[adult swim] Promotion Sparked Bomb Scare in Boston

Mr. Manager

Active Member
Sep 22, 2005
Cottage Cheese Cottage
this is what happens when there's a bomb scare


This sure is good for Toon Zone.
Meanwhile on eBay:

I need that shirt.


Staff member
May 2, 2004
The FOX Report reairs again at 2AM estern, 11PM pacific.

Zach Logan

We are Maji!
Apr 17, 2002
Moving Around
This sure is good for Toon Zone.I need that shirt.
Tell all your friends!

The story will be on Countdown (MSNBC) after the commercial break. Turn your TVs to that channel. I don't know if BillO will even air a report on it.

The Myst

Truthiness for Springfield
Feb 4, 2006
Tell all your friends!

The story will be on Countdown (MSNBC) after the commercial break. Turn your TVs on that channel. I don't know if BillO will even air a report on it.

Aww, I was about to tell people about it.

So Olbermann is a Family Guy fan, I wonder if he watches ATHF.

Zach Logan

We are Maji!
Apr 17, 2002
Moving Around
Aww, I was about to tell people about it.

So Olbermann is a Family Guy fan, I wonder if he watches ATHF.

He has a speaking role in an upcoming episode of Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane has even appeared on his show recently. He's a fan of that whole genre, so he may like ATHF, we'll see now (after Oddball).

EDIT: One more commercial...I hate how news does this.


They're fake
Nov 11, 2002
Remember it's 8PM on a Wednesday, and there are 100 people on the forums. This may have blown up in Williams Street's face, but it is damn good advertising. If just our forums are getting so many more viewers, just imagine what AS.com is getting.
Honestly, even if they'd planned it to work out like this, I wouldn't have been able to blame them.


Mar 19, 2002
Simpsonville, SC
The Mooninites now own you, Boston.

Now I do acknowledge that this mess caused a lot of unnecessary hardship to lots of commuters, and boy it must've wasted a lot of money. I hope no one here got caught up in the screwup.

But I still want to laugh at the whole dang mess. :D

I read the press release from Turner. They said they put up these neon displays all over ten cities a couple of weeks ago. They've been there for a while. As far as I know, that's ALL they did. So the two questions are:

1.) Who called those ads in? Was it an honest mistake by someone not very bright? Or did someone who knew they were ads call in a false alarm? That guy might be criminally liable. But I don't think there's any evidence yet that Turner itself called the police about this.

2.) Why didn't the police know about the ads? Shouldn't there have been on record permits to place ads in those bridges, that the police could've then checked? I'd be surprised if Turner put those ads up without permission.

Seriously, I'm imagining Master Shake calling the police, thinking this would be the perfect way to generate publicity for the movie. Alternatively, this sounds like just the prank the Mooninites would pull. ;)

Either way, I hope there are no bad repercussions for either the show or the movie.


Sep 7, 2004
Actionville, IL
I find it really annoying that Fox is calling it a 'hoax', which would infer that these devices were intended to make people believe that they were bombs.

...which, as anyone with a working brain and an iota of common sense would know isn't true. Terrorists might try to plant explosives, but they're not going to cover them with bright lights shaped like cartoon characters in open places where the public can see them.

And I must own that shirt.


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
We have a new enemy that threatens the freedom and democracy of America.

We must now take up arms against this threat to the peace of the free world.

We will not rest until we have defeated these 'Mooninites', liberated their homeland, and uncovered their weapons of mass destruction.

Zach Logan

We are Maji!
Apr 17, 2002
Moving Around
I find it really annoying that Fox is calling it a 'hoax', which would infer that these devices were intended to make people believe that they were bombs.

...which, as anyone with a working brain and an iota of common sense would know isn't true. Terrorists might try to plant explosives, but they're not going to cover them with bright lights shaped like cartoon characters in open places where the public can see them.

And I must own that shirt.
FOX is annoying, don't let it bother you, they're FOX...it's understandable.

Olbermann will be discussing it as his #2 story, it seems, keep it locked in for that at MSNBC (I like his show, thats why I'm promoting it, he's a good guy).

Moto Pete

We Bare-ly Pete's
Apr 19, 2006
South Jersey

Oh, you viral marketers and tricksy Adult Swim promo squads, what've you done now? No longer content with offending parents and making the male aged 18-30 demo chortle with glee at their New Jersey debauchery, it would appear Aqua Teen crossed over into real life to wreak havoc promoting the upcoming ATHF movie. Geeky Lite-Brite-like visages of the Mooninites caused shut downs in several transit arteries in Boston, including Interstate 93, the Longfellow Bridge, and Storrow Drive, leaving thousands asking WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR FRICKIN' CAR?! Strangely, Turner stated that these viral ads have been in place in 10 major cities for between two and three weeks, which leaves one to wonder why no one noticed the strange, pixelated cartoon characters flipping the bird until just this afternoon, and just in Boston.


On his personal website, he posted pictures of a small group installing the figures -- little square-shaped men frowning and making an obscene gesture -- on the exterior wall of a hospital, on the awning of a Cambridge bar, at an Urban Outfitters, and a bridge.



Active Member
Feb 24, 2003
I think I must've called in too late, or there was huge number of people calling in, because I didn't get through.

I liked how one guy argued with them .

Guy: "Hello? I would have to disagree. If it was a popular character, like Mickey Mouse, or Superman, or Spider-Man, it wouldn't be a problem..." and also pointed out "...people shouldn't go for jail because the police and whoever called in can't tell the difference between a magnetic sign and a bomb..."

They didn't give him many chances to get a word in, but he pointed out how it was stupid people confused signs with bombs, while the host and the mayor rambled on about "You must be one of those guys who go on about the Right to Speech, but what about Right to Safety", and asked why AS doesn't advertise on the their channel, to which the guy said:

"They do."

Took the words straight out of my mouth :D

Another part I loved was "...But these were specifically designed as bombs with pipes and wires...", followed by "All the pictures on the news and the internet showed only the magnetic decales..." but it was hard to hear clearly with the two guys going on and on.

(But I LOVE that the guy also checked the internet, as well as the news, to learn about this. He did his homework.)

For the most part its callers would agree with the two, the guy was one of the very few to disagree, although my speaker isn't working for some reason, so I don't know if it is over and if he was the only to dare disagree.

I try calling in again. I want to give them a piece of my mind like that one guy. Don't give up guys!


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I just saw this on Reddit and instantly thought of you. ;)

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