Things that annoy you in cartoon fandom


What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
I thought of a couple more:

-Fans who think that they can make demands to the artists/creators for them to change or reverse something that they (the fans) find undesirable. It doesn't work like that. You don't own or control a piece of fiction just because you like it a lot. The artists are not subject to your personal whims and tastes. They owe you nothing. Being a fan doesn't mean that you get to tell the creator(s) what they can or can't do do with their own creation. And don't give the artist an ultimatum like "If you don't change it back, I won't watch your show anymore!"

-People who love something and then find out that someone else on the same forum isn't a fan (not hate, mind you. They're just neutral or indifferent to it), and then spend hours or days trying to make that other person love the show/movie/franchise as much as they do. Respect that not everyone is as passionate about something as you are, and if you meet someone who isn't a fan of that thing, don't act you're on a mission from the cathode gods to convert that person. If they want to learn more about it, then they will. If not, they just won't. Leave that other person be.


Tangled Sparkle Duck
May 16, 2021
Aw man, don’t even get me started on the anti-bronies. That was a wild time back then. Thankfully, it may not happen anymore, but my God, it was ridiculous.

You just made me think of another:

"If you don't know __ you're not a "real fan".”

I might not remember which shirt Tino wore in episode twelve of

"The Weekenders"off the top of my head but I still enjoy watching the show.
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Golden Geek

Radio Demon
Staff member
Dec 31, 2013
United States
I do quite get it, however if someone were to openly (and not in private spaces) say that they find a cartoon character that's a kid hot, while they're automatically not a predator from that, that's still quite creepy. Yes, they are not real, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to express my disgust for it. But attacking somebody just because they like something or send death threats is just a-hole behavior.

I agree with that, but it's rarely straightforward Pedobear coming out of the woods that triggers these kinds of people.

One of the worst examples I've seen has been this giant Hazbin Hotel FB group I'm in - I don't think there are any active admins left, so it's a free-for-all disaster until FB pulls the plug. Users regularly fight in comments and make callout posts about other users for shipping/liking Valentino, Angel's abuser, and compare it to "being a Ted Bundy stan." There is a world of difference between sympathizing with and romanticizing an actual serial killer and a cartoon demon, no matter how deranged. Alastor is also a serial killer, but seemingly gets a pass because he hasn't done anything sexual or to anyone we sympathize with (besides the contract with Husk).


Mar 2, 2024
I really hate the listicles that list the "worst cartoons" and whatnot, mostly because they either go with popular opinion ("people on the internet don't like it, therefore it's bad") and/or they're incredibly shallow and basic.

Most of the time when somebody lists the "worst cartoons", they mean that as well. You're allowed to not like shows like TTG or Fanboy and Chum Chum, but acting like they're the WORST CREATIONS KNOWN TO MAN just somewhat shows a lack of depth in your research. But then again most people (including me) prefer a memorablily bad show over a painfully generic one, so that's most likely the reason.


Mar 2, 2024
I really hate the listicles that list the "worst cartoons" and whatnot, mostly because they either go with popular opinion ("people on the internet don't like it, therefore it's bad") and/or they're incredibly shallow and basic.

Most of the time when somebody lists the "worst cartoons", they mean that as well. You're allowed to not like shows like TTG or Fanboy and Chum Chum, but acting like they're the WORST CREATIONS KNOWN TO MAN just somewhat shows a lack of depth in your research. But then again most people (including me) prefer a memorablily bad show over a painfully generic one, so that's most likely the reason.
Speaking of listicles, same goes for the ones that are like "10 SHOCKING adult jokes in kids shows!!!1!1". Even after they're presumed young adult millennial audience grew up, I still see the same jokes reposted over and over again. Bonus points if they have a bunch of ragebaiters under the comments.
I agree with that, but it's rarely straightforward Pedobear coming out of the woods that triggers these kinds of people.

One of the worst examples I've seen has been this giant Hazbin Hotel FB group I'm in - I don't think there are any active admins left, so it's a free-for-all disaster until FB pulls the plug. Users regularly fight in comments and make callout posts about other users for shipping/liking Valentino, Angel's abuser, and compare it to "being a Ted Bundy stan." There is a world of difference between sympathizing with and romanticizing an actual serial killer and a cartoon demon, no matter how deranged. Alastor is also a serial killer, but seemingly gets a pass because he hasn't done anything sexual or to anyone we sympathize with (besides the contract with Husk).
I've never watched Hazbin so I can't really say much on the second part, but I find it annoying that, since most cartoons don't have Owl House-level fandoms, that actual creeps go unchecked. Meanwhile in bigger fandoms (cough cough Steven Universe and Amphibia cough cough) discourse gets so violent that it can harm people. I just wish we could have a middle ground: call out the weirdos that are in spaces meant for children, AND not harass people for doing/saying/liking things without nuance.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
I really hate the listicles that list the "worst cartoons" and whatnot, mostly because they either go with popular opinion ("people on the internet don't like it, therefore it's bad") and/or they're incredibly shallow and basic.

Yeah, I hate those. I enjoyed The Super Hero Squad Show, I think Jubilee is a cool character, I liked Uncle Grandpa, I liked Wabbit/New Looney Tunes and Looney Tunes Cartoons more than The Looney Tunes Show, I enjoyed Looney Tunes: Back in Action and I'm looking forward to watching Disney's Primos; I don't care what the internet says.

I especially dislike the attitude exemplified by the part I bolded: People who carry around the attitude of "The internet hates it, therefore it's bad" or "I don't like it, therefore it's bad or it's unsuccessful"; I especially hate when fans act like they speak for everyone on the planet and that society as a whole is a hive mind that feels exactly the same way they do about everything. EX: "I didn't know who Wonder Woman was before the Justice League cartoon debuted in 2001, therefore nobody on Earth knew who she was prior to that series; she's not a popular character and doesn't deserve to be part of the DC Trinity because I said so!" or "I grew up in the 1990s with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, therefore everyone on Earth grew up watching Ninja Turtles and everyone loves Ninja Turtles the way I do!" or "I love Rugrats, therefore everyone on Earth loves Rugrats. It just isn't possible to not be a fan of Rugrats. Everyone loves it because I do!" Like these people can't grasp the simple concept that everybody's different, everyone has different life stories and experiences and, wait for it...different tastes than them. "No one could possibly feel differently about something than super-awesome me, they just can't. It isn't possible!"

On a related note, I really hate when you say you don't like something that another fan obviously loves and they hit you with "Well, you just don't get it!" I. Hate. That. That is THE most back-handed, condescending thing you can say to a person in fandom. When someone hurls a "Well, you just don't get it" at someone, 9 times out of 10 what they're really saying is "Well, you're just stupid!" Like these peoples' tiny mouse-like brains just can't comprehend the notion that someone may not worship something the way they do, therefore the only way they could possibly hold a contrary position is for them to be somehow deficient as a human being. "Well, you just don't get it!" No, you don't get it, dum-dum! I understand it fine, I just don't like it!

One more internet fandom epithet that really gets in my craw: "They ruined my childhood!". Whenever a studio does something with an established property that a fan doesn't like, such as giving it a reboot or a revamp or taking it off the air or removing it from a streaming service, somebody has to pitch a fit and whine "Childhood ruined!" That statement to me is the epitome of First World entitlement. "This ruins my childhood!" How, exactly? How did a studio making a new version of something that you're not required by law to even look at ruin your childhood when your childhood's already over? "This destroys my memories of the original!" No, it doesn't, because that's not how memories work. I don't like what Warner Discovery is currently doing to Cartoon Network, but you don't hear me moaning about how WBD ruined my childhood. (That especially wouldn't make sense in my case, since I was already an adult when CN launched in 1992 and my household didn't start receiving the channel until 1995.)

If your childhood was so fragile that a studio doing something to a work of fiction decades later can ruin it, I'd wager it must not have been a particularly great childhood to begin with.
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Tangled Sparkle Duck
May 16, 2021
Complaining to the writers etc. because they didn't like something that happened

on a show they're fans of.
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Can't think of a title
Mar 23, 2009
Some of these points have already been stated, but I'll also state them because I want to express my own opinions. And these complaints can be applied to fandoms of other media such as live-action shows (so tv shows in general) and movies.

On that note, people who think watching a YouTube review of a show/movie counts as watching that show/movie. I also have to wonder how many of those people who watched the actual show/movie after looking at the review(s) felt the need to agree with the review(s), especially the negative ones. YouTube may be the most prominent source of this problem since it's accessible and doesn't require reading, and a lot of people there like to post videos in hopes of getting a ton of views, but this can also come from random posts on FaceBook, Tumblr, or where have you.

Similarly, people who express their opinions as, "This YouTube review sums up my feelings about this," and adding nothing else. No, you did not express your opinions; you expressed someone else's opinions. There was a reason teachers pestered you to write your reports and essays in your own words (though AI may be screwing with that nowadays, but I digress) which was so you could process the information you encountered and then thinking for yourself by expressing your own perspective.

People who look down on shows/movies that are not rated PG-13 or R (or their tv equivalents) as well as their viewers by dismissing them as "kiddy". I would argue that a person who is willing to watch a preschool show and even admit that they genuinely enjoy it is braver and more mature for such honesty and not being weighed down by such meaningless expectations. And I'll add the following just to cover my bases as I haven't seen that problem around here, but I'm not saying those viewers should flaunt that about themselves as that would be annoying and create a bad impression about a person who likes those shows.

Also similarly, people who mock and harass others for liking something they don't like and vice-versa (or I guess just having a different opinion in general). There's a special term for those kinds of people: ass holes. How and why is it so hard to understand that a different person might have different thoughts and feelings?

People hating a show/movie/channel and then threatening and/or harassing creators. I would like to say major social media platforms such as FaceBook and Twitter helped various people connect to and communicate with each other, but when I saw posts from people threatening voice actors for something a character they voiced did, I wished social media platforms didn't exist so creators and actors could remove an unneccesary everyday weight from themselves. At least online threats can be be classified as crimes, but those reactions are still stupid and absurd.


Tangled Sparkle Duck
May 16, 2021
Example: A dozen videos that tell me "Why the Teen Titans episode "Things Change" was bad"

I don't need a bunch of videos by different YouTuber's covering the same episode while

adding nothing new or unique to their reviews.


I'm Just TheGuy
Sep 5, 2023
1. Negativity
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that everything should be praised but it's annoying seeing all these unwarranted hate posts and just stuff negative crap going around everywhere all the time there's just never winning with some people

2. When People Say Cartoons Are For Kids
This pisses me off because have you not seen adult animation even then the fact that people will treat you like a baby for watching what you enjoy is stupid so I hate that

3. Hunting You Down Due To An Opinion
You like something they hate on you, you dislike something they hate on you, some people hate on you for your opinions

Classic Speedy

Alllllll righty then
Staff member
May 13, 2003
"The original Japanese dub is better than English dub by default".

Really? We're still doing this 30 years later? Have to tell you, it's getting a little old.
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