C&C - Attack on Titan - "To You, After 2,000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1" [SERIES PREMIER

Peter Paltridge

Staff member
Sep 24, 2003
Stars Hollow
I went into tonight's 'toon knowing next to nothing.

So, um......


"THIS is pleasant......"


Active Member
Feb 9, 2002
Queens, New York, USA
Even with the shortened opening and ending, the episode ran long and pushed back the start of Bleach. Could this present a problem in future weeks?


World War I Flying Ace
Nov 20, 2010
Chicopee, Massachusetts,
I went into tonight's 'toon knowing next to nothing.

So, um......


"THIS is pleasant......"
I think my total reaction would be more like this:
Talk about massive disappointment. Not because it's overly violent. On the contrary, the whole thing just felt like forgettable characters and a hugely predictable plot with hokey writing. There were actually times where I nearly chuckled where I wasn't supposed to, and I probably would've felt more for Eren losing his mother if I hadn't seen it coming from a light year away. And the big difference? Gore galore! Because that makes everything better, right?

Like hell it does.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
It always seemed to me this is set in an alternative world version of the middle ages or olden times. The nations are run by royalty and such. This is old school times.

People complaining this is too depressing, it is that type of show take or leave it. Don't like it, well we have other shows on the block like Space Dandy, One PIece, that might be more yoour speed.

I wonder if the people that compalin this show is too gloomy, will complain Fairy Tail is too optomistic?

Peter Paltridge

Staff member
Sep 24, 2003
Stars Hollow
I wonder if the people that compalin this show is too gloomy, will complain Fairy Tail is too optomistic?

Probably not. If you don't prefer one, then you prefer the other.

One Piece is still my favorite Toonami show for striking a balance between the two.

Lord Dalek

Uncreative Hack
Aug 17, 2003
Dalek Empire
I'd mention Hunter X Hunter which still tries to suggest a cheerful adventure show with its OP when the actual show is frequently anything but.


Good night everybody!
Apr 26, 2010
Hammond, Indiana
See, this is why it's better this leads off the night. If this came on at like 2 in the morning your ass would never get to sleep.


World War I Flying Ace
Nov 20, 2010
Chicopee, Massachusetts,
People complaining this is too depressing, it is that type of show take or leave it. Don't like it, well we have other shows on the block like Space Dandy, One PIece, that might be more yoour speed.

I wonder if the people that compalin this show is too gloomy, will complain Fairy Tail is too optomistic?
Like I said, my problem wasn't that it was dark. It's that it was using said darkness as an obvious crutch. Take away the violence and all you got is overacting and cliches.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
Well those that are down on Eren for being too whinny, relax he gets better real quickly. Just give it a few episodes.


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Is this show even set in the future? Or on Earth? Because I'm pretty sure we got modern weapons that would turn Titans into mince meat.

This has me curious as well. At what point in the future did technology revert back to medieval times?

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this episode was okay. The shorten intro was a surprise, but I can understand that it was a some kind of mix-up, so that didn't bother me too much. I liked the setting. It does make one question how exactly they could have created huge walls while the Titans were attacking, how they get all the resources for a large city to survive for a hundred years, why don't they have access to more advanced weapons and what exactly is a Titan. The Scouts returning and giving the mother the arm of her own son was pretty dark. Although, I thought that it was really strange how they made such an emotional scene about how pointless his sacrifice was only to have them just continue marching away. It just came off like a sudden end to a scene that was there primarily to show the audience how dangerous life outside the wall is and even the Scouts that go out to do their duty aren't able to do anything.

While I could see why people might see Eren as being whiny, I kept thinking he brought good points. Perhaps not worded in the best way and yelling to get his point across all the time might not help with such a tender issue of humanity's future, but I kept agreeing him when he was calling out the drunk Scout and I thought his reasoning for wanting to join the Scouts, despite what he just saw beforehand, was at least reasonable. I don't know if I'd say that I like him right off the bat, but he's okay. I liked Mikasa though. She's like the really tough, quite and yet protective best friend of the main character. She left a bit of a better and more interesting first impression on me. Armin seemed interesting, but he was barely in the episode, so I couldn't get as much of an impression on him. Even without the opening scene, Armin talking about how it was just a matter of time before the Titans broke through the wall would have made it painfully obvious that was about to happen. That did create a lot of intensity that grabbed my attention.

I was kind of surprised that the one Scout from earlier just froze when he faced the Titan. I guess that being so inactive in fighting Titans made him too afraid to fight back. Either that or he knew that if he tried to fight, all of them would have died. Eren's mother being killed was also pretty obvious, but to be fair, that was one of the details about the show that I heard well before now too. While her death was really brutal and I felt bad for her in that regard, I don't think there was enough time spent on her relationship with her children to make me feel as sad about her death as they could. Most of their scenes together didn't last long and were primarily arguing with each other. She clearly loved Eren, didn't want to see him die a pointless death and she wanted both him and Mikasa to be save instead of wasting their time saving her, but since their interactions were brief and were mostly arguments, I think that weakened the emotional impact a bit, despite how brutal it was. I will admit that Eren seeing his mother being eaten with her blood splattered across the streets was a pretty disturbing image to focus on.

Overall, I thought that it was okay. It certainly wasn't bad, but I wasn't blown away by it either. It has interesting setup for both the plot and the characters, the setting is unique and the Titans attacking was intense. Granted, this is just the first episode and with how much hype this show has going for it, living up to that hype right off the bat might have been unlikely in retrospect. When I finally decided to check out Madoka after hearing all the hype for it, I think it took until the second or third episode for me to really get into it. It might take awhile for me to really get into this show as well. Still, it's an interesting and all around decent first episode.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
New York
For my first viewing of this anime phenomenon? I'll say that I enjoyed this episode, but like others, I wasn't entirely blown away. I liked how they didn't shy away from people dying from the Titans simply breaking the walls. I know this show is VERY MUCH an 'Anyone can Die' anime, so I was prepared to not get attached to any characters. If there was anything I didn't like though, it'd probably be the large amount of people simply TELLING, not SHOWING. A lot of people were screaming their arguments or through clenched teeth. Nobody in real life talks like this and for this anime to be the one that doesn't give the Invisibility card to its characters, you'd think they'd illustrate a distraught general (or whatever rank he was) as a more dignified guy. Falling to his knees, sobbing and screaming that their losses were pointless? I don't want THAT guy to be leading our military. The audience can figure out whether a character is angry or sad just by looking, you don't have to shout it out to the heavens.

Something's telling me that this anime will be chockfull of emotional speeches. I'm a big fan of overdramatic things, but I typically prefer an overdramatic sword slash than a speech.


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Season 6 of Total Drama (production code-wise), Pahkitew Island, made its American debut a decade ago.

It's my favorite season of the show (behind all 3 of Total Dramarama's) and has the best cast of the series, which includes the 2 best characters of the franchise, Leonard and Max (who should've been the finalists).

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