Young Justice: Invasion "Runaways" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Dec 9, 2012
Southern, CA
woah woah woah what is all this about Miss Martian flubbing the reading??
Go back and watch she didn't even do the reading
Green Beetle "volunteered his thoughts" to her no mind reading required, and she didn't tell the others that.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
The bald guy was Neutro, the super villain that nearly killed Flash in Impulse's intro episode. Impulse saved Barry's life and managed to depower Neutro with something he brought with him from the future. At the time of the fighting he no longer has his
It's Neutron. Or Nathaniel Tryon since he's a regular human. Also, I found it funny Tye nicknamed him "Newt"

No; as it stands Blue beetle is not officially affiliated with the league. It sounds like they want Blue to do what the reach always intended for him to do; become a representative for the reach
Except the public thinks the current Blue Beetle is still Ted Kord, who was a member of the Justice League. And the public doesn't know Kord is dead. From what we saw at the end of this episode, Blue Beetle still hasn't bothered to correct the press as it's been noted he's had that problem for months.

And last i recalled there was no word on their being any kind of formal relations between earth and mars; Why should the maintains care about what goes on earth?
You mean after the Earth-Mars comm satellite was destroyed in "Depths"? That aside, Martian Manhunter has been sending those TV signals to Mars and occasionally revisits Mars. One would assume he's had good things to say and Mars would welcome an alliance.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2011
Or they just think the character's interesting and you like hearing yourself talk.[/COLOR]

We're on a public message board everyone likes reading what they wrote. Clearly you do.

You can not in all seriousness tell me that YJ:I hasn't overdone it with Booo Beetle. He may be the greatest thing since sliced bread to some people. But he's not to me. When Wonder Woman can't manage to be in more than 2 episodes of ANY cartoon in the last 5 years and Superman can't get a cartoon greenlit at all. There's something wrong when a C-lister like Booo Beetle manages to hog all the spotlight in a team based show. When Zatanna, Rocket, Batgirl, Wonder Girl, Bumble Bee, and Tiny Tim have gotten zero development in 14 episodes and Booo Beetle has an episode with NO OTHER MAIN CHARACTERS in it. I'm not going to drink DC's kool aid and be happy about it. I'm going to let people know I'm unhappy with the direction of DC's shows. I say "Stomp The Scarabs" and end the reign of the Beetles now.

The Dark Lord

Active Member
Feb 15, 2012
I understand that Jaime's an important part of this season due to the Scarab's connection to the Reach, but that doesn't change the fact that he is WAY overused and I'm sick to death of him.

As for the episode, it was kinda boring. The kids were tolerable, but nothing special. I liked Lex Luthor's appearance in the end. I wonder if he is actually sick of the Reach or if it's just a load of BS meant to convince the runaways to work for him. Probably the latter.
May 14, 2006
I think it is perhaps best to accept that a series with a team doesn't quite always mean a series about a team.


Nov 15, 2003
Metropolis, Earth,
Love the Internet - gives hack writers fewer reasons to not make mistakes that people can look up in seconds.

And David Lo Pan would disagree that Asians can't have green eyes!
Not picking on or trying to be a know it all to anyone, just wanted to point out that Not only David Lo Pan would disagree ;)... I would too, I believe Asians can have Green Eyes just like anyone else, some say they are genetically as easy to get as Blue eyes, others say the are the most difficult. Right now some current studies indicate that Green eyes are dominant over Blue, but recessive to Brown. All in all it depends on Genes and what colors your parents eyes are. Supposedly, if one parent has Green and another has Brown, you will have Green eyes, but usually only if your parent with Brown eyes has one recessive Green Gene.

.... doing a thorough in depth internet search or reading a good book will help any understand all about this subject. (even me, and I am very unintelligent.) ;)

Sorry I am going too far off topic, Truth be told, I didn't notice the color of her eyes, I just noticed she had "Heterochromia Iridum" She had different eye colors,
(which was cool) another thing I am loving about this show is Static being part of it. I wish they could have had him from the start though.



Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2011
woah woah woah what is all this about Miss Martian flubbing the reading??
Go back and watch she didn't even do the reading
Green Beetle "volunteered his thoughts" to her no mind reading required, and she didn't tell the others that.
She was supposed to be reading Green Beetle's mind to make sure he was being truthful. Instead she allowed him to volunteer whatever information he pleased.

I think that counts as "flubbing"


Apr 29, 2012
I'm not sure why people are so surprised at the uneven character focus. Young Justice has been like this since the beginning, even character focus was never the goal. Season 1 mostly focused on Superboy, Miss Martian and Artemis, because as the potential moles they were most important to the plot. Now Blue Beetle is most important to the plot and therefore has become the Superboy of this season.


Defender of the Universe
Sep 7, 2004
I don't dislike Jaime, but I am a little tired of him. Put it plainly, I grew a bit attached to the first-season characters, and I probably would've liked to have seen more of them this season. Seeing so much Beetle emphasis this season is starting to feel a little heavy-handed. Reminds me of when G.I. Joe got all ninja crazy.


Nov 23, 2009
I understand that Jaime's an important part of this season due to the Scarab's connection to the Reach, but that doesn't change the fact that he is WAY overused and I'm sick to death of him.

I won't argue that he hasn't been in the spotlight all season, that would be silly. But I wouldn't say "overused", overall.

He was introduced along with slew of new heroes in Happy New Year. Wasn't in Earthlings. Hardly in Alienated. Teamed up with Superboy and his pets for the main plot of Salvage. Had his own boring solo "adventure" as a side-plot in Beneath, but we did get some interesting tidbits on the scarab, and Tye's disappearance tied in to the main plot.

He wasn't in Bloodlines or Depths at all. Briefly seen in Satisfaction, but that gave us a really cool look at the dead heroes. And he had a pretty big role in Darkest/Before the Dawn, but you can't say those weren't full team episodes. Even Kaldur and Artemis were featured plenty.

Second half started out without him in the main plot of Cornered, although he starred in the subplot. He was part of a squad of 4 in True Colors, then just had a few quick scenes in The Fix.

So other than Beneath, the only episode that overdid it with Beetle was the recent Runaways. But from a writing standpoint, they didn't want team members picking up on the on-mode Scarab, and from an in-universe standpoint, El Paso is the closest to Taos. I still don't like Runaways, but I guess it made enough sense... I just hope the last six aren't as frustrating.


New Member
Jan 24, 2013
... Is the number of people in the Justice League really that small?

Yep. Recall in "Happy New Year" that Zatanna and Rocket, the newest JL members, are numbers 25 & 26. When the 6 accused left for Rimbor, Hawkman and Icon accompanied them and the other GLs went ahead to Rimbor to make sure the Court there understood that the accused came in peace and that the trial was expected be fair. That means 9 or 10 of the 26 (depending on whether Guy is now a member) were off at Rimbor - over 1/3 of the League...


Nov 23, 2009
Yep. Recall in "Happy New Year" that Zatanna and Rocket, the newest JL members, are numbers 25 & 26. When the 6 accused left for Rimbor, Hawkman and Icon accompanied them and the other GLs went ahead to Rimbor to make sure the Court there understood that the accused came in peace and that the trial was expected be fair. That means 9 or 10 of the 26 (depending on whether Guy is now a member) were off at Rimbor - over 1/3 of the League...

Don't forget Zatara and Ted Kord don't count in that 26, and certain members like Red Arrow aren't exactly that active. Plus Barry's about to die :p


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Yep. Recall in "Happy New Year" that Zatanna and Rocket, the newest JL members, are numbers 25 & 26. When the 6 accused left for Rimbor, Hawkman and Icon accompanied them and the other GLs went ahead to Rimbor to make sure the Court there understood that the accused came in peace and that the trial was expected be fair. That means 9 or 10 of the 26 (depending on whether Guy is now a member) were off at Rimbor - over 1/3 of the League...
Yes, Weisman confirmed online that Gardner is a member of the JL. So 10 are off planet.

On Earth, there's 13 active Leaguers: Flash, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Captain Atom, Black Canary, Captain Marvel, Red Tornado, Dr. Fate, Atom, Plastic Man, Black Lightning, Zatanna, and Rocket. Then there's 4 unaffiliated allies like Jim Harper, Red Arrow, Blue Devil, and Peacekeeper. Unconfirmed if any of the former members of the Team like Tempest are still active in heroics. Then the semi to full retireds like Wally West, Jay Garrick, and Ted Grant (if he's still alive in Team Year 6).


Apr 9, 2012
Michigan, USA
Except the public thinks the current Blue Beetle is still Ted Kord, who was a member of the Justice League. And the public doesn't know Kord is dead. From what we saw at the end of this episode, Blue Beetle still hasn't bothered to correct the press as it's been noted he's had that problem for months.

That could work to the benefit of the Reach, the public will think it's Ted Kord/Old Blue Beetle supporting the Reach. So that's one JLAer on their side.

As for character focus, JLU had this "issue" too. Some loved the focus on other characters like Vixen. Some felt their favorites got sidelined for newbies. You can't make everyone happy.

I once heard: if what you're doing isn't angering somebody then you're not getting any passion from people.
Somebody will love what you do and somebody will hate what you do, if you don't here one then the other probably isn't happening either ;)

And David Lo Pan would disagree that Asians can't have green eyes!
The girl with emerald eyes was a character though, not a person. :p However, Kristen Kreuk is of Chinese ancestry and she has green/hazel eyes.

nonono youy're not understanding me before we knew that the green beetle "fix" meant that the scarab was in total control we all thought that the scarab was "silent" as Jaime said in the episode before so when he told the runaways that the scarab was translating Japanese for him I was like but wait he just said last episode that he couldn't hear the scarab anymore. So that's when I knew something was up or something was wrong, that and the happy way he was talking to Nightwing just seemed...weird
I wouldn't put it past the writers to have been dropping hints.

The new "Young Avengers" comic features a shot of Spider-Man in it but he doesn't look right. He's got round eyeglasses and you can see his toes. It's then revealed to be the shape-shifter Hulkling doing his best impression.
The internet was a blaze with fanboy hate saying "Why did he have toes?" "Toes wouldn't help Hulkling unless they were ape feet" and an interview with the creators said it was deliberate that Hulking wouldn't have the costume correct, he's just guessing at what Spider-Man would have and he's wrong. So the "error" was deliberate so people paying attention would see it.

It could be all the fanboy hate Jaime's translating scarab is getting was a deliberate "error" too. For the people paying attention to be like "Wha...?"
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Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this was a pretty good episodes. The runaways were a pretty likable group and it was interesting to see them bounce off of each others' different personalities. The only one I really cared about was Static since he's the only character out of the bunch that I'm familiar with due to the TV show he had a few years ago, but everyone was pretty much fine. Although, I agree that introducing new characters this late into the season and especially when they already have way too many characters is a problem and just shows that they're trying to do too much. Even if they did get another season, I'd have a problem with this just for the fact that too many of the new characters that they've introduced haven't done much, if anything, this season.

Green Beetle being a mole wasn't too much of a surprise, although I did think during the battle that Blue Beetle's attitude was the side-effect of whatever Green Beetle did. I don't know if that means the prophecy will come true and a part of me hopes that it won't just because I have a feeling that they would end the season with that if that was the case. I do think that Blue Beetle gets too much screentime, especially compared to the other new characters from this season, and that can be annoying, but at least he's connected to the storyline, so that doesn't bother me too much. It's just having most of the other characters stand in the sidelines that bothers me. Overall, this was a pretty good episode and I hope that next week's episode will be interesting to watch too.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2011
Green Beetle being a plant was obvious. Way to go Miss Martian. She might be the most powerful team member but she is also the most incomptent. She basically cleared Green Beetle because she was afraid to come clean which leads directly to Blue getting controlled and the league infiltrated. I will never understand why people like this character.

This episode kinda shows they were not expecting a cancellation. I like the group they bounce off each other well.

Bat-Fan Beyond

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
Philadelphia, PA, USA
I guess my problem is that as cool as Blue Beetle is, I'm just not a big enough fan that I like the focus of this season to be so much based around him and The Reach.

It was nice seeing more of Static again in this episode, though. I wonder if there's any chance that the DVD release of Young Justice: Season Two - Part Two will have some bonus episodes of Static Shock, much like they had Blue Beetle-centric episodes of Batman: The Brave and The Bold on last collection.

Lord Sidious

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2004
Isn't Ted Kord a member of the JL?

designations: 22. Black Lightning 23. Blue Beetle Ted Kord 24. Guy Gardner 25. Zatanna 26. Rocket



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