Young Justice "Mole Poll" (Possible Spoilers)

Who's working with The Light?

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Nov 23, 2009
This'll be fun to look back on once it's revealed who The Light's inside-man is.

I'm thinking/hoping it's Superboy, there's plenty of evidence pointing towards him (like The Light seeming happy that The League took him in at the end of "Fireworks") plus I hate him lol.

Aqualad's not looking too good right now, but he's sacrificed himself several times already (Biyalian desert, the Helmet of Fate incident, actually giving his life in Failsafe).


Nov 18, 2011
I think it's Red Arrow but I'm hoping it to be Superboy, Miss Martian, or Aqualad.


Feb 22, 2009
I think its superboy. The first episode of the series began with superboy's freedom so it makes sense that things will come full circle. Superboy will probably play a large part in the season finale. The teaser image for season 2 also has no superboy so theres something fishy there.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
Aqualad. I think its him simply because since the Red Tornado incident he seems to be trying hard to prove he's a team leader so no one can suspect him, which is probably causing him stress.

Or Miss Martian. She seems a little odd.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2007
There's also the possibility that the Light "thinks" they have a mole but they really don't.

BTW what was Sportsmasters lines to Aqualad about having a mole on the inside again?
Jan 30, 2005
I'm going with Superboy. This whole "Superman doesn't love me" schtick is just an act. The reason he wants to get close to Superman is to stick a kryptonite knife in his back.

Superman gets nervous around him. His instincts are rarely wrong.


Active Member
Feb 27, 2006
The fact that Batman said directly on-screen that he suspects Superboy might be secretly brainwashed by the Light proves that he's not the mole. Up until that point it could have been him, but once suspicion was straight-up thrown on Superboy, he was out of the running.

According to the rules of Scooby-Doo, the culprit has to be a character NOT suspected by the protagonists. Meaning if the narrative is making an active case for a motive of one character being the culprit, then that character is a red herring.

That leaves Robin, Aqualad, and KidFlash. And the thing about Aqualad is, we KNOW he's Black Manta's son. We the audience already knows this, BUT we only know it because it was established by media NOT from the actual show or tie-in comic. We only know that Aqualad is Black Mantas son because Weisman created the character for the show and Johns liked him so much he put him in the main comics.

That means, as far as the actual "Young Justice" franchise goes, we're not actually SUPPOSED to know Aqualad is Black Mantas son. Until that connection is directly acknowledged on screen (thus casting suspicion on Aqualad...and then in-turn actually exonerating him) he's the mostly likely candidate.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2010
Pennsbury Band Room
The fact that Batman said directly on-screen that he suspects Superboy might be secretly brainwashed by the Light proves that he's not the mole. Up until that point it could have been him, but once suspicion was straight-up thrown on Superboy, he was out of the running.

According to the rules of Scooby-Doo, the culprit has to be a character NOT suspected by the protagonists. Meaning if the narrative is making an active case for a motive of one character being the culprit, then that character is a red herring.

That leaves Robin, Aqualad, and KidFlash. And the thing about Aqualad is, we KNOW he's Black Manta's son. We the audience already knows this, BUT we only know it because it was established by media NOT from the actual show or tie-in comic. We only know that Aqualad is Black Mantas son because Weisman created the character for the show and Johns liked him so much he put him in the main comics.

That means, as far as the actual "Young Justice" franchise goes, we're not actually SUPPOSED to know Aqualad is Black Mantas son. Until that connection is directly acknowledged on screen (thus casting suspicion on Aqualad...and then in-turn actually exonerating him) he's the mostly likely candidate.


Interesting logic there. But tbh with scooby doo logic, Robin or KF would be the mole - if you look at the poll they're even shoved in the other' category :sweat: And Terra was quite obviously set up as a traitor from the start of TT but it didn't magiclly switch... though they sort of did that w robin with the whole blackmail thing..

I think it's miss martian or aqualad right now, though i could see it being anyone.

In my crack-fantasy, Robin woud be the mole for the sheer fact that the results would be so DIFFERENT. What if he's the bad Robin, and Jason Todd is the goody goody? If Robby was the mole, batman would be shocked. Numb. Depressed. Horrified. (Insert adj. here) and the team defiately wouldn't believe it. KF is his best friend - if he reacted like he did to Artemis' death while barely knowing her, immagine loosing his bff who turned evil. It'd be so out there that it'd be great to see how it was written. But hat's just me.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2011
There is no logical reason for Sportsmaster to tell the actual mole that there is a mole in front of a witness. And yeah inside the cartoon we don't know about the Manta connection.

Top Candidates in my book are Superboy, standard sleeper plot seems to apply.
Miss Martian is next given the changes to her story.

Still we might get the double play. U set SB up as the brainwashed fakeout by having him attack the team leaving the real mole free and clear.

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Active Member
Jan 4, 2009
Montreal, Canada
My picks in order of what I feel are most likely:

1) Miss Martian: Sportsmaster, by working for The Light, knows of an upcoming White Martian invasion (which would also be why the spin-off/second series is called "Invasion"). Miss Martian is hiding the fact that she is actually a White Martian, so Sportsmaster assumes she's a spy.

2) Artemis: She's not actually a spy, but Sportsmaster thinks she is since she's his daughter. One day she'll get outed for her relations, in which everyone turns on her. It's at this point that Sportsmaster will welcome her as his sidekick, but she really did want to be good since day one and it's everyone else who's wrong.

3) Zatanna: Not present enough to be considered by us as even a real member, let alone the mole. Plus, she's an actual hero in the comics and the daughter of a Leaguer, so we'd suspect her even less. Either she's an actual mole, or being controlled by someone like The Enchantress on behalf of the Light.

4) Superboy: For all the reasons Batman brought up in this week's episode, meaning he doesn't even know he's the mole. I think it's least likely since Batman's suspicions spoiled the surprise to the audience. Speaking of this week's episode, did anyone love the homage to comic-book Superboy from 1993?


Active Member
Feb 27, 2006
There is no logical reason for Sportsmaster to tell the actual mole that there is a mole in front of a witness.

I may be remembering it wrong, but didn't Sportsmaster tell Red Arrow, and then Red Arrow went on to tell Aqualad?

Which, thematically, points to Aqualad even more. As a narrative device, it's a more clearly defined callback to have the mole-character be given extra emphasis in the episode that directly established the mole to begin with. (Though, the mole was hinted at even earlier, that episode is what really solidified it.)



Nov 23, 2009
I may be remembering it wrong, but didn't Sportsmaster tell Red Arrow, and then Red Arrow went on to tell Aqualad?---

No, he said to directly to Aqualad. However, just because Sportsmaster is aware of The Light having an inside source, it doesn't mean he actually knows said source's identity.

I read a theory somewhere that Aqualad was cloned and replaced by The Light. Sounds crazy but remember when they took DNA samples of the 3 sidekicks during "Fireworks"? That means Robin and/or Aqualad may not be themselves.

Regardless, this mole business is my favorite part of the show and the main reason I stay tuned in and read the comic book. The end results should be pretty interesting.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2010
Pennsbury Band Room
No, he said to directly to Aqualad. However, just because Sportsmaster is aware of The Light having an inside source, it doesn't mean he actually knows said source's identity.

I read a theory somewhere that Aqualad was cloned and replaced by The Light. Sounds crazy but remember when they took DNA samples of the 3 sidekicks during "Fireworks"? That means Robin and/or Aqualad may not be themselves.

Regardless, this mole business is my favorite part of the show and the main reason I stay tuned in and read the comic book. The end results should be pretty interesting.

I like the mole thing too. But I don't think Robin/Kaldur/Wally could be clones - Batman would probably notice about Robin, and same with the other's respective mentors. Also superboy was cloned/grown in 16 weeks, so they wouldve been switched out after or just before the hints of a mole were out. Don't htink theres enough time.

Also, didn't Robin destroy the DNA samples when he blew up the room? I thought that left it pretty much certain that there wasn't any more, unless they were able to salvage it.


New Member
Oct 15, 2011
I may be remembering it wrong, but didn't Sportsmaster tell Red Arrow, and then Red Arrow went on to tell Aqualad?

Which, thematically, points to Aqualad even more. As a narrative device, it's a more clearly defined callback to have the mole-character be given extra emphasis in the episode that directly established the mole to begin with. (Though, the mole was hinted at even earlier, that episode is what really solidified it.)

While that is true, I think that emphasis would most likely be the one where we found about the mole in the first place. We found that the light had an inside source in the episode Infiltrator. Usually the episode titles hold double meanings. Either that meant this is the first time the show revealed information about "the mole" or this was the episode "the mole" infiltrated the team.

Least Likely Suspects
Kid Flash

There are just some characters you don't mess around with. Wally and Dick are just so established as heroes, that to make them villains--even under duress--just for the sake of surprise is anathema. It is far more likely for the writers to the less established and original characters.


Although she appeared to be a likely candidate during her first appearance in Infiltrator, most of us doubted she would be "the mole" in the end because it would have been incredibly cliche and predictable to make her one. The comic-tie pretty much nixed the chance she was the mole.
If they had not brought up the possibility of his "programming" on the show, then
I would have placed him higher on the list. The other Genomorphs were ultimately the ones who set him free, not the Light. I highly doubt the Light planned for the possibility that their "weapon" would escape and join the covert ops arm of the Justice League. If this plot thread returns, I could still see him being forced against his will to betray the theme due to his "programming"; however, I don't see him as a source of information.



I'm only putting him here because it would be very surprising if he was indeed the source of information. He's a new character; hence, he doesn't get the protection Robin and Kid Flash do. The main thing going against this is why would Sportsmaster be talking about the mole to the mole? Of course it could just mean that Sportmaster doesn't know who the inside source is and that he basically screwed up by revealing it, forcing the mole to reveal his hand.

If he is the mole, all of his actions could possible be explained as him playing a role to put him above suspicion.
Miss Martian

The fact that she lied about her origin puts her a notch higher than before. I still think it's all because she's ashamed of the fact that she is a white martian, not necessarily because she's the mole.

Cheshire Mask
The only possible "infiltrators" to the team during the episode infiltrators were Artemis and Cheshire's mask. Artemis is almost above suspicion to those who follow the tie-in comic.

I'm still 75% convinced that theCheshire Mask is the leak; however, the use of the word "operative" makes me doubt that because the word implies a person. This doesn't automatically discount because the term could be used loosely. After all, someone has to be monitoring it.


Nov 23, 2009
All good points Phoenix, but you're forgetting Sportsmaster's exact dialogue.

SM: "Not bad Lad, better than your team did in Santa Prisca or Biyalia"

Kaldur: "How did you..."

SM: "Let's just say I have an inside source... VERY inside"

Now that I think about it, I'm gonna go ahead and say Artemis is the mole. I don't think she's a traitor or anything, but it's not ridiculous to think that Sportsmaster knows where she is at all times. And that's all he told Aqualad he knew, locations.

And when The Light said that they have an operative, maybe they just assumed the daughter of Sportsmaster and Tigress was not a hero at all.

I'm still perplexed as to why Sportsmaster saw it beneficial to reveal the fact that there was a mole. Perhaps he wants the team to find out about her and give her the boot since he's having trouble getting her to see eye-to-eye with him.
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Active Member
Apr 14, 2008
There is no mole in the team because the mole is Red Arrow. At least I think it is.

Here's why:
  • In "Infiltrator," he gets mad at the Justice League for allowing Artemis to join. It's also the first time The Light says they have someone on the inside so it's possible he was recruited by them in that episode.
  • Although Red Arrow is not on the team or in the Justice League, he still is in communication with them.
  • In "Targets," Aqualad says to him that he could have contacted Green Arrow or the League but he chose Aqualad's team. He also tells Aqualad to fight Sportsmaster. This was done so Sportsmaster could sew dissent within the team.
  • Red Arrow has been a villain in the comics.
  1. He didn't get mad that Artemis joined, he was jealous that Ollie seemingly found a replacement for him so quickly. He also goes onto warn Artemis not to hurt his friends, why would he bother to do so if he was the mole? Not to mention in that very episode Roy got the ball rolling on thwarting the League of Shadows' scheme, which made them lose the scientist lady as an asset, the info gatherer weapon and they weren't able to acquire the WayneTech data they were after.
  2. Since Red Arrow isn't on either team, how much intel could he really get for the Light?
  3. Roy and Kaldur are friends, so when Roy was in trouble he called him. Not to mention that Kaldur is more useful in a fight than Green Arrow. Plus if Roy went crying back to Ollie every time he got himself in some trouble, he would just be proving the League's point back in "Independence Day". And the reason Roy told Kaldur to go after Sporstmaster was because he wanted to fight Cheshire, who had been taunting and teasing him for the whole mission.
  4. When? I know right before the reboot he was on drugs and on Deathstroke's villainous team, but he himself wasn't exactly villainous.
If there really is a mole, my money's on unknowing Superboy. The Light seemed a little to happy to get him within the League's custody, and reading #6 again, he has some pretty dark thoughts regarding Superman.

Also, all this speculation reminds me of the the Master Planner arc in Spectacular Spider-Man. Doc Oct was the obvious candidate as the MP, but everyone thought he was too obvious to be him, but then bam, what do you know, it was him all along.


Mutant on the Rise
Jan 10, 2007
Well, suss2it, while the "obvious" choice is Artemis, we've been privy to her thoughts and fears in both the show and the comic. That's not quite the same as Master Planner.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
This is not an easy mystery to crack because none of the team would seemingly have anything to gain by betraying their friends. I suppose the writers could make the mole someone above suspicion like Robin, but who would believe something like that? So, here is my personal theory...

I still think the traitor could be ARTEMIS. I think Batman could be setting up Artemis as a double agent to spy on the Light for the Justice League. This would make sense given her family connections.

I think it would be a cop out after all this build up for there not to be a mole, so I don't really think that is a possibility.

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
My two best theories were Superboy brainwashed or Artemis as a double agent. Batman suspecting Superboy throws out that theory, and the fact that Black Canary said Artemis can come right out and tell the team her backstory makes me doubt that now too.

Still, I voted for Artemis, as a double agent, since I don't think any of the team members are willingly leaking the bad guys info because they're traitors.

According to the rules of Scooby-Doo, the culprit has to be a character NOT suspected by the protagonists. Meaning if the narrative is making an active case for a motive of one character being the culprit, then that character is a red herring.

That leaves Robin, Aqualad, and KidFlash.

Couldn't that also leave the fact that there really is no mole?

the greenman

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2006
the point of no return


I'm only putting him here because it would be very surprising if he was indeed the source of information. He's a new character; hence, he doesn't get the protection Robin and Kid Flash do. The main thing going against this is why would Sportsmaster be talking about the mole to the mole? Of course it could just mean that Sportmaster doesn't know who the inside source is and that he basically screwed up by revealing it, forcing the mole to reveal his hand.

If he is the mole, all of his actions could possible be explained as him playing a role to put him above suspicion.

Yeah, this guy has kinda raised my suspicion since "Revelation". In that episode two things felt weird for me.

1) When Wotan was jibbing him on "You are not in my league."

2) His instant release from the helmet of nabu.

In "Downtime", I watched it again. When Lagoon Boy showed him that little history lesson, his reaction seemed kinda weird, because he was being called "hero". This could go either way based on what we saw in the ep with him and Garth. However, the whole magic aspect of Aqualad I think is kinda being underplayed. We don't know just how powerful he could be. I, at least, don't know from the comics. Interesting to that an Atlantean is on board of "The Light", and this seems more of a set-up. Yeah, he's a definite Red Flag.

I think all in all, the show has been successful at keeping us guessing.


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