The Spectacular Spider-Man "The Uncertainty Principle" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
i wonder will pete be able to take the black suit on and off at will like in the movie. i hope not.

He could take it off all the time in the comics.

As for Harry's voice, if the Goblin mask has a built in gas mask it can have a built in voice alterer.


Just A Little Bit Crazy
Nov 27, 2005
This Goblin stuff is starting to hurt my head...ow.

On the subject of something else, the odd 3D effect used for the symbiote at the very end looked really bad. Thankfully, the preview for the next episode has the black goo animated normally.


Mar 20, 2006
He could take it off all the time in the comics.

As for Harry's voice, if the Goblin mask has a built in gas mask it can have a built in voice alterer.

well why in the movie it was hard for him to take it off at the bell tower.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2003
British Columbia
If Harry has indeed the been the mastermind behind all Goblin-related affairs in this show and had, in fact, been behind the mask for the past three episodes in their entirety, then you can consider my enthusiasm for this series plummeted. Why anyone would be excited about this revelation is beyond me - it would be a TERRIBLE and incredibly underwhelming revelation. What does making Harry the true goblin accomplish in the grand scheme of things? It's totally illogical, robs the Goblin of the intrigue that surrounds him as a character, and not to mention goes against Weisman's promise of no teenage supervillains. Perhaps I'll post more after I actually finish the episode.

To direct speculation in another area: did anyone notice the picture of Lincoln with his wife on the desk? Has Tombstone ever been married at any point in the comics? And if so, was it to a white woman as depicted in the picture? If not, then I have a bit of a... fun theory on who she might be.


Oct 23, 2006
I hope the movie version of the symbiote is converted AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. The original black suit needed to be kept in, and I hope there's no costumed fabric involved. It needs to be a goo. I know Wesiman has had tons of movie references in the show so far, but I hope he realizes what works and what doesn't.

Also, the way the suit's probably gonna be played out. Gwen's gonna feel pretty sad in these next few episodes. Pete's probably gonna seriosuly blow her off or something.

Alex Weitzman

Got Opinions?
May 20, 2003
Sure he was... :evil:

How about this: based on all primary evidence, including Harry's behavior once unmasked, it's not unreasonable to take the current explanation of Harry being the Goblin at face value.

Now, if some follow-up episodes prove a few lies or deceptions, that's something else. But as of now, apart from our own expectations of Norman being a huge jerkwad, there's nothing that specifically says "this revelation is not real".


Feb 1, 2003
I hope the movie version of the symbiote is converted AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. The original black suit needed to be kept in, and I hope there's no costumed fabric involved.
Too late for hoping that, the suit looks more like the movie version.


Captain Highwind

Active Member
Feb 1, 2006
In the last gif, you can see that the white spider logo eventually stretches out into the traditional version. Hopefully the white web lines go too.

A lot of symbolism there when you think about it.


Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
well why in the movie it was hard for him to take it off at the bell tower.

In the comics it was explained that the symbiote realized Peter wanted to get rid of it so it refused to let him take it off like he had before (back then the suit knew Peter would come back). In the movie it was explained that the longer he wore the suit the more it would bond to him. He wore it so long that by the Church scene he needed the bell to get it off.


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
What a surprising episode. Even after making it obvious Harry is the Green Goblin (or is he?), it didn't take away from the brilliant final scene at the Osborn building. At this point, even Sally could be the real Goblin (or Big Man). This show is just so filled with surprises and good writing, it is impossible to know what will happen next. All the drama with Peter being overwhelmed by Harry becoming the Goblin was great, yet it is very ambigous whether he is the Goblin or not. GregX made some excellent points, and the only thing that could be used to argue against it is the broken leg.

The fight with the Green Goblin was well done, and Tombstone and Hammerhead's involvement in it added more to it. We also finally get to see Hammy using his noggin. I was starting to think it was just to make it look nice.. I really can't wait until he and Spidey get toe-to-toe. Tombstone, as always, is a bad ass. It actually makes me wish Foswell is not the Big Man.

The Halloween parts were cute, with Flash and the jocks as cheerleaders, Pirate Liz, Vamp MJ, Cheeta Glory, Gwen Stacy as Gwen Stacy, and Black Cat. Nice cameo on the last one. Also, the Jameson drama was good. The fact that nearly everyone on the show was following the situation was nice touch, and also very tense.

Overall, yet another great episode


NEXT EPISODE: Spider-Man comes into contact with an alien symbiote that turns his costume all-black, and enhances his powers, while J. Jonah Jameson starts a smear campaign against Spidey. The timing is unfortunate when Chameleon impersionates Spidey in a string of robberie, and our hero has to ask thief Black Cat for help.


Dec 12, 2004
I can't believe some people actually believe that they made Harry the obvious Goblin to trick us into thinking that Norman was the true goblin only to reveal that harry is the goblin tricking us....

that is the silliest thing I've ever read, I can't believe some of you are serious..

I remember feeling stupid for believing Harry was the goblin at first after reading the discussion only for all of you to be wrong :b

Great episode, one thing that I find annoying in the show however is how they always set up a new villain, I don't know the way its done is "oh look here is next weeks villain", I love continuity but its not done correctly here IMO


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2007
I loved Jameson in this episode. People have complained about him being two dimensional, but I never saw it. Hopefully this shut them up.

I thought people stopped with that accusation after "The Invisible Hand".

Harry as the Green Goblin just does not add up.
Well neither does Norman as GG, at least at this point in time.
* When the Goblin stole the tech-flight glider from OsCorp, it didn't have the bat-head designed to fire pumpkin bombs and extend a spear on it yet. Harry does not have the technical know-how to add on a feature like that. Norman does. Or the expertise to add that Inhibitor cannon to it. Harry's a moron.
But the goblin INSIDE him might, if they choose to go that route.
* If Harry were the Green Goblin, he would have attacked the Fall Formal instead of going after Tombstone.
Debatable, though if anything Norman said about Harry taking the serum creating an alter ego is true, then yeah. It is somewhat uninspiring.
* How would Harry even have access to the Globulin Green in the first place?
Well he had to have gotten it somehow. Perhaps there's some off screen elements that took place.
* Why would Harry attempt to kill Octavius? Norman knew Otto was a liability, Hammerhead said so in "The Invisible Hand". Norman berated Otto for being a weak man. Then he dressed up as the Goblin so he would have an alibi to show Hammerhead.
Can't argue with that.
* The Big Man was only ever referred to as "Mr. Lincoln" by Norman once and that was in the underground lab while Rhino was being created. Harry could not have overheard that.
He could've said it again off screen, but that's kind of a lame thing to do story telling wise.
* Norman Osborn just so happens to have a secret chamber, which we never saw the inside of. Where's Harry keeping the glider and equipment... not under his bed. For that matter, stealing one or two vials of Globulin Green, I can buy... but we've seen Harry drink from too many.
That's the one thing that tips me off more than anything in this episode, THE SECRET PASSAGE.

* Harry in "Goblin mode" didn't admit to anything except taking the drug. To be the son Norman always wanted. A straight A student and a star athlete.
Well if people think he's just wacko, and the others in the room BUY IT. I'd tell them a lot less than I really know, as well. Unless The Goblin IS an alter ego.

No, Harry was set up. By his own father.

Here's the tricky part. If Norman (if we're to assume the Goblin is him) were to ever come back as the Green Goblin, how would he do it? Using Harry as a scape goat isn't going to work a second/multiple times. And considering how smart THIS Goblin has (supposedly) been portrayed, it'd be really sloppy to show up again, after all that.

Anyways, I thought this episode whooped ass as well. I loved the exchange between Spidey & Tombstone.
Tombstone: Just defeat or unmask him and will call it even.
Spider-Man: Hey who saved who from falling?

I thought the shuttle landing was a little anti-climatic, but nothing damaging to the episode, and it served it's purpose.
And THIS fight between Spidey and The Goblin was breathtaking. That was probably Adam Van Wyk(or as Bruce Timm calls him, Master of over the top.:D) storyboarding that fight, he's usually the best when it comes to storyboarding action sequences. Dave Bullock did direct this episode right? Usually Adam Van Wyk's name has been credited in episodes Dave has directed so far.

Anyways fantastic stuff.


Aug 18, 2004
I don't believe that Harry is the Goblin, I think Normy is just using that as a way to deflect attention from himself who is the real Goblin.

I think this was my least favorite ep so far.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2002
Norman who surprised the security guard by going in through the front door to download files was most likely the Chameleon performing a case of industrial espionage.
The most obvious giveaway is how Norman acted when the guards alerted him to the thief. His reaction was way too calm for someone who had just been told that someone is breaking into his building. (He thought they were talking about him, so he was trying to downplay the situation) Then the Goblin took a moment to "ponder" Osbourn before flying away.


Defender of Light
Jul 16, 2005
Tallahassee, FL
This show continues to be amazing.

I've gone through the entire thread and while I lean towards the camp that believes Norman is the true goblin, I hesitate to make the jump. Here are my questions and observation:

If the Green Goblin is Harry...
  • How did the punch stain from the Fall Formal stick to his hands?
  • How has he had access to so much tech with so little resistence? I'll dare to compare Norman & Harry to Lionel & Lex (Smallville). I can see Lex pulling something like this off. Not Harry. More on this comparison to come.
  • After maintaining such composure during his encounters with Tombstone, Hammerhead, Spider-Man... why is it that the Green Goblin breaks down now?
If the Green Goblin is Norman...
  • See the last point I made. Harry's lack of mental stability at the end is too convenient and would seem out of character for the Goblin. While my only experience with GG is from S-M:TAS, he only plays the "I'm a crazy human trapped with this crazy personality" card when Spider-Man has him in a serious corner. The only benefit GG gains from the final scene at the Osborn's is who Spider-Man believes him to be.
  • Men like Lionel Luthor and Norman Osborn are evil to the core. While LL had been recently touched by the "hand" of Jor-El, Norman doesn't have such a being to make him see the light. The penthouse scene is a perfect setup for someone like him.
I have more questions, but I'm up entirely too late.

Kudos for a cartoon show that forces its viewers to THINK!


100% Pure Robot!
Aug 27, 2005
:D - Can I say this again? The pumpkin bombs scream when they explode...a stroke of genius. I've never really seen this before in a Spiderman toon...not sure if the bombs made any noise other than an explosion in the comics.

A small detail but one I found profoundly way, way cool.

Ok, back to thread.:sweat:


Nov 11, 2006
Wasn't Norman shown to be in possession of a Green Goblin mask at the end of "Reaction"? Doesn't that mean that there's still a solid chance that he is the Goblin?


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