[adult swim] Promotion Sparked Bomb Scare in Boston


Aug 17, 2006
"I hope you can see this because im doing it as hard as i can"

Zach Logan

We are Maji!
Apr 17, 2002
Moving Around
Happy one hundred everyone...(at 9PM on a Wednesday)!

...and 1910 guests on boards.adultswim.com...


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Do Dah Doo Doo
Jul 29, 2003
the northern hemisphere
Sorry to chime in late to this thread.

I still can't believe this actually happened. (I can, however, believe the hysterical mornos on Fox news would completely blow it out of proportion). Is noone in Boston a ATHF fan?
Couldn't ONE person involved have run a simple........google search?

Someone's getting fired.

William C. Maune

TZ News Editor in Chief
Nov 26, 2001
Castle Wyvern, Missouri
I have no idea what grounds for legal action there could be against Adult Swim/Turner/TimeWarner/etc. There was certainly no intention to make people think these were bombs, and I don't see how anyone could (and they didn't in the 9 other cities). I don't see how they could have reasonably foreseen any of this.

Jimmy Kudo

was sent to Hell.
Aug 23, 2005
Damn, I needed this after a hard day at work. :D

Hunh... I wonder if AS will have the balls to make a bump about this mess. ;)

Zach Logan

We are Maji!
Apr 17, 2002
Moving Around
Sorry to chime in late to this thread.

I still can't believe this actually happened. (I can, however, believe the hysterical mornos on Fox news would completely blow it out of proportion). Is noone in Boston a ATHF fan?
Couldn't ONE person involved have run a simple........google search?

Someone's getting fired.
I can't believe it either, how could NO ONE in the city of Boston know what that is?
I have no idea what grounds for legal action there could be against Adult Swim/Turner/TimeWarner/etc. There was certainly no intention to make people think these were bombs, and I don't see how anyone could (and they didn't in the 9 other cities). I don't see how they could have reasonably foreseen any of this.
Well they've already arrested an artist, and the Mayor of Boston said he's going to take legal action against Turner Broadcasting.

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Active Member
Feb 24, 2003
I have no idea what grounds for legal action there could be against Adult Swim/Turner/TimeWarner/etc. There was certainly no intention to make people think these were bombs, and I don't see how anyone could (and they didn't in the 9 other cities). I don't see how they could have reasonably foreseen any of this.
Listen to the man Boston, he knows what he's talking about, this is his field.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2004
Now I do acknowledge that this mess caused a lot of unnecessary hardship to lots of commuters, and boy it must've wasted a lot of money. I hope no one here got caught up in the screwup.

But I still want to laugh at the whole dang mess. :D

I read the press release from Turner. They said they put up these neon displays all over ten cities a couple of weeks ago. They've been there for a while. As far as I know, that's ALL they did. So the two questions are:

1.) Who called those ads in? Was it an honest mistake by someone not very bright? Or did someone who knew they were ads call in a false alarm? That guy might be criminally liable. But I don't think there's any evidence yet that Turner itself called the police about this.

2.) Why didn't the police know about the ads? Shouldn't there have been on record permits to place ads in those bridges, that the police could've then checked? I'd be surprised if Turner put those ads up without permission.

You just nailed the problem with #2. It isn't that Turner put these ads up but that they got put up and no one in Boston knew about them. It's hard for me to believe that they could have been put up without someone knowing and/or getting permission to put them up. However, if that is what happened (at least in Boston's case - seems the other cities involved seem to know it was going on), then Turner just showed a huge breach in security in Boston. However, that's BOSTON's problem! If their city bureaucracy is so messed up as to have to call out Homeland Security instead of knowing, or at least double checking to find out if, something like this was going on then they need to get their act together.

Now, if Turners third party group who put these out didn't get permission to put them out then Turner should be in trouble. Still, it shows a major problem with homeland security because this ad campaign is said to have been going on for two weeks and no one in any city involved noticed? Uh yeah :eek:. Still, my guess is that other than in Boston (which isn't clear at the moment what happened) the cities did know it was going on and permission most likely was given, so the real issue here is Boston vs Turner.

One other thing, this wasn't a Hoax - a hoax is defined as "something intended to deceive or defraud." Glowing signs of a moonight flipping people off doesn't equal terrorism. The signs weren't put out to deceive anyone but as a promotion. So the only "hoaxer" would be the person who called it in, if they actually knew what they were looking at (not Turner - they never claimed they were bombs to anyone that I know of).

PS: I'm sorry but when all is said and done it was pretty darn funny seeing those signs on the news - they look like someone went nuts with a lite&brite :sweat:

William C. Maune

TZ News Editor in Chief
Nov 26, 2001
Castle Wyvern, Missouri
They can arrest whoever they want, but that doesn't mean the charges will stick. I definitely can't say I specialize in this area of the law, but it still makes me scratch my head. We'll see if the Mayor's threats get him anywhere.

Zach Logan

We are Maji!
Apr 17, 2002
Moving Around
They can arrest whoever they want, but that doesn't mean the charges will stick. I definitely can't say I specialize in this area of the law, but it still makes me scratch my head. We'll see if the Mayor's threats get him anywhere.
Remember, we are seeing this from a somewhat skewed point of view. The police at this point are going to try to put the blame somewhere so it doesn't look like its the fault of their police department. It'll be a lot harder to take on Turner Broadcasting than it is to take on this artist. Also, if anyone recalls, this has happened once before...the talking newspaper box.


Do Dah Doo Doo
Jul 29, 2003
the northern hemisphere
Sorry again to comment twice

But man do we live in a paranoid reactionary society if a couple of OBVIOUS NOT BOMBS with a freaking CARTOON CHARACTER on it causes a national crisis.

The fact that this is a story at all is far sadder than a tv network did a stupid stunt that went wrong.
But it is funny watching O'reiley talk about it :)
I guess he needed something for his 65+ audience to get upset about today.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2004
I have no idea what grounds for legal action there could be against Adult Swim/Turner/TimeWarner/etc. There was certainly no intention to make people think these were bombs, and I don't see how anyone could (and they didn't in the 9 other cities). I don't see how they could have reasonably foreseen any of this.
Well they could get in trouble if they didn't ask permission to put the signs up in the first place. However, what is really happening is that Boston is going to sue Turner because they can and because this entire thing made Boston and the people who run it (thus the Mayor) look dumb.

So it'll be one more court clogging case unless someone didn't ask permission or unless someone settles this out of court.


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