.

Techincally, pretty much the first half of this season did have repeats, but that was because of 4KidsTV aired it not too long after CN started airing the season. Part of the repeat problem also had to do with how GX didn't get a repeat slot along with a premier slot. That was most likely due to how it wasn't doing as well as its other shows and they probably wanted to give more attention to their other shows. I do agree with you that the change in networks does add on to the confusion. That's most likely why 4Kids decided to have repeats for a few weeks so that people could catch up and understand what was going on, instead of going straight to new episodes and making new viewers completely confused.

I don't think that GX will disappear completely once its done with its next season. The chances are good that they'll take it off their block, but I think that the chances are good that it will at least stay on their website for people to watch episodes. I think that the ratings will probably improve once the new episodes start again in a few weeks. Most likely by then, new viewers might find it more interesting and the returning viewers will find out that the show changed networks again and find it on the CW4Kids.


Look skyward
Jun 9, 2008
I don't think that the third season of GX has too many episodes. If I recall correctly, all of the seasons have fifty-two episodes, with the exception of the fourth season because that one was shorten. It is one long continuous story, but I kind of like that. Season two was awesome and I did like how it had some side stories along with the main storyline, but I don't see how that would make it any less confusing for those who just literally start watching the show in the middle of this season. Granted, since this season is closer to being over and that would make a lot of new viewers confused, but I think that most people would be confused jumping right into the middle of either of the past seasons. Probably not as much, but they would be still wondering what the heck is going on. If that happens, and it probably has, they would most likely just look up episode guides and summaries to see what has happened. Provided that they're interested enough that is.

I think the difference is that there are no standalone episodes in Season 3. You could have jumped into Season 1 at any point except maybe during the Sacred Beasts arc, but that was only a portion of the season. The rest of it was, for the most part, opponent-of-the-week.

Season 2 did have a continuous story, but it had a lot more self-contained episodes. Season 3 has none. It just keeps going and going. I like it better that way too, but it's relentless on people trying to get into the series, even with reading episode guides.

By "too many episodes" I mean that there's too many for one continuous story in one season. True, Seasons 1 and 2 were just as long, but they also had plenty of standalone episodes that you could miss and it wouldn't matter at all. Whereas in Season 3, you can't afford to miss much. Seasons 1 and 2 also had a lot more airings of their episodes, too, with weekday airings no less, so having a high episode count helped in that area. Airing only once a week for Season 3 most of the time can be pretty brutal.

I don't think that GX will disappear completely once its done with its next season. The chances are good that they'll take it off their block, but I think that the chances are good that it will at least stay on their website for people to watch episodes. I think that the ratings will probably improve once the new episodes start again in a few weeks. Most likely by then, new viewers might find it more interesting and the returning viewers will find out that the show changed networks again and find it on the CW4Kids.

Oh yeah, I definitely think it will stay on the website, but I think once it's finished it'll be yanked off the block right away and be replaced by maybe Dinosaur King, if that's ever moving over, or a second airing of one of the top-rated shows like Spider-Man.

GX will probably get a bit of a bump in the ratings but I still think 5D's will be a bigger success in the fall. GX has been around for a few years and is in its home stretch whereas 5D's will be off to a fresh start.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2006
Apparently this guy thinks after 4KidsTV has left Fox channels across the nation, FoxKids will return.

Just look at the comments.

BTW "4Kids TV Last Stand"? They turned KidsWB into lebensraum.

Unfortunately, he's actually wrong.:shrug:

Anyways, how close both CW4Kids and the Fox 4Kids lineup are ratings-wise should've been surprising, but having completely different shows from each other does kinda help, I guess.:sweat:
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Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I think the difference is that there are no standalone episodes in Season 3. You could have jumped into Season 1 at any point except maybe during the Sacred Beasts arc, but that was only a portion of the season. The rest of it was, for the most part, opponent-of-the-week.

Season 2 did have a continuous story, but it had a lot more self-contained episodes. Season 3 has none. It just keeps going and going. I like it better that way too, but it's relentless on people trying to get into the series, even with reading episode guides.

By "too many episodes" I mean that there's too many for one continuous story in one season. True, Seasons 1 and 2 were just as long, but they also had plenty of standalone episodes that you could miss and it wouldn't matter at all. Whereas in Season 3, you can't afford to miss much. Seasons 1 and 2 also had a lot more airings of their episodes, too, with weekday airings no less, so having a high episode count helped in that area. Airing only once a week for Season 3 most of the time can be pretty brutal.

That's a good point about the stand alone episodes. Season one had plenty of those. Practically the first half of season one was full of stand alone episodes that new viewers could miss and still have a decent feeling of what would be going on during the Sacred Beast arc, which was pretty much the second half of season one. Season two didn't have as many stand alone episodes. There were more episodes for like side stories during the season to go along with the main storyline of the Society of Light. Such as Aster's backstory with finding the last Destiny Hero card that his father made, Zane's choice to become Hell Kaiser, as he's called in the Japanese version, Syrus' conflict with Tyranno and his conflict with Zane's transformation. Those episodes weren't part of the main storyline, but they were important parts of the season.

I still prefer season two over season three because of those different side stories that gave the spotlight to other characters, but I still love the dark continious storyline of season three. I do agree that it does make it harder for new viewers to get into the new season, but I don't think that it would be too hard for them if they read episode summaries or watched the episodes through other means, if they prefer doing that instead.

mumbo said:
Oh yeah, I definitely think it will stay on the website, but I think once it's finished it'll be yanked off the block right away and be replaced by maybe Dinosaur King, if that's ever moving over, or a second airing of one of the top-rated shows like Spider-Man.

GX will probably get a bit of a bump in the ratings but I still think 5D's will be a bigger success in the fall. GX has been around for a few years and is in its home stretch whereas 5D's will be off to a fresh start.

I think that the chances of GX being taken off the block once its done is pretty good, but it really depends what 4Kids wants on their block and what they want to promote more. Dinosaur King will probably move to the CW4Kids after they're done with their block on FOX, unless they renew that contract with FOX. I also think that you have a point about 5D's having better ratings in the fall. I don't think that will happen right away since it can take awhile for a show to gain a strong following of viewers, but it could get a good amount of an audience once it gets established. On the other hand, GX has aired for a few years and thus has at least a decent following of viewers for their audience. So, only time will tell what they'll do with GX and how 5D's will do in the fall.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2003
Final K6-11 Ratings for Saturday, June 21, 2008 Broadcast Networks only (Live + SD Data):

CW (Kids' WB!) 1.1/6 Avg.
FOX (4Kids TV) 1.0/5 Avg.
ABC 0.9/4 Avg.

7:00 AM

Will & Dewitt 0.2 (CW)

7:30 AM
Magi Nation 0.5 (CW)

8:00 AM
Tom & Jerry Tales 1.0 (CW)
Viva Pinata 0.4 (4Kids)

8:30 AM
Tom & Jerry Tales 1.2 (CW)
Viva Pinata 0.7 (4Kids)

9:00 AM
Tom and Jerry Tales 1.4 (CW)
TMNT 1.0 (4Kids)
The Emperor's New School 0.5 (ABC)

9:30 AM
Chaotic 1.4 (CW)
TMNT 1.3 (4Kids)
The Replacements 0.8 (ABC)

10:00 AM
Spectacular Spider-Man 1.4 (CW)
Sonic X 1.3 (4Kids)
That's So Raven 1.0 (ABC)

10:30 AM
TMNT Fast Forward 1.4 (CW)
Dinosaur King 1.3 (4Kids)
That's So Raven 1.2 (ABC)

11:00 AM
Kirby 1.3 (4Kids)
Hannah Montana 1.3 (ABC)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX 0.9 (CW)

11:30 AM
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody 1.3 (ABC)
Winx Club 0.9 (4Kids)
The Batman 0.9 (CW)

12:00 PM
Power Rangers Jungle Fury 0.6 (ABC)

12:30 PM
Power Rangers Jungle Fury 0.3 (ABC)

Man, this is a pretty close race between the two 4Kids blocks. The CW4Kids just barely beat out 4Kids TV with their Tom & Jerry ---> Chaotic ---> Spider-Man ---> TMNT lineup, but the TMNT ---> Sonic X ---> Dinosaur King ---> Kirby lineup is also doing surprisingly well, considering we're in summer rerun mode.

Some 4Kids.tv updates:

- Sneak peaks from CW4Kids shows are streaming in the Watch section. Also, 4Kids has started to upload previous kidswb.com mini-games to their Play section.

- 4Kids is hosting the Top 10 Moments in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, like they did with Sonic X and Yu-Gi-Oh! earlier this year. Go here to watch the duels and vote.

And on a side note, I've started watching GX again, and I find the dub music terribly addicting. It's probably the only one of 4Kids soundtracks that I like listening to.

Didn't you use to post the ratings for the shows on cable networks alongside the broadcast network shows?

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
Yeah, but I guess I can start doing it again, for the summer anyway. Here's the updated version for this week.

7:00 AM
Jimmy Neutron 0.7 (Nick)
The Wiggles 0.4 (Disney)
Will & Dewitt 0.2 (CW)

7:30 AM
Jimmy Neutron 1.0 (Nick)
George of the Jungle 0.6 (CN)
Magi Nation 0.5 (CW)
Johnny and the Sprites 0.4 (Disney)

8:00 AM
Fairly OddParents 1.5 (Nick)
Tom & Jerry Tales 1.0 (CW)
Flapjack 0.9 (CN)
Bunnytown 0.5 (Disney)
Viva Pinata 0.4 (FOX)

8:30 AM
Fairly OddParents 1.5 (Nick)
Tom & Jerry Tales 1.4 (CW)
Chowder 1.1 (CN)
Viva Pinata 0.7 (FOX)
My Friends Tigger & Pooh 0.5 (Disney)

9:00 AM
SpongeBob SquarePants 2.2 (Nick)
1.4 (CW)
TMNT 1.0 (FOX)
Blue Dragon 0.8 (CN)
Mickey Mouse Club House 0.7 (Disney)
The Emperor's New School 0.5 (ABC)

9:30 AM
SpongeBob SquarePants 2.5 (Nick)
Spectacular Spider-Man 1.4 (CW)
TMNT 1.3 (FOX)
Mickey Mouse Club House 0.9 (Disney) & Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl Battle Dimension 0.9 (CN)
The Replacements 0.8 (ABC)

10:00 AM
Back at the Barnyard 2.5 (Nick)
Spectacular Spider-Man 1.4 (CW)
Sonic X 1.3 (FOX)
Ben 10: Alien Force 1.1 (CN)
That's So Raven 1.0 (ABC)
Handy Manny 0.8 (Disney)

10:30 AM
Mighty B! 2.3 (Nick)
TMNT Fast Forward 1.4 (CW)
Dinosaur King 1.3 (FOX)

That's So Raven 1.2 (ABC)
Transformers: Animated 1.0 (CN)
Little Einsteins 0.8 (Disney)

11:00 AM
SpongeBob SquarePants 2.8 (Nick)
Kirby 1.3 (FOX) & Hannah Montana 1.3 (ABC)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX 0.9 (CW)
Bakugan 0.8 (CN)
Higglytown Heroes 0.6 (Disney)

11:30 AM
SpongeBob SquarePants 2.5 (Nick)
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody 1.3 (ABC)
Robotboy 1.0 (CN)

Winx Club 0.9 (4Kids) &
The Batman 0.9 (CW)
Charlie and Lola 0.8 (Disney)

12:00 PM
SpongeBob SquarePants 2.5 (Nick)
Get A Clue 1.1 (Disney)
Ben 10: Alien Force 1.0 (CN)
Power Rangers Jungle Fury 0.6 (ABC)

12:30 PM
SpongeBob SquarePants 2.5 (Nick)
Get A Clue 1.1 (Disney)
Ben 10: Alien Force 1.0 (CN)
Power Rangers Jungle Fury 0.3 (ABC)

As you can see, both 4Kids blocks are particularly strong during the 9 AM to 11 AM time period. Everything else is a mixed bag, though.
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