Generator Rex - "The Day That Everything Changed" - Talkback [4/23]

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Feb 8, 2010
Generator Rex was enjoyable but there are so many similarities to Ben 10 that it hinders it slightly in my opinion, I mean, the main character acts similar to Ben and the animation is almost dead on similar (I know both were created by MOA), so I hope it can gain it's own identity. More similarities would be the monkey thing that hangs around Rex is kind of his "guidence" similar to Max or Gwen helping Ben out with guidence, thats kind of minor but worth mentioning, another similarity is that Rex changes himself into different things similar to how Ben changes himself into aliens. I'm not saying that the show is a complete rip-off or clone, but it has it's vice's, I just hope that it can continue to tell a good story and lay a path of it's own so it can find the kind of success it deserves.

On a final note, did anyone else think that the main villain looked an awful lot like Naruto's Orochimaru....?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
I finally saw the full episode. Awesome stuff. Vary dark type of time. And the villain voice is so awesome. I have heard that voice before and this guy does a great job.

So Rex's new friend is a spy who was plant to randomly meet Rex, I wonder if Rex will ever find out.

I said before the villain on Ultimate Alien reminded me of a Homunculi, maybe I take that back a bit, these villains at least the henchmen remind me of them. Right down to their eatting habbits. Speaking of my prior about Ultimate Alien, maybe this show can do the villain subdonates anime format. And maybe some more deep character development. Either Rex changes them back to normal or learn a little about them and their tragic backstory before they die at the hands of their comrades or Van Kleiss himself.

And there is something in the past between Agent Six and Dr. Holiday. What it is, can't wait to find out. Something tells me something tragic happened to Agent Six.
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...I don't even know anymore.
Jan 14, 2009
Outside your window >:)
Considering I wasn't too excited about this, I had a great time with this first episode, I really liked all the characters espcially Bobo who reminds me of Hellboy to a degree.

I said before the villain on Ultimate Alien reminded me of a Homunculi, maybe I take that back a bit, these villains at least the henchmen remind me of them. Right down to their eatting habbits.
Straight up, hell Van Kleiss is almost a expy on Father.


kiva fan
May 23, 2005
Generator Rex was enjoyable but there are so many similarities to Ben 10 that it hinders it slightly in my opinion, I mean, the main character acts similar to Ben and the animation is almost dead on similar (I know both were created by MOA), so I hope it can gain it's own identity. More similarities would be the monkey thing that hangs around Rex is kind of his "guidence" similar to Max or Gwen helping Ben out with guidence, thats kind of minor but worth mentioning, another similarity is that Rex changes himself into different things similar to how Ben changes himself into aliens. I'm not saying that the show is a complete rip-off or clone, but it has it's vice's, I just hope that it can continue to tell a good story and lay a path of it's own so it can find the kind of success it deserves.

On a final note, did anyone else think that the main villain looked an awful lot like Naruto's Orochimaru....?

The only thing i see on Rex being similar to Ben is being annoying and nothing else, the rest is just different except that the nanites don't work often just like the watch but fully recovers later.

And no.....i don't see the villain look like Orochimaru but if it is then Man of Action should try to be more creative when they try making up villains and don't go all "Naruto". That's what worries me that they are going to add some "Naruto" stuff like in Ben 10, would liked that they made some homages like X-Men or even Hellboy.

Hope they don't end up like Nick Simmons, not saying they are copying characters from other shows but if they are basing their characters from another show they should come up with something of their own.


R.I.P Tangath Toborn
Sep 10, 2009
Generator Rex was enjoyable but there are so many similarities to Ben 10 that it hinders it slightly in my opinion, I mean, the main character acts similar to Ben and the animation is almost dead on similar (I know both were created by MOA), so I hope it can gain it's own identity. More similarities would be the monkey thing that hangs around Rex is kind of his "guidence" similar to Max or Gwen helping Ben out with guidence, thats kind of minor but worth mentioning, another similarity is that Rex changes himself into different things similar to how Ben changes himself into aliens. I'm not saying that the show is a complete rip-off or clone, but it has it's vice's, I just hope that it can continue to tell a good story and lay a path of it's own so it can find the kind of success it deserves.

On a final note, did anyone else think that the main villain looked an awful lot like Naruto's Orochimaru....?

Yeah, he had the slender face that kind of reminded me of Orochimaru, but thats the only trait I see thats somewhat similar. Generator Rex was fun, I hope it gains a solid fanbase and I really hope it becomes a hit for CN, I just see a lot of potential in it and the first episode was a step in the right direction.


Sophomore member
Oct 25, 2008
Silicon Valley, CA
Generator Rex was enjoyable but there are so many similarities to Ben 10 that it hinders it slightly in my opinion, I mean, the main character acts similar to Ben and the animation is almost dead on similar (I know both were created by MOA)...

Well, I thought the animation in Generator Rex was smoother and more detailed than the rather flat, stilted look of Ben 10. I noticed some of the scenes were bathed in a piercingly bright light that really got to me.

Also, it's too bad Bobo wasn't chomping on a cigar throughout the episode as he was portrayed in the concept art.


not like those other old guys
Feb 26, 2002
Yeah I got a Orochimaru vibe from Van but he looks just as much like Nathan Explosion as Oro if you think about it. Or a number of other guys. Though Man of Action did slip some Naruto designs into Ben 10 I suppose.

Rex doesn't seem like that much of a jerk to me. Just a bit mis-understood and perhaps a bit cocky but also seemingly very self-conscious when he's fighting.

His friend actually being a "plant" is kind of interesting.

Overall I liked it. It could have been better but it was still pretty good and I'm interested enough to watch more of it. Still hopefully Rex improves as a character at least a bit as the series progresses.


Head of HATE
Sep 27, 2005
I actually liked his friend being a set-up, it was a nice twist. I just expected him to be the generic normal human friend for Rex.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
Well if the White Knight is going through enough trouble to hire someone to be Rex's friend, who says it will stop there. Maybe he will hire some girl to be Rex's girlfriend. Of course that is like using an escort service. Actully it would be good to have more hired friends, maybe one starts to questions their deceptions of Rex to the other.

I hope to see Van Kleiss' subordnet's get their own individual episodes and get their characters fleshed out more. They can try to convert Rex to Van Kleiss' side and Rex can try to turn them normal and convince them that Van Kleiss is bad. Especially see some character protential in the girl. She looks the most human of them all.

I wasn't pay attention, but after reading the Toon Zone review, how was Rex's reaction to the dead soldiers? I have to see it again, I was paying attention to the dead soldiers, so I didn't notice his reaction, but according to the TZ reviewer his reaction was as if it was no big deal. If so, I tell you this he needs to learn a thing or two. I know for sure in the situation characters like Naruto, Edward Elric, Zac Saturday, they would have known the saverity and importance of someone sacrifising their life for them.
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kiva fan
May 23, 2005
Well if the White Knight is going through enough trouble to hire someone to be Rex's friend, who says it will stop there. Maybe he will hire some girl to be Rex's girlfriend. Of course that is like using an escort service. Actually it would be good to have more hired friends, maybe one starts to questions their deceptions of Rex to the other.
Nah, that is Circe's job to be Rex's girlfriend. Want to see the real intention for White Knight on hiring someone to be Rex's friend, probably he has some type of top secret project that might involve Rex or someone else that might have superior powers than Rex.


What would Doyle do?
Nov 10, 2009
A good series, but I really need to question to existence of those Providence trooper guys. They've been shown to be nothing but useless in a fight, good only for giving nice shots to the media of guys bravely firing small-caliber weapons against huge monsters before the camera cuts away so nobody sees them being slaughtered. I'm hoping that the show features situations where they actually make themselves useful, because they're looking a lot like Imperial Stormtroopers right now.

Nice introduction episode though. The series looks like it has a good scope and premise and a good team working it, so I'll be happy to see where it goes from here. :)


Mar 18, 2007
I think you guys are forgetting Rex has been in captivity since the age of 10.. since the events of the Nanite Incident. He has to be lacking some social norms.. you can see this when he didn't care that the people he befriended were using him.. or when he was willing to go with the bad guys to VK's lair. This has to be another reason why he is so obnoxious too.. he has been in a box for 5 years with only a ball and a monkey. There are subtle yet complex thing going on in this show..

He has been treated as a tool since the age of 10.. How is he supposed to know about death and the larger implications of his actions? He has been treating everything like a game.. while six and the doctor seem to know how serious everything really is..


kiva fan
May 23, 2005
He has been treated as a tool since the age of 10.. How is he supposed to know about death and the larger implications of his actions? He has been treating everything like a game.. while six and the doctor seem to know how serious everything really is..

I think he knows, i mean come on! Holiday might teach him in those 5 years about many things and i think they have talk about life and death, the problem is that Rex might not had witness it in person or probably he did but we can't be sure what happened to him as a kid.

Rex is like Hellboy(from the movies) he's just tired on hanging in that place and want to go out, explore the world, meet people.....even if it comes to face dangerous foes.
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Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this was pretty good first episode to the series. Rex is kind of annoying with his attitude, but it actually doesn't bother me as much as Ben's attitude in season three of Alien Force. It probably helps that I feel kind of bad for Rex with being treated like a weapon by most everyone at Providence and having some paid to be his friend. The artwork looked really cool though, but Rex and Noah don't really look like fifteen year olds to me.

Anyway, while playing around with the villain possibly being a good guy or in the gray area would have been nice, I'm not surprised that they went right in with the fighting. I thought that it was a cool twist that the villain was a part of the earth, especially when he pretty much came back to life.

So far, it seems like it could be a really enjoyable show. I'm hoping that Rex will go beyond his current attitude and become more likable as the series progresses.


How To Train Your Dragon LOVER
Oct 7, 2009
Oh My, I really liked it. But i think Rex' Perents are Aganet six and Dr. Holiday, i mean come on. I SOO see it, and i am SOOO good at see stuff like that. I knew Zak from Secert Saturdays was Kur from the first few episodes.:D


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
Oh My, I really liked it. But i think Rex' Perents are Aganet six and Dr. Holiday, i mean come on. I SOO see it, and i am SOOO good at see stuff like that. I knew Zak from Secert Saturdays was Kur from the first few episodes.:D

I don't know about that. Six is possible though I doubt it very much. As someone said earlier of Dr. Holiday being a little too old for Rex romanticly, I think equally she is too young to be his mother. She looks like she is in her twentys to me.

Here is what I think is the nature of Six and Holiday's relationship. I think there is no romantic past. They have known each other for a long time, like I said before I think Six has a tragic past, and that tragity is his wife and kid(s) were killed 5 years ago when everything went down. Holiday knows about that as well, and as friend is concerned about him, but he locks her emotional away. I have seen male and female characters that are co workers that share a deep bond, respect and care deeply for one another and have no romance involved. It doesn't all have to be about romance.
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Feb 8, 2010
United States
What I want to know is why did the providence pick up Rex? I mean, how would they know he had the potential too grow machines out of his body? I mean, unless Rex showed his power to them when he was 10. I think that Agent 6 maybe an uncle or some sort of relative to Rex as well.


Genderbending=Awesomeness !
Jun 13, 2009
In the Lone Star State!
Oh My, I really liked it. But i think Rex' Perents are Aganet six and Dr. Holiday, i mean come on. I SOO see it, and i am SOOO good at see stuff like that. I knew Zak from Secert Saturdays was Kur from the first few episodes.:D

Noticed that too! (Well not Zak Saturday because I didn't really catch the Secret Saturdays) But have to agree with you and zoombie as well.

Bigchill said:
What I want to know is why did the providence pick up Rex? I mean, how would they know he had the potential too grow machines out of his body? I mean, unless Rex showed his power to them when he was 10. I think that Agent 6 maybe an uncle or some sort of relative to Rex as well.

I have no idea but I don't think Agent Six is his uncle because he said he'll keep looking for his past. Wonder if he got amnesia from the explosion.

Well, I'm into the show and there is going to be lots of questions to answer once more episodes air. But the answers will be answered in the show itself, not kept like the secret of how one of the Ed's has something under his hat.


not like those other old guys
Feb 26, 2002
I wasn't pay attention, but after reading the Toon Zone review, how was Rex's reaction to the dead soldiers? I have to see it again, I was paying attention to the dead soldiers, so I didn't notice his reaction, but according to the TZ reviewer his reaction was as if it was no big deal. If so, I tell you this he needs to learn a thing or two. I know for sure in the situation characters like Naruto, Edward Elric, Zac Saturday, they would have known the saverity and importance of someone sacrifising their life for them.

As they were running away and Agent Six he Rex said he was surprised they only sent Six because he expect them to send an army after him. Six responds "they did" as they come upon the group of dead soldiers. Rex does seem to take a moment to lament before Six tells him not to dwell on it and keep moving. So I think Rex did understand what happened and was grateful for their sacrifice or was at least sorry that they're dead because of him.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
As they were running away and Agent Six he Rex said he was surprised they only sent Six because he expect them to send an army after him. Six responds "they did" as they come upon the group of dead soldiers. Rex does seem to take a moment to lament before Six tells him not to dwell on it and keep moving. So I think Rex did understand what happened and was grateful for their sacrifice or was at least sorry that they're dead because of him.

Well if that is the case, why is the reviewer being so hard on Rex? He is just doing what Six is telling him to do. What do you want him to do? Give the kid a break.

But as far as Rex arrogant attitude goes (which I am not sure I consider arrogant anyway, maybe he is more entusastic about his job), or arrogant heros like Ben Tennison, my earlier character examples Naruto, Edward, and Zac, they all show that is possible to have self confidence and sure of their ability without being arrogant, and also be very entertaining awesome heros. I am not sure Rex falls into that arrogant category anyway, but just saying to these writers, it is not mandatory for their protagonist to be ego manacs to be fun characters.


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