Young Justice: Invasion "Runaways" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Active Member
Jan 24, 2005
I don't know about coffee girl, it was Janice Kawaye, but yeah...
Hey, the little girl from "Night of the Comet" (not so little now). Neat. I can't comment on the pronunciation or writing quality of the Japanese dialogue, but at least they got a Japanese-American to play the part...though that of course doesn't mean she can speak Japanese any better than any other American actress.

I liked the episode. I thought the Runaways were pretty interesting, and I liked how they handled their powers. Better these characters than Snapper Carr & The Blasters. Or The Blood Pack.


Oct 8, 2012
Okay, I just thought something. From the beginning, it seemed pretty obvious that Green Beetle was bad. What if he is just pretending to be bad and is really good? Nah. He probably is actually bad but that is just a thought. :)


Active Member
Dec 15, 2012
Looking at all of Green Beetle's scenes thus far, I'm not yet buying that he was an original mole. Yes, he could have staged a fight with Black in "True Colors." Yes, he could have provided false images to Miss Martian in "The Fix" but he also seemed hesitant to operate on Blue. Something is weird still. Perhaps something like the end of "Home Front" happened when Green reached in for Blue's scarab at the end of "The Fix." The scarab is silent, because Green absorbed Blue's scarab's programming and his Martian physiology became overwhelmed with two scarabs, so Green's scarab turned him on mode and proceeded in the timeskip to turn Blue on mode. (There has to be a good reason for 1+ month timeskip besides the M'gann/Kal'dur thing and reaching 6 months per season.)

Anyway, I'm probably wrong as the specifics are yet to be revealed, but "The Fix" was definitely as much a Beetle thing as a Kal'dur thing. >_>


Dec 9, 2012
Southern, CA
I am totally confused sbout the beetles why didn't blue react to black bettle being there he didn't even care, did green beetle brain wash him?

Mistah K88

Jan 17, 2009
Eh, I'm not a fan of the Runaways....
Green Beetle is an agent of the Reach...Can't say I didn't see that one coming from when he first showed up... (Though I still question why they wasted time to stage a fight to gain Jaime's trust rather than kill the others and force the Scarab to be on mode... But I guess the Reach prefers that manipulation method)

I'm wondering if the Light is going to betray the Reach? It's pretty obvious that the Reach is using the Light, but I'm wondering if the omnipotent Light is on to them...All according to plan of course.

Northern Sun

Feb 19, 2012
I'm wondering if the Light is going to betray the Reach? It's pretty obvious that the Reach is using the Light, but I'm wondering if the omnipotent Light is on to them...All according to plan of course.
I figure that the Reach and the Light have always been planning to betray the other, and I imagine both groups know it. The question becomes who will make the first overt move?


Nov 23, 2009
(Though I still question why they wasted time to stage a fight to gain Jaime's trust rather than kill the others and force the Scarab to be on mode... But I guess the Reach prefers that manipulation method)

Now they have a mole on the team and the League each. Plus I'm thinking they have plans for Arsenal.


Nov 11, 2006
That was a better episode than I was expecting, but it still could've used more Team members. Despite never really caring for Static or particularly liking the looks of the others from the trailers, I thought they were OK. It's bothersome that Batgirl and Wonder Girl are still getting shafted though. I know the latter will be in "War" (we see her fighting Mongul in the most recent trailer), but still. 6 episodes left, so they need to make them count and not have any more episodes that go light on Team members. The 'juniors' and 'freshmen' of the Team are more interesting than these 'preschooler' runaways anyway.

Tye's powers were pretty cool and I'm glad things played out as expected with Blue Beetle revealing his identity to him. Although if Tye ends up turning against him and Blue Beetle becomes thought of as a public menace, Jaime might regret this, because Tye and others could expose his secret identity.

Another base gone, from the looks of things.

Anyone else think that the 6 accused Leaguer will appear in "War"? Someone guessed that Mongul would be in charge of them if they lost their trial, and I could see him showing up, with them in chains, to lay siege to the Earth while they watch helplessly.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
Long island
Looking at all of Green Beetle's scenes thus far, I'm not yet buying that he was an original mole. Yes, he could have staged a fight with Black in "True Colors." Yes, he could have provided false images to Miss Martian in "The Fix" but he also seemed hesitant to operate on Blue. Something is weird still.

No, that was psycology. By acting hesitant to operate on blue he makes himself seem less suspicious. If he insisted and blue was hesitant and green continued to insist, Blue might grow suspsious of him. We saw the opposite happen in this episode; when at the end Blue Insisted the runaways go with him to meet with green they became even more unwilling to go with him; his insistence reinforced their suspicions.

I am totally confused sbout the beetles why didn't blue react to black bettle being there he didn't even care, did green beetle brain wash him?

Sorta. Green was lying, he really is an agent of the reach and he has manage to get blue "on mode". The scarab is now in FULL control and Blue is working for the reach
What's impressive about the scarab is its ability to use the memories of its host in order to act like the host, thus avoiding any kind of suspicion. You would have to be able to see the very subtle differences to figure out something is wrong... before the meeting at the end, the only sign that showed that it was not Blue in control was when he ignored the runaways when they were being threatened.

I'm wondering if the Light is going to betray the Reach? It's pretty obvious that the Reach is using the Light, but I'm wondering if the omnipotent Light is on to them...All according to plan of course.

Most likely... with the runaways it seems clear that the light and the reach were not working together. The reach wanted to recover their test subjects, while Lex wants to use them for his own benefit. Heh, in a way Lex was telling them the truth when he told him about his relationship with the reach ("we were working together, but i suspect they are just using me"). Lex is not fool enough to trust the reach and he and the light will likely be playing them as they play him... while the light might approve of their work on the metagene, they likely don't like making humanity docile and handing over the earth to the reach; they want earth to become the pinnacle of the galaxy, not just a pawn of the reach.
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Active Member
Apr 15, 2011
A plus episode, maybe my favorite of the series. Only one complaint which is they made green beetle's allegiances a bit to obvious, would have loved to be surprised but I really can't complain.

Other than that I like all the runaway kids, Lex Luthor is such an awesome manipulator, the plan is coming full circle. I just am loving where the season is going. Sucks we probably won't get a season with these kids on the team.

Also love the noise longshadow makes when he uses his powers.


Nov 11, 2006
Was sort of expecting Toyman to appear in this episode by the way, but now it seems more likely that he'll be someone the runaways face off against in public when they're working for Luthor, or someone who happens to be attacking Metropolis at the moment that Mongul shows up in "War". Either way, Toyman will likely be a throwaway villain.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2011
Lex Luthor, you clever fox. Lex's exposition at the end of the episode made my day. In the midst of an alien invasion Lex still knows how to one up the competition.

Yet again when the hero is willing to go to the greatest lengths to get the job done it turns out they are evil and not just pragmatic.

Green Beetle being a mole for the reach was well played. The writers rightly suspended the audience on that one for a decent amount of time. The Reach were able to infiltrate the base of the good guys once again and who knows that kind of information Green Beetle was able to get out of the team while he was there. I figured that it was quite weird for Green Beetle to suddenly show up at the complex and save the team from Black Beetle. That situation typically plays out with someone in Green Beetle's position giving expository dialog about their origin, but Green Beetle didn't say much beyond the effect of ''I was watching the Reach and coincidentally was at the same facility.''

One thing that has continued to disappoint is how long the trial is taking. While Earth on on the brink of an invasion the major members of the Justice League are dealing with a court date? How long does it take? Some of the most powerful villains are showing up and Nightwing can't even send someone to help. Is the number of people in the Justice League really that small?


Nov 23, 2009
One thing that has continued to disappoint is how long the trial is taking. While Earth on on the brink of an invasion the major members of the Justice League are dealing with a court date? How long does it take? Some of the most powerful villains are showing up and Nightwing can't even send someone to help. Is the number of people in the Justice League really that small?

Probably has more to do with how long space travel takes rather than the actual trial date.

But yes, it's absolutely killing me too.

Lord Sidious

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2004
An all right episode, the weakest episode thus far this season

Anyways, enough with this Reach Arc!!!!

6 episodes left and I'm more interested in wats going on with the JL on Rimbor.

Please NO Cliffhangers on season finale because there will be NO season 3


Dec 9, 2012
Southern, CA
well i listed all the reasons why I thought Green Beetle was bad looks like I was right.
and weeks ago I listed several reasons why I think the reach is going to betray the light, and now others are wondering the same thing. I knew it


Bringer of the Light
Sep 13, 2004
An all right episode, the weakest episode thus far this season

Anyways, enough with this Reach Arc!!!!

6 episodes left and I'm more interested in wats going on with the JL on Rimbor.

Please NO Cliffhangers on season finale because there will be NO season 3

Well, never say never, but yea ...

You know, I've been wondering what GW thinks of this whole thing. He's been really quiet on his blog.

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
I really enjoyed this episode; negatives for me.

The Runaways were actually all likeable, and I didn't mind that the main team didn't appear. Red Volcano is a powerful villain, if he had gotten AMAZOs powers,he would have been unbeatable. The end twist I kinda saw coming, but its too bad. I was hoping that Green Beetle would remain a good guy.


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