"Marvel's Avengers Assemble" News & Discussion Thread, Part 6 (Spoilers)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
Disagree, USM Seasons 3 and 4 have awesome visuals. Great colors and designs.
Actually ultimate spider-man did drop in quality compared to season 1 but it is not as bad as Marvel in house.

I don't complain really about US but I complain about d rest.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
Union, NJ
Gonna be honest. I Am kinda get sick of how current Marvel cartoons look
2. This new (and most likely, temporary) team roster is obviously being done for synergy with both the movies and Marvel's current gimmick push for diversity in the comics (which is not a bad thing if their push for diversity wasn't an obvious short term sales boosting gimmick).

The funny part is that this team probably won't exist in the MCU. :p
And most of these characters aren't currently on the Avengers. Am I crazy or does marvel animation kinda fall behind when comes to synergy?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
The funny part is that this team probably won't exist in the MCU. :p
And most of these characters aren't currently on the Avengers. Am I crazy or does marvel animation kinda fall behind when comes to synergy?

That's because right now there are no more Avengers in the MCU. The team does not exist and won't again until 2018.

This show has always had a problem with the synergy because of the fact that the planning schedules for a TV show vs. a live action film series are completely different, and they obviously aren't given a lot of advanced notice or lead time about what the films will be doing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
Union, NJ
That's because right now there are no more Avengers in the MCU. The team does not exist and won't again until 2018.

This show has always had a problem with the synergy because of the fact that the planning schedules for a TV show vs. a live action film series are completely different, and they obviously aren't given a lot of advanced notice or lead time about what the films will be doing.

This show is better off when it does its own thing. Why do a dedicated Ultron season when the movie came out last year?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
My point exactly. It's a lost cause trying to chase whatever the movies are doing when you're going to be a year late every time.

So in a sense just doing their own thing with this new team of Avengers and not just trying to copy the line-up in the movies is beneficial anyway.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I do think the movies are a factor in the roster they're going with for season 4, since you have 3 prominent, newer, movie heroes (Vision, Ant-Man, Black Panther) and 2 heroes who'll be appearing in upcoming movies (Captain Marvel, Wasp).

The only exceptions are Ms. Marvel and Jane!Thor, who are seemingly being included because of their current comic popularity. And I guess Rhodey too, since he's been in the movies forever and they're only just now actually using him :sweat:.

So, basically, this would be the equivalent of the '86 Transformers movie moving a lot of the G1 cast out of the way to promote the new toys :p.
Disagree, USM Seasons 3 and 4 have awesome visuals. Great colors and designs.
Yep. Going to be a real shame to lose Film Roman :(.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
From Stephen Wacker's Tumblr:

several sites have reported that the jane foster version of Thor will be joining the main cast for the upcoming "avengers secret wars" season but i haven't heard from any official channel is it actually true or was someone misqouted?
She’ll be there.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I am kind of curious to see how she's used in the series, especially compared to her comic incarnation, and what that might mean for the real Thor o_O.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
They'd already said something terrible happens to one of the main characters at the end of the current season. It's probably gonna be Thor losing the hammer.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
South of Europe
After the recent news about the next season of "Avengers Assemble", I have made a few investigations, I found a few rumors and I made some expeculations about what else will happen in future episodes of the animated series. First of all, I have to say that I'm glad the new season will allow a little more "girl power" in the Avengers: Wasp, Captain Marvel, Miss Marvel and Jane Foster's Thor. Well, let's see:

+ The original Avengers will disappear at the last episode of Season 3, because of somekind of "cosmic battle" that threats all reality. This battle could also cause Thor's apparent demise, leaving Mjolnir behind.
+ A new team of Avengers will be form to replace the original ones until being found.
+ The season "Secret Wars" will based in the most recent version, which will lead the New Avengers to look for the original members lost through different alternative realities.
+ Many of those alternative realities could be based in the ones saw in the comic's version of the second Secret Wars; but also have features of alternative realities already saw in the animaed series. For example, "Future Imperfect" with the Maestro, or "Planet Doom".
+ The season will start with the members already shown: Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Miss Marvel, Ant-Man, Wasp and Vision. But there will be several changes through the season.
+ Black Panther will start as the new leader, but he will eventually leave, basically because of his duties as King of Wakanda. Then Captain Marvel will be the new leader.
+ It is said that Moon Knight will take Black Panther's place.
+ James Rhodes as War Machine will join the new team later, and we may see some hints of his relation ship with Captain Marvel in the comics.

+ Jane Foster will became her version of Thor and will join the team too, although the whole thing about her cancer will be avoided. (I really hope so).
+ Miss Marvel (Kamala Khan) will be part of the team at first, but she will eventually leave the team and join SHIELD Academy with the rest of the teenage heroes.
+ She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) will take Miss Marvel's place in the Avengers, although there are some rumors about using an unsolved topic from "Agents of SMASH" and seeing Betty Ross becoming the Red She-Hulk.
+ It is possible we will see Falcon becoming Captain America, like Jane Foster becoming Thor.
+ Hulk could become his "Doctor Green" persona.
+ Amadeus Cho could became his Hulk's version from the comics, although not sure how this could affect his role in "Ultimate Spider-Man".
+ There are rumors about either Blue Marvel or the Sentry debuting in animated form.
+ Not sure about it, but there are possibilities about using Spectrum (Monica Rambeau) too.
+ At the end of the season, the original members of the Avengers will be rescued, but the team will suffer some changes, lookin glike a mix between the original members and their most recent members in the comics.
+ The New Avengers could end up as its own team too, probably being a combination between the comics' Ultimates and A-Force.

Like I said, nothing of this is officially true. I heard some rumors in websites like 4chan.boards, check all the info confirmed by places like Bleeding Cool, and I made some personal conclusions about what they might be planning. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm quite sure at least some of these events could happen. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
Most of those sound pretty made up. For one, I can't imagine a show as obsessed with synergy as this introducing a popular movie character like Black Panther and then writing him out to replace him with Moon Knight.

Ditto for the show bringing in Betty Ross to resolve plot points from SMASH. Since when has this show EVER shown a serious interest in fixing plot holes or unsolved threads from other shows? It can barely keep its own continuity ties to those shows straight.

Same thing for those Ms. Marvel rumors. I can't see them bringing in a popular character from the comics they want to push just to put her on a bus, especially when there's no guarantee right now that USM will continue past this season.

This is reminding me of all those rumors someone posted about Season 2 that turned out to be completely fake. Remember "The show will see Hulk leave to form the Agents of SMASH"?


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I've been thinking on it, and it's kind of interesting to see how this new roster for Secret Wars actually matches the original in some regards, in that each member works as a counterpart to one of the current Avengers:

Captain Marvel - Captain America. Both are soldiers, both are blonde, and both wear colorful red and blue costumes.

Black Panther - Iron Man. Both are wealthy, super-smart, and utilize technology to fight bad guys.

Jane!Thor - Thor (Duh :p).

Vision - Hulk. Okay, kind of a stretch, but both have green as a primary color and are super-strong, so there's that :rolleyes2:.

Ms. Marvel - Falcon. Both are the youngest members of their respective teams and both (presuming Kamala carries over her comic characterization) idolize the heroes they're working with.

Ant-Man and Wasp - Hawkeye and Black Widow. Both are a male and female pairing of Superheroes with fairly similar skills and powersets on the same team, and Wasp is also insect-themed like Widow , as well as having her own brand of stingers like Natasha's Widows Bite.

There isn't really much similar between Ant-Man and Hawkeye, though I do wonder if they'll try and make Scott more quippy and snarky ala MCU!Scott, which is kinda Clint's thing. I also wonder if Ant-Man and Wasp will have the same kind of faux-romantic tension Widow and Hawkeye have had at times o_O?


Now all I/You can do
Oct 11, 2002
Both comicbookresources and newsarama have posted their panel coverage from SDCC. I'd post links but I've never done it using an iPad before.

Apparently the "Missing Avengers" plot is going to be a season long thing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2002
That's because right now there are no more Avengers in the MCU. The team does not exist and won't again until 2018.

This show has always had a problem with the synergy because of the fact that the planning schedules for a TV show vs. a live action film series are completely different, and they obviously aren't given a lot of advanced notice or lead time about what the films will be doing.

Which is the reason why they SHOULDN'T try to be in synergy with the films and TV series and should do their own thing and/or adapt stories and ideas from the comics.

Speaking of the new members, notice how in the CBR article they kept referring to Ant-Man as being a new member who will be introduced in this season. Now unless the writers of article misunderstood Wacker and crew, then I think that it is safe to say that I might be right about the current season being a semi reboot of this series and that the Ant-Man will be reintroduced as a brand new member, but with his movie personality and background (which is the same as his comic book version). If I'm correct, then this would be one of the few times of synergy being done right. Now if only they would give Falcon his movie and/or original comic book background and personality and that cool redesigned costume they had up on the Marvel site, then this show would take another step in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
Both comicbookresources and newsarama have posted their panel coverage from SDCC. I'd post links but I've never done it using an iPad before.

Apparently the "Missing Avengers" plot is going to be a season long thing.

Interesting gamble. I give them props if they actually take this new team and run with it for that length.

Completely changing the entire line-up is a thing that happens often in the comics but relatively rarely in the adaptations (though the movies did it at the end of AOU).


Master of MAGnets
Staff member
Dec 31, 2013
You know you show is doing something terribly wrong when random rumors on 4chan are completely better then the actual product.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Speaking of the new members, notice how in the CBR article they kept referring to Ant-Man as being a new member who will be introduced in this season. Now unless the writers of article misunderstood Wacker and crew, then I think that it is safe to say that I might be right about the current season being a semi reboot of this series and that the Ant-Man will be reintroduced as a brand new member, but with his movie personality and background (which is the same as his comic book version). If I'm correct, then this would be one of the few times of synergy being done right. Now if only they would give Falcon his movie and/or original comic book background and personality and that cool redesigned costume they had up on the Marvel site, then this show would take another step in the right direction.
I have my doubts. They've already referenced Ant-Man leaving in the premier, acknowledging that he was on the team, and in a later episode they showed a photo of him with the rest of the team.

Wacker also talked about him trying to find funding for his inventions, so they're probably still sticking with the "Scott Pym" characterization for the foreseeable future.

Probably the only, real, movie synergy I can see with Ant-Man is the movie costume we've seen in the promo art, making him a little more quippy now that Hawkeye and Iron Man are gone, and maybe the relationship with Hope.

Interesting gamble. I give them props if they actually take this new team and run with it for that length.

Completely changing the entire line-up is a thing that happens often in the comics but relatively rarely in the adaptations (though the movies did it at the end of AOU).
Well, there have been major and dramatic roster shakeups in the comics, but usually there's at least some carry-over from older rosters or some mainstays sticking around. This is pretty much a completely new team, apparently justified by the fact that the other Avengers are all missing post-Ultron Revolution :ack:.

At least compared to AoU we got to spend more time with the original roster, maybe longer then we should have, before a big shakeup happened, which makes the new roster feel a little more impactful and big in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
You know come to think about we have three women in the team and with Marvel current animation regime, that's huge.
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