Great "Simpsons" Quotes

Classic Speedy

Alllllll righty then
Staff member
May 13, 2003
From Homer to the Max:

"The whole town's laughing at me. Even that cat out there! Bart, kill that cat!" And later in the exchange...

"But while I'm gone, keep an eye on that weird-looking kid down there."
"Yeah, (air quotes) 'Bart'."

From Funeral for a Fiend:

"He ordered prank pizzas to 888 Poopy Pants Lane. Everyone knows Poopy Pants Lane ends in the 700 block!"

^ Love how there's actually a street in Springfield with such a name.

From The Debarted:

"The rat who told you about my rat, was also a rat."
"It was rats, within rats! Which was also me dinner last night."

From Homerazzi:

"Hey! He's trying to make me look like a bad father!" (as Maggie is hung from his car mirror)

^ Ya think?

From Crook and Ladder:

"Sir, how do you feel knowing that nobody is coming to save you?"
"Not as angry as knowing somewhere out there, gays are marrying each other. That's the real emergency, Kent!"
"Once again, crisis has brought out the best in us."

From Please Homer Don't Hammer 'Em:

(regarding women) "The only thing women are good at building is credit card debt!"

^ Wow, how incredibly sexist. But funny, given that Marge is hearing all this and how exaggerated Lenny said it.

From Bart's Girlfriend:


^ I love how the guy in the car makes a point to say the whole sentence before he passes Bart.

From A Milhouse Divided:

"Marge and I have one thing that can never be broken: a strong marriage built on a solid foundation of routine."

^ Once again, superlative marital advice from Homer.

From Lisa vs. Mailbu Stacey:

"Do we sell... "frenched... fries"?!"

From D'oh-in' in the Wind:

"Put some damn pants on, and then pull 'em down! 'Cause it's time for a spanking!"

From Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk:
Horst: Homer, could ve have a word with you?
Homer: No.
Horst: I must have phrased that badly. My English is, how you say, inelegant. I meant to say, may we have a brief friendly chat.
Homer: No.
Horst: Once again, I have failed. (gets out a translation book) We request the pleasure of your company for a free exchange of ideas.
Homer: (screams and runs out)

^ I love how Horst assumes that because Homer doesn't want to talk with him, it's because of his so-called "poor" English.

From The Twisted World of Marge Simpson:

"You could call 'em Whitey Whackers!"

J. B. Warner

Increasing my wordiness
Nov 20, 2003
Anywhere you're not
From Funeral for a Fiend:

"He ordered prank pizzas to 888 Poopy Pants Lane. Everyone knows Poopy Pants Lane ends in the 700 block!"

^ Love how there's actually a street in Springfield with such a name.

It'd be funnier if it wasn't stolen from "Futurama" ("They sent us on a delivery to Dogdoo VIII, but the universe ends after Dogdoo VII!").


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
Well with Futurama gone so long they probably wanted to use it again for people that didn't like the series.


Sep 7, 2009
United States
Kent Brockman: "Hear that? That is the sound of children's laughter... silenced."

Grandpa: "Ooh, I can't wait to eat that monkey."

"Pray. For. Mojo."

Girly Edition

Classic Speedy

Alllllll righty then
Staff member
May 13, 2003
^ I can't believe you didn't mention the funniest line in the episode:

"Good luck, kids. (to stagehand) WHERE THE HELL'S MY GRILLED CHEESE?!"

Just the fact that Brockman gets that riled up over a grilled cheese sandwich, and that he yells this right in front of the kids, is hilarious.

Anyway, more faves:

From Homer Bad Man:

"So, you don't like them old time bikes, eh?" (kicks Homer)

From Girls Just Want to Have Sums:

"Lisa: (as Jake) Did you know a girl named Lisa Simpson?
Milhouse: Lisa? Oh yeah, we totally had a thing, but I had to break it off.
Lisa: (as Jake, slipping into Lisa) What the HELL are you talking about?!
Milhouse: She got too clingy. Milhouse doesn't do clingy."

^ It's rare to see Milhouse in this form, even if he's completely full of it.

From Lisa the Iconoclast:

"Can you open my milk, mommy?"
"I'm not mommy, Ralph. I'm Miss Hoover."

From The Wife Aquatic:

"Fisherman: We brought them in by the boatload day and night. Then one day, they were gone.
Lisa: Maybe you just over fished them.
Fisherman: Maybe they under-spawn.
Lisa: Maybe you killed them all!
Fisherman: Maybe the fish killed themselves!
Lisa: Maybe you should be ashamed of yourself!
Fisherman: Maybe YOU should marry Milhouse! (Lisa gasps) Yeah, that's right, I know about Milhouse!"

From Pranksta Rap:

"If you say anything, I'll tell everyone you wet your pants during Harry Potter."
"I WASN'T scared! I was just peeing!"

^ And an "incontinence problem" is any better to admit? :p

From Lisa's Rival:
"Lisa, stop blowing my sex- I mean, stop blowing your sax! Your sax. Stop it."

^ Wow, that's a... surprisingly adult line there. I'm surprised they got away with it.

From Last Exit to Springfield:

"We don't have to be adversaries, Homer. We both want a fair union contract.
"Why is Mr. Burns being so nice to me?"
"And if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."
"Wait a minute. Is he coming onto me?"
"I mean, if I should slip something into your pocket, what's the harm?"
"My God! He IS coming onto me!"
"After all, negotiations make strange bedfellows." (Homer screams in his mind)

From Bart's Inner Child:

"If elected mayor, my first order of business would be to kill the whole lot of ya and burn yer town to cinders! (guy whispers into his ear about the mic) I know it's on!"

^ Willie's delivery makes this funny. Funnily enough, the "kill the whole lot of ya" bit was used in a Willie Quake 3 mod. So appropriate.

From They Saved Lisa's Brain:

"Not only are the trains now running on time, they’re running on metric time. Remember this moment, people: 80 past 2 on April 47th: It's the dawn of an enlightened Springfield."

^ The concept is just absurd.

From Mr. Plow:
"You ARE fully bonded and licensed by the city, aren't you, Homer?"
"Shut up, boy..."

^ I love how they didn't bother to edit that bit out of the commercial.

From The Way We Was:

"Homer J. Simpson, I hate you!" (leaves; after a beat, Homer gets on the phone)

^ LOL.

From The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show:

"Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on? Midge, help me out here."

From Treehouse of Horror IX:

"... and the fluffy kitten played with that ball of string all through the night. On a lighter note, a Kwik-E-Mart clerk was brutally murdered last night."

^ What was so dark about a kitten and a ball of string? I guess we'll never know...

From Homer Loves Flanders:
"Give me, er, 30,000 tickets."
"That'll be $950,000 please."
"Look, the thing about that is, I only got $10 on me. Can I pay you the rest later?"

^ Hilarious. And it goes without saying, but this would never happen in real life, making it even funnier.

From Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy:

"Don't mind me, folks, just need to get the old wet-dry vac."

^ How romantic.


isn't crazy, just confused
May 17, 2009
Because I just watched it hours ago...

"Ooh, Poochie is one outrageous dude."
"He's totally in my face!"
"Hey, kids, always recycle... TO THE EXTREME! Bust it!"

"Hi, Poochie. You look like you've got something to say. Do you?"
"Yes, I certainly do!"
"I have to go now. My planet needs me."

-The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show

Monterey Jack

Active Member
Jul 23, 2006
Walpole, MA
"Ooh, Poochie is one outrageous dude."
"He's totally in my face!"
"Hey, kids, always recycle... TO THE EXTREME! Bust it!"

"Hi, Poochie. You look like you've got something to say. Do you?"
"Yes, I certainly do!"
"I have to go now. My planet needs me."

-The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show

My name's Poochie D. / and I rock the telly

I'm half Joe Camel / and a third Fonzerelli

I'm the kung-fu hippie / from gangsta city

I'm a rappin' surfer / you tha fool I pity...!

Classic Speedy

Alllllll righty then
Staff member
May 13, 2003
From Crook and Ladder:

"My baby! My baby!... could do worse than grow up to be like you, sir."

From Brother From Another Series:

"That was Edna Krabappel. You only get one chance with Edna Krabappel, I hope you're happy."

From The Springfield Connection:

"I'll have you know the contents of that dumpster are private! You stick your nose in, you'll be violating attorney-dumpster confidentiality."

From The Last Temptation of Krust:

"So, how about those TV dinners, huh? I tried one the other day! Lightning strikes, the peach cobbler goes out!"

^ So bad it's funny. I also like how Bart is the only one in the whole audience laughing.

From Bart the Mother:

Lisa: I'm pretty sure he's [Bart's] with Milhouse.
Homer: (goes to the window and yells loudly) MILHOUSE!!!
Milhouse: (from far away) What?!
Milhouse: I think he's at Nelson's!

From Make Room For Lisa:
"Sorry, mother, I was driving through a tunnel and my cell phone wouldn't work."
"I don't want you driving through tunnels. You know what that symbolizes."
"But mother, it cuts 90 minutes off my drive!"
"No tunnels!"

From Little Big Mom:

"Lucy McGillicudy Ricardo Carmichael. (coughs) And I think there's some more."

^ Funny joke about how many characters with different last names Lucille Ball's played in sitcoms. (For the record, other last names she used were "Carter" in Here's Lucy and "Barker" in Life With Lucy)

From Bart Gets Hit By a Car:

Many funny Burns quotes in this one, but here are just a few of my favorites:

"Oh for crying out loud, just give him a nickel and let's get going!"

(after Homer rejects Burns's $100 offer) "OH! So EXTORTION is the name of your little game, is it Simpson? Very well. Then you get NOTHING."


(easily heard through the glass) "They hate ME?! Well what trial were you watching?! (a lawyer says something, is barely audible) Oh, settlement. FINE. Hang your heads in shame, you overpriced, underbrained glorified notary publics! Just get that big ape to my house tonight and we'll buy him off with a banana or two!"

"Homer: Mr. Burns, are you trying to get me drunk?
Burns: Yes."

^ Love how flatly he says that.

From Lisa on Ice:

"Attention, this is Principal Skinner, your principal, with a message from the Principal's Office. All students please proceed immediately to an assembly in the Butthead Memorial Auditorium. Dammit, I wish we hadn't let the students name that one."

^ Love how Skinner announces his title several times, as well as the auditorium's name. And the auditorium name is even funnier because they could've easily vetoed the name the students chose, or made a disclaimer that no low brow names be used. So ridiculous.

From Skinner's Sense of Snow:

(regarding the hobgoblin) "Oh, he's been singing for two hours!"

From Treehouse of Horror IV:

"Look at the bus! I was RIGHT, I tell you, I was RIGHT!"
"Right or wrong, your behavior was still disruptive, young man."

^ Just more "by the book" gold from Skinner.

From Little Big Girl:

"Mormon Priest: So how many brides are we marrying today?
Bart: Just the one.
Mormon Priest: Pfft. What are you, gay?"


Sep 7, 2009
United States
Such a great scene from Das Bus. Milhouse is on trial and Nelson is the prosecutor.

Nelson rises from his chair, reading as he is examining a notepad. He paces a few times back and forth in front of Milhouse. Then he starts punching Milhouse.
Nelson: "You liar! You did it! You lying jerk, take that! You did it, you did it!"
Lisa: "Objection! He's not asking any questions."
Bart: "Hmm. I'm gonna allow this."


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
Nelson: Haw Haw next time get DVD
Skinner: This is a DVD
^ Love how the it goes up in flames

Paraphrasing but

Bart: Were Snowed in
Students scream
Nelson: Were going to miss Itchy and Scratchy
Students scream again
Skinner: I fixed The DVD
Students scream in horror

It just got worse


Just singin' the blues
Mar 19, 2004
In the mountains
From Bart on the Road

Nelson slaps Milhouse
Milhouse: Ow Bart! Nelson hit me!
Bart:........He sure did.

At the end of the episode as the credits roll
Phone Rings
Marge: Oh hello Principal Skinner! No Bart has never been to Hong Kong, goodnight. (she hangs up, phone rings again)
Hello? Tennessee State Police? No my sons car was not crushed in Knoxville. I don't know where to begin telling you what's wrong with that.
(Marge hangs up, while Homer starts to hide under the covers, phone rings again)
Hello? No Bart is not available tomorrow to deliver a human kidney to amsterdam.
(Marge hangs up, Homer giggles under the covers)
Homer.........are you laughing at me?



Fourteen Years!
Jun 24, 2001
Glen Cove, NY
Sometimes great quotes don't have to be funny or clever. The earliest seasons of the show (especially season two) have their fair share of incredibly sweet, well written moments that are few and far between these days.

This bit from the end of The Way We Was is especially sweet:

Teenage Homer and Marge sit in her car together, mere hours after Marge had told Homer they were not meant to be, and shortly after Artie Ziff tried to mess with her in his car.

Homer: I've got a problem. Once you stop this car, I'm going to hug you, and kiss you, and then I'll never be able to let you go.

Back in the present...

Homer: And I never have.

Even a ready-to-puke Bart can't hurt the sentiment of the ending here, since his reaction is completely in character. You just know if this episode were made today it would have ended with Nelson suddenly appearing to say, "Haha, you fell in love", Comic Book Guy popping up to say "Sappiest episode ever" or a non sequitur involving ghosts, a celebrity guest voice or Ralph Wiggum.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2002
Some of my favorites off the top of my head:

Apu (in a tired voice): "Thank you, steal again."

Homer: "Ah beer. The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."

Barney (at the film festival): "Don't cry for me...I'm already dead."

Mr. Burns to Smithers: "And don't forget we must find the Jade Monkey, before the next full moon."
Smithers: "But sir, we already found the Jade Monkey."
Burns: "And the *forgot what he said exactly*
Smithers nods
Burns: "Excellent! Everything's falling in to place."


Sep 7, 2009
United States
Homer describing the morning commute

Homer: "Gas, break, honk! Gas, break, honk! Honk, honk, punch! Gas, gas, gas!

From King Size Homer.


Role Model
Jul 7, 2009
Some great quotes and exchanges from another one of my favorite episodes, the fourth season episode Lisa's First Word.

Marge: [Holding bottle] Maggie, can you say ba-ba? Can you say mama?
Bart: Can you say get bent?
Bart: Mister Rogers says it all the time!
He does not.
Maggie, can you say daddy? Daddy?
Marge: Kitty. Kitty.
Be-bop. Be-bop.
Shove it. Shove it.
Did you hear that? She said "burlap"!

Marge: Oh Maggie, when are you going to talk?
Well, don't push her. Remember, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Homer's brain: What does that mean? Better say something or they'll think you're stupid.
Takes one to know one.
Homer's brain: Swish!

Homer: Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Homer's what grownups call me. Call me daddy.
[increasingly irate] Daddy.
Bart: Da...da...da...
D'omer! Hah, hah, hah...
Why you little...[chokes Bart]

Homer: Got your nose! Heh heh heh.
Got your wallet! [flushes down toilet]

Can't sleep, clown'll eat me...Can't sleep, clown'll eat me...

Homer, I think the baby is coming.
Homer: Wow. A baby and a free burger. Could this be the best day of my life?
Next up, an hour-long episode of "Mama's Family".
Homer: Yess!

Marge: According to this magazine, Bart might be jealous of her [Lisa].
Well, Bart can kiss my hairy yellow butt. (A line the censors reportedly objected to, due to it being directed towards Bart, a child.)

I saved this newspaper from the day Lisa was born.
Lisa: "Mondale to Hart: [confused] Where's the beef?"
Bart: "Where's the beef?" What the hell that's supposed to mean?
Heh heh heh heh heh. "Where's the beef"...No wonder he won Minnesota.

Krusty: You people are pigs! I, personally, am going to spit in every fiftieth burger!
I like those odds.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
Marge: According to this magazine, Bart might be jealous of her [Lisa].
Well, Bart can kiss my hairy yellow butt. (A line the censors reportedly objected to, due to it being directed towards Bart, a child.)
One of the best quotes

Classic Speedy

Alllllll righty then
Staff member
May 13, 2003
Some faves from Two Dozen & One Greyhounds, which I recently re-watched in syndication:

"Your cable TV is experiencing difficulties. Please, do not panic. Resist the temptation to read or talk to loved ones. Do not attempt sexual relations, as years of TV radiation have left your genitals withered and useless."
(Wiggum looks under the sheets) "Well I'll be damned."

"Let me try a canine-human mind meld. It's an incredibly rare psychic power possessed only by me, and three other clerks at this store."

^ Mighty suspicious.

"Two bucks to win on number eight. (Marge glares at him) And have you seen my beloved dog? (fakes crying, then quickly) Gimme the ticket."

"Bart: Me and Santa's Little Helper used to be a team, but he never wants to play any more since his b*tch moved in!
Marge: BART! Don't ever say that word again!
Bart: Well that's what she IS. I looked it up.
Marge: Well I'm going to write the dictionary people and have that checked. Feels like a mistake to me."

^ Love how Marge thinks she knows better than the dictionary people. And just like "O Brother, Where Art Thou", Bart finds a loophole to curse. :D


^ The voice is good, but what makes it even funnier is the angry glare the family gives as the cat sulks away. Poor cat.

"Marge: Yeesh, this house stinks! You're not just putting the new newspapers over the old ones, are you?
Homer: Do you have a better idea?"

^ Eeeeeeewwwww.

"See you in Hell! (slams door; comes back in) ...From Heaven."

^ Good timing on that.

"Burns: Going somewhere?
Bart: That's impossible! How did you get here first?!
Burns: Oh, there'll be plenty of time for explanations later."

^ I love it when they don't even bother to explain this stuff. Makes it all the more surreal and funny.

"Look at you, standing there on your hind legs like a couple of Rory Calhouns."

This episode also has one of my favorite visual gags: When Santa's Little Helper manages to squeeze out the car window, despite only a small opening available. That's so hilarious. The suspenseful music when he does that only adds to the humor.


Sep 7, 2009
United States
Bart and Milhouse are playing dress-up in women's clothing and jumping up and down on the bed when Homer walks in.

Homer: *gasp* "What's going on? And I want a non-gay explanation!
Milhouse: "Uh, we're drunk. Really drunk."
Homer: "Oh thank God."

Then later...

Skinner: "Now when people ask if we're in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1975, I can say, we are closer than ever before! To inaugurate our ramp system here's the first of what I hope will be many disabled children, Bart Simpson."

Bart: "Hey, why is it destroying other toys?"
Lisa: "They must have programmed it to eliminate the competition."
Bart: "You mean like Microsoft?"
Lisa: "Exactly."

From Grift of the Magi.
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