Young Justice: Invasion "Runaways" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
Ha....Love the internet. Everyones a critic. I am surprised no one nitpicked that she had green eyes....genetically impossible for the Asian race I believe.

Not impossible, just unlikely. (Real world) Mutations occur in all races so you do see (albeit rarely) stuff like Asians with green eyes or children in Africa with blue eyes, regardless of whether or not they're mixed-race.


May 8, 2005
I think the brown-haired scientist with glasses was Rick or Rex Tyler aka Hourman.

He losed his watch during the escape.

We already had Pieter Cross twice as a doctor, so....

I begin to have a serious problem with Invasion: all the episodes are at least enjoyable BUT they nearly all build to the same kind of conclusion with the big conspiracy thing.

And I just hope all those things won't be resolved in say the last two episodes in a rushed way. We are already FOURTEEN episodes into this season.

Guy Gardner

Apr 25, 2012
"Excuse me" is sumi masen. What she was saying sounded like shimasen, which means "does not/will not do". Neither makes sense in context, but I speak so little Japanese I am almost certainly wrong. Also, domo means "much"; "thank you very much" is domo arigato. Again, probably idiomatic due to my ignorance.

"Domo" alone can mean thanks. It's contextual, like how we can figure out the difference between "there" and "they're" in conversation.

And credit to Nygma: you were right. Sometimes you expected to be swerved enough that you swerve yourself. I agree with Jacob on being both happy and sad, much for the same reasons. I am a little glad, though, because it makes Blue even more special.

Wasn't the doctor named Wilcox? I could swear that's what his name was.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2006
Las Vegas
Wasn't the doctor named Wilcox? I could swear that's what his name was.

That was the name I heard too. In fact (and perhaps this is a meta Superfriends nod) I kept thinking of the character of "General Wilcox" who was the liason between the [US Army] and the superheroes during the show's first season.

Guy Gardner

Apr 25, 2012
That was the name I heard too. In fact (and perhaps this is a meta Superfriends nod) I kept thinking of the character of "General Wilcox" who was the liason between the [US Army] and the superheroes during the show's first season.

Looking at the wiki, it seems to be reference to the Line Director of the show (David Wilcox). Basically a little production in-joke about the boss.


Dec 9, 2012
Southern, CA
well I mentioned that Green when bad when I mentioend that Green "volunteered" his thought to Megan and she didn't actually read his mind making anything possible.

The only time I thought something was wrong (before that Black Beetle meeting) was when Jaime said his scafrab was translataing the Japanese and I thought the scarab was suppoed to be silent.

I guess I express my confusion as looking through it from my sons eyes who is 7. Granted a lot of adults watch this show but so do a lot of kids and I'm not sure a lot of this could honestly be understood by them,

I too worry that all of these plot strings will not be finished in time leaving me thinking that we arne't getting a conclusion at the end of season 2. That's why I didn't want filler episodes like Conered.

Guy Gardner

Apr 25, 2012
well I mentioned that Green when bad when I mentioend that Green "volunteered" his thought to Megan and she didn't actually read his mind making anything possible.

The only time I thought something was wrong (before that Black Beetle meeting) was when Jaime said his scafrab was translataing the Japanese and I thought the scarab was suppoed to be silent.

I guess I express my confusion as looking through it from my sons eyes who is 7. Granted a lot of adults watch this show but so do a lot of kids and I'm not sure a lot of this could honestly be understood by them,

I too worry that all of these plot strings will not be finished in time leaving me thinking that we arne't getting a conclusion at the end of season 2. That's why I didn't want filler episodes like Conered.

The Scarab has translated things before, so that's not a problem.

But the whole psychic scan raises interesting questions: the Reach obviously knew about the possibility of a Martian mindscan (even if they didn't know about Miss Martian, they were probably informed by the Light), so sending Green Beetle in without some sort of plan seems way too reckless for them, They must have some way of getting around a scan that couldn't be detected.


New Member
Jan 12, 2013
The only time I thought something was wrong (before that Black Beetle meeting) was when Jaime said his scafrab was translataing the Japanese and I thought the scarab was suppoed to be silent.

I guess I express my confusion as looking through it from my sons eyes who is 7. Granted a lot of adults watch this show but so do a lot of kids and I'm not sure a lot of this could honestly be understood by them,

I too worry that all of these plot strings will not be finished in time leaving me thinking that we arne't getting a conclusion at the end of season 2. That's why I didn't want filler episodes like Conered.
The scarab is still functional, so I took that line to mean that even though the scarab isn't still talking to him, it is still doing all the things that it was doing before. That doesn't really matter though, because the runaways didn't know that Jaime could speak to the beetle, and they probably don't know it was "fixed" at the time.

The younger kids probably can't understand it as well, but I would imagine the older kids and the early teens probably would be able to follow along well enough. The show is a bit deep, but it isn't so deep that kids in the double digit ages wouldn't be able to understand... at least the ones who would choose to watch this, anyway. Gargoyles had plots similar to this in scope and that was quite popular, wasn't it?

With only 20 episodes as opposed to the 26 we had for the previous season, I'm sure what GW and the crew made for us isn't so much as "filler" as it is cramming way too much into so little time. Unless Guardian ends up being completely useless by the end, I wouldn't consider Mal's premiere appearance as him to be "filler".

Then again, I'm savoring every episode as much as I can. Who knows when we'll see another one like it?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
Well, never say never, but yea ...

You know, I've been wondering what GW thinks of this whole thing. He's been really quiet on his blog.

I don't think we'll ever find out what Greg really thinks. He has a career and family to protect.


Dec 9, 2012
Southern, CA
nonono youy're not understanding me before we knew that the green beetle "fix" meant that the scarab was in total control we all thought that the scarab was "silent" as Jaime said in the episode before so when he told the runaways that the scarab was translating Japanese for him I was like but wait he just said last episode that he couldn't hear the scarab anymore. So that's when I knew something was up or something was wrong, that and the happy way he was talking to Nightwing just seemed...weird


Staff member
Oct 21, 2010
Silicon Valley
Ha....Love the internet. Everyones a critic. I am surprised no one nitpicked that she had green eyes....genetically impossible for the Asian race I believe.

Love the Internet - gives hack writers fewer reasons to not make mistakes that people can look up in seconds.

And David Lo Pan would disagree that Asians can't have green eyes!

Mistah K88

Jan 17, 2009
I'm surprised no one has thanked Ms. Martian for her thorough scan of Green Beetle's mind dooming the Earth. I kid I kid!


Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
Long island
The Scarab has translated things before, so that's not a problem.

But the whole psychic scan raises interesting questions: the Reach obviously knew about the possibility of a Martian mindscan (even if they didn't know about Miss Martian, they were probably informed by the Light), so sending Green Beetle in without some sort of plan seems way too reckless for them, They must have some way of getting around a scan that couldn't be detected.

Martians themselves may have ways of protecting themselves. It does not seem farfetched that one psychic would be able to block certain memories from another psychic's scan. Granted, if Miss Martain was willing to, she might have been able to see and break through such blocks to see his secrets, but she has pretty much rendered herself unable to do such a powerful scan. In short, Miss M was acting like a complete amateur, and it does not surprise me that another telepath could keep secrets from her.

Guy Gardner

Apr 25, 2012
Martians themselves may have ways of protecting themselves. It does not seem farfetched that one psychic would be able to block certain memories from another psychic's scan. Granted, if Miss Martain was willing to, she might have been able to see and break through such blocks to see his secrets, but she has pretty much rendered herself unable to do such a powerful scan. In short, Miss M was acting like a complete amateur, and it does not surprise me that another telepath could keep secrets from her.

Obviously Miss Martian flubbed the reading, but it was mentioned on another board that the Reach would be foolish to send in an infiltrator without having a surefire way of avoiding a psychic scan since they know there are hostile Martians down there. While I'm sure that Martians have a way of protecting their memories, I'm guessing M'gann could figure that out. I think that the Scarab is able to influence, modify, or hide memories in such a way that Martians would never expect it. Otherwise they are banking on Miss Martian flubbing things, and the Reach aren't that risky.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2011
Jaime Reyes Presents A Very Special Episode Of The Jaime Reyes Show Starring Jaime Reyes

The creators of Jaime Reyes/Booo Beetle must have pictures of Ted Turner, Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, the heads of CN, WB, and DC comics all eating babies, torturing kittens, and burning the flag in order to push such an over rated and over exposed character like Booo Beetle down everyone's throats for 2 series (B:TB&TB and YJ:I). In all honesty, the only good thing about YJ:I's cancellation is that with the coming of Beware the Batman and Teen Titans Go! means I won't have to see anymore Booo Beetle on my TV for at least 2 years :). Bliss! I can't wait.

I got it! The Reach's plan isn't to take over Earth 16, but Young Justice: Invasion. And it finally worked- Booo Beetle has managed to get rid of all the other main characters. Congratulations! Mission Accomplished! Expect every episode from now on to be like this:crying:.

I was skeptical that GW & BV would make M'gann the fall martian for both mentally abusing Kaldur AND not properly vetting Green Beetle. I didn't know anything about her prior to her being on YJ, but her character seems to have been thoroughly assassinated. She's at least partially responsible for crashing Jaime's mode.

I disliked that the runaways were so stupid- of course only the bald white guy had the sense to stay put at S.T.A.R. Labs. Who was he supposed to be and why didn't he help when all the fighting started? Sammi-rai was a complete and total waste of space as the foreign exchange student who no 'speaka da English', thus she has no say when it comes to making decisions and just follows along with whatever the boys want to do. Just like Aqua Girl, Batgirl and Wonder Girl. Cause if you're not on the all female squad you don't get to lead at all. I don't know where they thought they were going El Dorado and Apache Chief both live in New Mexico. I couldn't stand El Dorado from the preview clip where he spent all his time whining at his Dad with the superhero connections and the bad Spike Speigel hair. Static alone didn't make me want to punch him.

The runaways now know that Booo Beetle is working for The Reach, Lex Luthor told them so. El Dorado has a father who works with the League- will he be smart enough to pass important information like that to him? Of course not! That would be too much like making sense. This reminds me of what Dark Helmet always says "Evil will always triumph because good is dumb". Spaceballs is truth.

Where the heck is the rest of the JL and Team if there's no one in North or South America close enough to help?

It was strange that when GB wanted to fix Booo Beetle's scarab it didn't make any homicidal threats or objections. It just let him do it. Is it possible that it's lying low so that it can go deep cover and stop The Reach? Of course that would take planning and smarts from one of the good guys and this series is lacking in that department.

I'm beginning to think this whole thing is a plan to discredit the League and make Lex Luthor president of the U.S. since he's going to come out smelling like roses for turning on The Reach. I am sick and tired of watching Lex talk to himself. If Mercy's so important why doesn't she have a voice? Oh wait, it's because she's a woman right? LL would be so much more interesting if he had someone to interact with.

So nobody knew who Booo Beetle was before? Didn't he say that most people thought he was still Ted Kord in a different costume? So now The Reach's plan is to make Booo Beetle the face of the enemy, implicating the League too? Where is the rest of the Martian population? Why aren't they teaming up with Earth to stop the Reach? Why has no one there ever heard or mentioned a Green Beetle before?

Oh YJ:I why do you make me dislike you? I want to love you!:sad:


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
The creators of Jaime Reyes/Booo Beetle must have pictures of Ted Turner, Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti, the heads of CN, WB, and DC comics all eating babies, torturing kittens, and burning the flag in order to push such an over rated and over exposed character like Booo Beetle down everyone's throats for 2 series (B:TB&TB and YJ:I).

Or they just think the character's interesting and you like hearing yourself talk.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2009
Long island
I was skeptical that GW & BV would make M'gann the fall martian for both mentally abusing Kaldur AND not properly vetting Green Beetle. I didn't know anything about her prior to her being on YJ, but her character seems to have been thoroughly assassinated. She's at least partially responsible for crashing Jaime's mode.

So people hate her when she's tearing out people's minds, but then when she finally learns her lesson they hate when she DOESN'T do it. Ah double standards.

I disliked that the runaways were so stupid- of course only the bald white guy had the sense to stay put at S.T.A.R. Labs. Who was he supposed to be and why didn't he help when all the fighting started?

The bald guy was Neutro, the super villain that nearly killed Flash in Impulse's intro episode. Impulse saved Barry's life and managed to depower Neutro with something he brought with him from the future. At the time of the fighting he no longer has his

Where the heck is the rest of the JL and Team if there's no one in North or South America close enough to help?

North and south america are HUGE. Without the zeta tube, it could take most heroes hours to get too star labs. The only exception being those with super speed, but even they would have their limits assuming they aren't busy like Barry and Impulse were at the time.

So now The Reach's plan is to make Booo Beetle the face of the enemy, implicating the League too?

No; as it stands Blue beetle is not officially affiliated with the league. It sounds like they want Blue to do what the reach always intended for him to do; become a representative for the reach

Where is the rest of the Martian population? Why aren't they teaming up with Earth to stop the Reach? Why has no one there ever heard or mentioned a Green Beetle before?

And why would they? Earth thinks the reach are good guys, why should the martians believe differently? Green Beetle wouldn't exactly be telling them anything bad, and Martian Manhunter left before the JL found out about the reach. And last i recalled there was no word on their being any kind of formal relations between earth and mars; Why should the maintains care about what goes on earth?

Obviously Miss Martian flubbed the reading, but it was mentioned on another board that the Reach would be foolish to send in an infiltrator without having a surefire way of avoiding a psychic scan since they know there are hostile Martians down there. While I'm sure that Martians have a way of protecting their memories, I'm guessing M'gann could figure that out. I think that the Scarab is able to influence, modify, or hide memories in such a way that Martians would never expect it. Otherwise they are banking on Miss Martian flubbing things, and the Reach aren't that risky.
Not exactly, they were relying on green beetle just being a more powerful telepath, not Miss M flubbing up her reading... when it comes down to it, the reach does not know that Miss M was an exceptionally powerful telepath and had a habit of tearing apart minds in order to take information. It wasn't that they were expecting her to screw up, they were just underestimating her while at the same time getting lucky that she was no longer using her ability to her fullest.

And green might not have to worry about telepathy attacks on Mars. First while telepathy on mars is common this does not necessarily mean that martians will be trying to force secrets out of one another... Second, if the reach does their job right, the beetle would never been seen as hostile. Their strategy is approach a world peaceful and slowly subjugate them over a long peroid of time. If all goes well, Green would never have to fight anyone until its way too late for the reach to be stopped.

Guy Gardner

Apr 25, 2012
Hey, let's back off.

Keith Giffen, Cully Hamner, and John Rodgers created Jaime. Giffen is probably the biggest of them, but all three are really good creators. The biggest reason you see him so much is that he's probably the best Spidey-esque character... ever. I mean, so many characters have tried to recapture that feel and Jaime really did it. It also helps that Rodgers' run on the character was nothing short of amazing, wonderfully subverting some of the classic tropes and really creating a coherent legacy between three characters that have completely different origins and powers. If you haven't been recommended it, I would say that it is one of books every comic newbie should handle.

Not exactly, they were relying on green beetle just being a more powerful telepath, not Miss M flubbing up her reading... when it comes down to it, the reach does not know that Miss M was an exceptionally powerful telepath and had a habit of tearing apart minds in order to take information. It wasn't that they were expecting her to screw up, they were just underestimating her while at the same time getting lucky that she was no longer using her ability to her fullest.

And green might not have to worry about telepathy attacks on Mars. First while telepathy on mars is common this does not necessarily mean that martians will be trying to force secrets out of one another... Second, if the reach does their job right, the beetle would never been seen as hostile. Their strategy is approach a world peaceful and slowly subjugate them over a long peroid of time. If all goes well, Green would never have to fight anyone until its way too late for the reach to be stopped.

Well, obviously it's supposition. I guess I have the feeling that the Reach wouldn't take a chance like that unless they knew they had a work-around that would definitely work, even if only for the first time. But I doubt we will see much more on the subject since it seems like they were pushing the idea of Miss Martian dropping the ball.


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