Young Justice: Invasion "Runaways" Talkback (Spoilers)

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May 14, 2006
Oh. Yeah. I should probably comment on the episode as a whole.

Part of me is glad that Green Beetle is a villain, but another a sad. On one hand, we have two Martian protagonists already. On the other, Martian powers plus scarab equals sufficiently awesome. Ah well, I suppose the League can always reprogram the scarab somehow and he can join the League.

I liked the runaways, though. Well, aside from can't-speak-Japanese-to-save-my-life girl. Not to mention a kid her age would at least know some English thanks to school. "THIS IS A PEN."

...I'm the only one who is going to get that reference...


Active Member
Jul 19, 2002
At this point I think it's become clear that some of the story arcs set up early in the season aren't going to amount to anything. I don't even remember the last time the new Robin did anything, despite the fact that they were started to ease him into the leader position in the first few episodes. I don't have a problem with adding characters to establish that the team is bigger now, but it just makes those early episodes of season 2 seem wasteful.

I liked the runaways, though. Well, aside from can't-speak-Japanese-to-save-my-life girl. Not to mention a kid her age would at least know some English thanks to school. "THIS IS A PEN."

...I'm the only one who is going to get that reference...
It's the first English phrase they usually teach in Japan, due to it being a simple example of sentence structure.
May 14, 2006
It's the first English phrase they usually teach in Japan, due to it being a simple example of sentence structure.

Blast! Pull away my proverbial curtain why don't you.

(I really should've included a 'probably').


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I liked the Runaways/Super Friends + Static. They weren't annoying, and for a group of ethnic teenagers with barely any handle on their powers and with half of them having a chip on their shoulder, they handled themselves pretty well in their first superhero outing. Though I agree with what's been said that in all honesty, I'd rather there be more focus and character development for the current Team instead of a new group of super powered teens.

During his fight with Volcano, I though that Blue Beelte sounded more like his Scarab than he did Jaime... then comes the reveal that it was his Scarab the whole time! It certainly didn't take them long to reveal that Green Beetle is working with the Reach and that now the Scarab is in control of Jaime's body. That gives the Reach three main Beetle enforcers that can probably make quick work of the Team if they put the effort into it. I guess the only hope Jaime has is for either his Scarab to give him back control or for Jaime to get it back himself. All things considered though, the Team's current situation is not looking very good.

I feel pretty proud of myself that I was able to understand most of what Asami was saying. I guess all that time spent watching subtitled anime has finally paid off!

I love how Lex recruits the teens, not just through his charisma but through pretty much being truthful with them. Blue Beetle is an agent of the Reach, and he is working with them as well, but suspects them of plotting something behind both his and the Light's back. Nothing he told them was a lie. Now with both the Light and the Reach preparing for eventual backstabs, I guess it's only a matter of who moves first...


New Member
Jan 12, 2013
I'm still confused what happened with Blue beetl enad how unclear they made what happened
I'm not quite sure what there is to be confused about. "The other method" that Green Beetle was talking about was a lie. That ending in The Fix where Blue was like "He fixed me, I'm free!" could be taken another way. Instead of Jaime being free, the Scarab was fixed and is now in control like it was meant to be and it is now able to tap into Jaime's memories in order to act like him. It does a very convincing job too, until it decided to take on Red Volcano in today's episode and completely ignored the risk that it was putting Tye and the others in.

...assuming they aren't faking us out and Blue and Green are on some undercover mission of their own.


Apr 9, 2012
Michigan, USA
I loved how even these new characters all had distinct personalities. Virgil wants to go home but is happy to have powers. Ty still wants to run, while their El Dorado wants to be "cured" of having powers. Not sure what the Japanese girl thinks, the only English phrase she mastered was "no idea".

I feel pretty proud of myself that I was able to understand most of what Asami was saying. I guess all that time spent watching subtitled anime has finally paid off!
Anything stand out? Like did she add any commentary or Easter Eggs?

Doesn't surprise me Lex is planning on betraying the Reach- I bet he comes of as Earth's savior when he does. He probably funs G Gordon Godfrey to slur the JLA then will claim to save us with his team (even if YJ did the saving).

The scarab is pretty powerful, it seems to be like the Trill symbiotes in DS9, only with bad intentions. I wonder if MM can brain-blast the scarab and free Jaime? Could she free the Martian from his? I have no idea.

6 more episodes left, so plenty of time for anything. And I don't think the intergalactic trial is taking too long. If it's over in only months that's far less than many of the trials in our news take. ;)


Defender of the Universe
Sep 7, 2004
Episode was alright, but the show has enough characters as it is, so introducing new characters at this point feels like a missed opportunity to show any of the many others who have subplots going on themselves. Include me among the many who's dreading the idea of the show's ending on a cliffhanger.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Flash and Impulse busy in Rhelasia... wonder if that means the North and South were reunited after all.

That was neat Asami's nickname was "Sam" since she's essentially the analogue of Samurai.

Whoa, Red Volcano's back? Considering he's a robot, he could simply be rebuilt, but who rebuilt him?
Last season, T.O. Morrow's bunker location was known by Professor Ivo at least. So that implies the Light would know it from him. I bet after the Team and Red Tornado left, they dug him out and reprogrammed him to use when their plans dictated.

She said a few other things but I can't remember them off hand right now.

Anything stand out? Like did she add any commentary or Easter Eggs?
It went by fast, but I'm pretty sure at the end, she something comparable to "Oh, what the heck?" during the meeting with Luthor. If I remember Japanese right, based on tone and what words are used in the end of the sentence. etc. like that, the same line can also roughly translate "what the hell" or... the f-word in other cases.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
United States
Yojimbo said:
That was neat Asami's nickname was "Sam" since she's essentially the analogue of Samurai.

Ah, so she was an expy of Samurai. That makes sense in light of the other Super Friends expies. I guess what threw me off was that Samurai and his Justice League Unlimited expy, Wind Dragon, used wind based powers, her powers didn't look wind based.

I also want to thank those who have translated her Japanese for us who aren't very knowledgeable. I only know a few words, so I can't comment on how good or bad the translation was, but I did hear Janice Kawaye (her voice artist) speaks fluent Japanese. It was probably a similar case to Drop-Zone, where the crew asked her to translate the dialogue, just as they asked Danny Trejo and Nolan North to translate the Spanish in Drop-Zone.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Ah, so she was an expy of Samurai. That makes sense in light of the other Super Friends expies. I guess what threw me off was that Samurai and his Justice League Unlimited expy, Wind Dragon, used wind based powers, her powers didn't look wind based.
True, right now her power manifests as that 'force push' thing but since Tye suddenly managed to generate a huge astral form, maybe we might see some development on what her powers entail.

I only know a few words, so I can't comment on how good or bad the translation was, but I did hear Janice Kawaye (her voice artist) speaks fluent Japanese.
Imo, it's what I would expect a 13-15 year old Japanese girl to say. Suffice to say in an actual conversation, Kawaye would speak more on par with that of an adult, I would think. It would interesting to make a submission asking Weisman about her records.


Bringer of the Light
Sep 13, 2004
I was trying to figure out what she was trying to do with her powers myself. They kind of seem to be wind based or have the potential to be, but it seems a little ---- off.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I was trying to figure out what she was trying to do with her powers myself. They kind of seem to be wind based or have the potential to be, but it seems a little ---- off.
Yeah, I mean she did the 'human pinball' against the security guards and Red Volcano but then used it to run super fast, I think, when the four returned to S.T.A.R. but we'll probably see more in what is it 2 weeks? She could be channeling wind gusts in that energy field then boom release it all in one instant to propel herself, idk.


Nov 13, 2012
New York City
I am getting concerned as to how all of this is possibly going to be resolved in time, there are just so many plot threads now and so little time.

And they really explain pretty much nothing regarding Red Volcano and how he was even there, I recall him melting not just being scrapped.


Nov 15, 2003
Metropolis, Earth,
I saw the whole evil Green Beetle thing coming from the start, i mean just look at him, he's a GREEN BEETLE!!!... Beetles are bad news for everyone. Where's Yoko Ono to break up the Beatles... I mean The Reach Scarabs... ;) j/k (Sorry, I apologize if that joke was in bad taste or too much.) Anyways, I really enjoyed this episode but I hope Static and friends get wise to Luthor's act sooner rather than later. The only thing I thought was "meh" was Longshadow's ability, I don't want a dude who can make himself grow huge energy wise. I liked the old Superfiend's way. I mean this isn't terrible, it is actually a cool different take on the character, but I do like the other way of him just growing huge physically. Looking forward to next week. :)



Staff member
Oct 21, 2010
Silicon Valley
She said sorry a lot. And she had absolutely no idea what was going on, but was basically just going with the flow of the group. That's pretty much the gist of it.

"Excuse me" is sumi masen. What she was saying sounded like shimasen, which means "does not/will not do". Neither makes sense in context, but I speak so little Japanese I am almost certainly wrong. Also, domo means "much"; "thank you very much" is domo arigato. Again, probably idiomatic due to my ignorance.
Oct 9, 2011
I liked the runaways, though. Well, aside from can't-speak-Japanese-to-save-my-life girl. Not to mention a kid her age would at least know some English thanks to school. "THIS IS A PEN.".

Ha....Love the internet. Everyones a critic. I am surprised no one nitpicked that she had green eyes....genetically impossible for the Asian race I believe.

True, right now her power manifests as that 'force push' thing but since Tye suddenly managed to generate a huge astral form, maybe we might see some development on what her powers entail..

I guess she was manifesting a coil. Samurai in Super Friends used to form a tornado around his lower half to propel himself, I guess it was a more modernized version, when she freed herself from Red Volcano she used them coils outward on her sides.

I am getting concerned as to how all of this is possibly going to be resolved in time, there are just so many plot threads now and so little time.

And they really explain pretty much nothing regarding Red Volcano and how he was even there, I recall him melting not just being scrapped.

I liked the episode, but this is my complaint as well. There is way too much goinng on and now we have another plot thread and we have like 5 episodes left or so. I do have faith in the writers and producers but I doubt everything will wrapped neatly.


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