Talkback: The First CW4K!DS Broadcast [5/24]


Stone free, do what I please
Sep 30, 2005
The Grid
[kidswbyourself]"CW 4 YOURSELF!"[/kidswbyourself]

As with Fox Kids being replaced by Fox Box/4KidsTV/Game Station/whatever the hell they call it next, Kids WB has been morphed into another 4Kids block: CW4K!DS

This talkback is for discussion on how you feel about the change, about the new bumpers, and overall the new look.

Here is the first CW4K!DS schedule:

07:00 AM Will & Dewitt - Fair Factor; Draw
07:30 AM Magi-Nation - Enemy in the Sands
08:00 AM Skunk Fu! - The Art of Truffling; The Art of Patience
08:30 AM Tom & Jerry Tales - Way Off Broadway; Egg Beats; Cry Uncle
09:00 AM Tom & Jerry Tales - Joy Riding Jokers; Cat Got Your Luggage?; City Dump Chumps
09:30 AM The Spectacular Spider-Man - Market Forces
10:00 AM The Spectacular Spider-Man - Reaction
10:30 AM World of Quest - Rash to Judgment; Harvest Day (NEW)
11:00 AM Johnny Test - Here Johnny, Here Boy; Johnny Applesauce
11:30 AM Eon Kid - A Warrior is Born

Discuss. :sweat:

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
Well, I wish there was a new Spider-Man airing, but alas, no such luck. Gotta wait until next week.

Wonder what type of bumpers they'll use.

EDIT: Okay, so the bumps are exactly the same, just with the new logo. Except they don't use the Kids' WB water tower bumps.

And TMNT: Fast Forward joins CW4Kids on June 21st.
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Stone free, do what I please
Sep 30, 2005
The Grid
So, it looks like kids who only have CW4Kids instead of 4KidsTV will get to experience the phenomenon known to Wikipedia members as "British Serling". :anime:


Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Jul 20, 2007
Well all the bumpers are the same right now, though I do expect it to change wen 4Kids fully takes over in the Fall.

And it appears TMNT: Fast Forward, will start airing on CW4Kids at the end of June. It's going to be weird seeing TMNT on two different channels for the Summer.

Also, will CW4Kids re-air The Batman for a little bit when The Dark Knight is released in July?


Head of HATE
Sep 27, 2005
I just hope 4Kids doesn't pull The Spectacular Spider-Man off the schedule, that show's good and the only thing I watch on Kids WB! anymore.

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
I just hope 4Kids doesn't pull The Spectacular Spider-Man off the schedule, that show's good and the only thing I watch on Kids WB! anymore.

Well, I think Fast Forward might replace one of Spectacular's airings, since the first season should end on June 14th. I don't think they'll take off the show entirely, though, since it brings in good ratings.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2004
Is 4kidsTV keeping classic TMNT while CW4kids airs Fast Forward? Also how are they going to do this with two blocks. Whats 4kids plans to make CW4kids and 4kids TV different?


Stone free, do what I please
Sep 30, 2005
The Grid
I just hope 4Kids doesn't pull World of Quest until they can run through the thirteen episodes one more time. I'm starting to really like that show, and I want to record all the episodes before it disappears completely. :sad:

(I'm predicting they will run through World of Quest completely at least one more time, since thirteen weeks would bring it to mid-September, which also looks like when they'll air the final Eon Kid episodes if the current schedule holds up).


Froakie - Bubble Frog Pokemon
Staff member
Aug 19, 2006
Maine, USA
I just hope they get through World of Quest once through. If they don't even finish all 13 I'll be mad since I like this show so much.


Justice must be served!
Nov 11, 2003
Odessa, TX
I could actually see them replacing 1 of the 2 Tom and Jerry Tales over Spectacular Spider-Man. Or maybe they'll surprise us and replace Eon Kid or Jonny Test. I guess it makes since to start Fast Forward in June if the new Ninja Turtles series is truly debuting on The CW 4K!ds this fall.


Feb 11, 2007
Fast Forward was an okay show, but it's already received a whole bunch of airtime between the Fall of 2006 and the earlier part of this year. Also, the episodes are available for viewing on 4kids' website as well as on DVD. I think it's a bit too soon to be airing the show again...but maybe that's just me, I'm not sure. :sad:


not like those other old guys
Feb 26, 2002
Well not THAT crazy. Actually I think this is a good strategy (assuming they aren't on at the same time). They will probably double slot Fast Forward on CW4kids in order to refresh the current TMNT viewers to lead-up to the new season in Fall. They also will be able to hook some viewers that didn't have 4kidsTV in their area but do have CW4kids. Though admitedly FF may not be good for hooking new viewers compared to the 2003 series on 4kidsTV but in the meantime they play 2003 episodes as a follow-up to the Ninja Tribunal because going from Tribunal to FF probably would feel a bit odd. But if they really are going to skip around then they'll probably hit the highlights of several seasons.

This way all of TMNT before Back to the Sewers gets showcased in some form. I don't know if I could sit through Fast Forward again but I can understand why they put it on CW4kids and had the 2003 series on 4kidsTV. If all goes according to plan TMNT should be able to gain a lot of viewers over the summer and have a strong season in 2008-2009 despite the movie being out of sight and out of mind (which we all know is the real reason FF got a ratings rise and why the Ninja Tribunal did as well as it did).

I'm going to toss my hat in the direction of Tom and Jerry losing a slot as well. But Eon Kid is the weakest show in reruns right now I suppose (but it still has a few episodes it could show before it's over so I hope they at least do that). Spider-Man will keep two slots if it continues to do well in reruns. If not then it'll lose one. Skunk Fu might leave since it's coming to CN but they might keep it around because of Kung-Fu Panda. The 7 hour is going to stay the same I'm sure so I'll take a guess what the rest of the line-up will be when TMNT: FF joins.

08:00 - Skunk Fu (or Johnny Test)
08:30 - Tom and Jerry Tales
09:00 - Tom and Jerry Tales (or World of Quest if two Spidey)
09:30 - The Spectacular Spider-Man (or World of Quest if two T&J)
10:00 - The Spectacular Spider-Man
10:30 - Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward (CW4kids premiere)
11:00 - Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward (CW4kids premiere)
11:30 - Eon Kid (hopefully the final few episodes or World of Quest if two T&J and two Spidey or Skunk and JT both stay)

Needless to say, lots of variables but I'm very confident that Fast Forward will get an hour at least initially.


Feb 11, 2007
Well not THAT crazy. Actually I think this is a good strategy (assuming they aren't on at the same time). They will probably double slot Fast Forward on CW4kids in order to refresh the current TMNT viewers to lead-up to the new season in Fall. They also will be able to hook some viewers that didn't have 4kidsTV in their area but do have CW4kids. Though admitedly FF may not be good for hooking new viewers compared to the 2003 series on 4kidsTV but in the meantime they play 2003 episodes as a follow-up to the Ninja Tribunal because going from Tribunal to FF probably would feel a bit odd. But if they really are going to skip around then they'll probably hit the highlights of several seasons.

This way all of TMNT before Back to the Sewers gets showcased in some form. I don't know if I could sit through Fast Forward again but I can understand why they put it on CW4kids and had the 2003 series on 4kidsTV. If all goes according to plan TMNT should be able to gain a lot of viewers over the summer and have a strong season in 2008-2009 despite the movie being out of sight and out of mind (which we all know is the real reason FF got a ratings rise and why the Ninja Tribunal did as well as it did).

You know what....I never even gave that any thought at all. That's a very good point you've made, and I now realize that this would definitely be good move to make, especially to attact more viewers to the Turtles. When I got to first reading this, I was thinking only about how much it had already been shown, and not about those who've never seen the series due to their area only having the CW, but not FOX, where the other 4kidsTV airs.

I was into it for a little while, which was why I am still currently using this username I made up last year. Now I'm starting to catch up again with the 2k3 series, since I've been away from the Turtles for a long, long time and have never really seen all of it. The show I grew up with mostly was the 80s show, and that's still my favorite. :) I'm also quite excited about the new series in the Fall.

Dark Fact

Preaching evil since '04
Dec 5, 2004
Tower of Dharm
CartoonOverlord said:
I just hope 4Kids doesn't pull The Spectacular Spider-Man off the schedule, that show's good and the only thing I watch on Kids WB! anymore.
Doubtful. What I'm really worried about is how 4Kids is going to dictate the show's direction to Greg Weisman for upcoming seasons. We finally got a Spider Man series that caters more to the fans and we don't need any more restrictions and ludicrous gimmicks that killed off the past two series!

Space Cadet

Staff member
Aug 25, 2002
Doubtful. What I'm really worried about is how 4Kids is going to dictate the show's direction to Greg Weisman for upcoming seasons. We finally got a Spider Man series that caters more to the fans and we don't need any more restrictions and ludicrous gimmicks that killed off the past two series!

Even if that happened, they can always include scenes that couldn't make it on the broadcast on the DVD.

Dark Fact

Preaching evil since '04
Dec 5, 2004
Tower of Dharm
Which may happen more often than not. I'm not entirely sure what 4Kids' relationship is with Greg Weisman but I wouldn't be surprised if they're keeping a distance from him after the TMNT episode: Same As It Never Was.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2006
St. Petersberg
Doubtful. What I'm really worried about is how 4Kids is going to dictate the show's direction to Greg Weisman for upcoming seasons. We finally got a Spider Man series that caters more to the fans and we don't need any more restrictions and ludicrous gimmicks that killed off the past two series!

4Kids better not try to turn Spider-Man into the movie Batman & Robin. Why? Because I'd rather not see Spider-Man as something just campy as that movie.

Dark Fact

Preaching evil since '04
Dec 5, 2004
Tower of Dharm
Movie06 said:
4Kids better not try to turn Spider-Man into the movie Batman & Robin. Why? Because I'd rather not see Spider-Man as something just campy as that movie.
Considering that that movie went against EVERYTHING Hollywood wanted when they originally brought Batman to the big screen, I doubt we'll see a mistake like that happen again.

Besides, Sony and Marvel are in charge of the Spider Man flicks, not 4Kids.


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