"Ultimate Spider-Man (Animated Series)" News & Discussion Thread, Part 10 (Spoilers)

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Sexiest Thing Since Sex
May 26, 2015
I don't think Keaton!Spidey was ever tasked with keeping a worldwide Nazi-esque terrorist group, with tens of millions of members, from taking over the most powerful government organization in the world and potentially killing lord knows how many people.

Plus, kid-friendly romance didn't turn out so well for TMNT 2K12. But I know a lot of fans of that show love to jump on "OMGZ theyz r perfect for each other! Very well-written! Donnie/April + MonaLisa/Raph 4 EVA!" when it comes to the love interests in it. (Hey guess what? - The love interests were NOT well-written in TMNT, and felt horribly forced. Mainly because the way Greg Weisman did it in his shows, correctly I may add, is apparently too "boring" for kids in this day and age, unless you're 2014-present Cartoon Network. I can't imagine it being done well in the MAU, if network head opinions are anything to go by.[No hard feelings, Marvel!])

I'm not attacking you, just so you know Mr. Rubble. Just my normal manner of speaking. :p
Best kid romance was Starscream X Knock Out in Transformers Prime.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I don't think Keaton!Spidey was ever tasked with keeping a worldwide Nazi-esque terrorist group, with tens of millions of members, from taking over the most powerful government organization in the world and potentially killing lord knows how many people.
Though unlike Keaton!Spidey USM Peter has tons of other teen heroes at his side and three separate teams (original team, New Warriors, Web Warriors) backing him up. And it doesn't seem like the Hydra soldiers are any tougher then your average crook, with the main threat being the Sinister Six and Zola, who Spidey has fought with his team numerous times.

Actually, that does beg the question...shouldn't The Avengers be the primary team dealing with Hydra in this situation? Especially if SHIELD is in dire straits? Heck, Spidey's a reserve member, so why not call them up o_O?

Plus, kid-friendly romance didn't turn out so well for TMNT 2K12. But I know a lot of fans of that show love to jump on "OMGZ theyz r perfect for each other! Very well-written! Donnie/April + MonaLisa/Raph 4 EVA!" when it comes to the love interests in it. (Hey guess what? - The love interests were NOT well-written in TMNT, and felt horribly forced. Mainly because the way Greg Weisman did it in his shows, correctly I may add, is apparently too "boring" for kids in this day and age, unless you're 2014-present Cartoon Network. I can't imagine it being done well in the MAU, if network head opinions are anything to go by.[No hard feelings, Marvel!])
I don't think kid-friendly is the right word for it...kid-friendly implies that it's content appropriate for kids, and I don't think romance as a whole is inappropriate for kids. There's the idea that kids find it icky (which I don't think is absolute), but not that it's inappropriate for them. Age-appropriate romance would probably be more accurate, since the level of romance and what they're able to show is usually made appropriate for the audience. At least as far as I can tell :sweat:.

I don't mind the romance in 2K12. Do I think there have been moments where it hasn't been handled well, or happened with virtually no build-up? Of course. But that doesn't automatically mean romance in a kids cartoon (though I prefer the term all-ages myself ;)) has to be forced or love interests be badly written.

There are quite a few cartoons, even Superhero cartoons, I could list where that hasn't been the case. It all depends on the writing and how it's integrated, as most things come down to :).

Best kid romance was Starscream X Knock Out in Transformers Prime.
I always liked to think Knock Out's relationship with Starscream helped him get over Breakdown's death ;).


Sexiest Thing Since Sex
May 26, 2015
Though unlike Keaton!Spidey USM Peter has tons of other teen heroes at his side and three separate teams (original team, New Warriors, Web Warriors) backing him up. And it doesn't seem like the Hydra soldiers are any tougher then your average crook, with the main threat being the Sinister Six and Zola, who Spidey has fought with his team numerous times.

Actually, that does beg the question...shouldn't The Avengers be the primary team dealing with Hydra in this situation? Especially if SHIELD is in dire straits? Heck, Spidey's a reserve member, so why not call them up o_O?

I don't think kid-friendly is the right word for it...kid-friendly implies that it's content appropriate for kids, and I don't think romance as a whole is inappropriate for kids. There's the idea that kids find it icky (which I don't think is absolute), but not that it's inappropriate for them. Age-appropriate romance would probably be more accurate, since the level of romance and what they're able to show is usually made appropriate for the audience. At least as far as I can tell :sweat:.

I don't mind the romance in 2K12. Do I think there have been moments where it hasn't been handled well, or happened with virtually no build-up? Of course. But that doesn't automatically mean romance in a kids cartoon (though I prefer the term all-ages myself ;)) has to be forced or love interests be badly written.

There are quite a few cartoons, even Superhero cartoons, I could list where that hasn't been the case. It all depends on the writing and how it's integrated, as most things come down to :).

I always liked to think Knock Out's relationship with Starscream helped him get over Breakdown's death ;).

Thank you! I've never understood this! The shows talk about a somewhat connected universe but then we'll have heroes missing in action when Red Skull steals the Tesseract, when Doctor Doom is in control of the Midgarrd Snake or when a giant Thanos attacks NYC.

It depends on how the romance is. Romance when written well never overtakes the larger story imo (unless it is the story). As long as TMNT or any action show doesn't become the pre-crisis Sonic Archie comic where every character was in a relationship for some insane reason and the relationship troubles became larger than the plot, I'm cool.

Knowing Marvel and how its writers write where we barely see the Avengers and Spiderman doing things outside of superheroing, I can see why they don't want romance.

Idk man, he was really happy to use Silas as a test subject lol. Honestly, this isn't the place but I never cared for Breakdown. I still wish they went with their original plan and put Lugnut in the show. He's one of the more popular new Decepticons and while he's really just the "dumb fanatic" trope, he was still fun to watch and his P.O.K.E is one of my favorite Transformers weapons.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
Though unlike Keaton!Spidey USM Peter has tons of other teen heroes at his side and three separate teams (original team, New Warriors, Web Warriors) backing him up. And it doesn't seem like the Hydra soldiers are any tougher then your average crook, with the main threat being the Sinister Six and Zola, who Spidey has fought with his team numerous times.

Actually, that does beg the question...shouldn't The Avengers be the primary team dealing with Hydra in this situation? Especially if SHIELD is in dire straits? Heck, Spidey's a reserve member, so why not call them up o_O?

I don't think kid-friendly is the right word for it...kid-friendly implies that it's content appropriate for kids, and I don't think romance as a whole is inappropriate for kids. There's the idea that kids find it icky (which I don't think is absolute), but not that it's inappropriate for them. Age-appropriate romance would probably be more accurate, since the level of romance and what they're able to show is usually made appropriate for the audience. At least as far as I can tell :sweat:.

I don't mind the romance in 2K12. Do I think there have been moments where it hasn't been handled well, or happened with virtually no build-up? Of course. But that doesn't automatically mean romance in a kids cartoon (though I prefer the term all-ages myself ;)) has to be forced or love interests be badly written.

There are quite a few cartoons, even Superhero cartoons, I could list where that hasn't been the case. It all depends on the writing and how it's integrated, as most things come down to :).

I always liked to think Knock Out's relationship with Starscream helped him get over Breakdown's death ;).

Fine. I don't feel like arguing with you anyway. :D


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
I don't think Keaton!Spidey was ever tasked with keeping a worldwide Nazi-esque terrorist group, with tens of millions of members, from taking over the most powerful government organization in the world and potentially killing lord knows how many people.

Plus, kid-friendly romance didn't turn out so well for TMNT 2K12. But I know a lot of fans of that show love to jump on "OMGZ theyz r perfect for each other! Very well-written! Donnie/April + MonaLisa/Raph 4 EVA!" when it comes to the love interests in it. (Hey guess what? - The love interests were NOT well-written in TMNT, and felt horribly forced. Mainly because the way Greg Weisman did it in his shows, correctly I may add, is apparently too "boring" for kids in this day and age, unless you're 2014-present Cartoon Network. I can't imagine it being done well in the MAU, if network head opinions are anything to go by.[No hard feelings, Marvel!])

I'm not attacking you, just so you know Mr. Rubble. Just my normal manner of speaking. :p

I wasn't really thinking of Spectacular Spider-Man, actually. I think the biggest threat he had to stop on that show was during the Master Planner arc. Spectacular was mostly grounded in reality (well, super-hero comic book reality, but you get the idea). I guess I was comparing it to the 90s Spider-Man TAS where similar larger-than-life adventures were pretty common, especially in the latter episodes. Or Spider-Man Unlimited, which was probably the most sci-fi Spidey cartoon we've seen so far.

The threats on USM actually feel too big for Spidey. Granted he does have his team-mates to help him out and I guess it all comes down to personal preferences but as much as I like cross-overs, guest appearances and stuff like that there, I prefer it more when Spidey is working alone. But to each their own. I still find some enjoyment in the show so it's not like I hate it or anything. It would be great though if Spidey's many team-mates would have received some more character development by this point on the show.

I agree not every cartoon handles romance that well and admit that the current Marvel cartoons wouldn't be the best place to add some romantic sub-plots. To be honest, I wasn't even expecting them to suddenly add stuff like this after they managed to avoid it so well for this long. It's just that I find it weird seeing Spidey not worrying occasionally about missing his date (or even getting a date for that matter). On the bright side, at least the show has kept any potential love interests for him out of the stories - if we had MJ, Gwen, Betty or anyone else as recurring characters who interacted with him intensely and there were still no subtle signs of romance, it would have probably been even weirder.

For TMNT, I agree the romance could be written better but I honestly don't mind that much. Though interestingly those two examples are pretty much complete opposites; the Donnie & April thing (which I thought started out kind of cute) is drawn out with no real developments along the way and with no end in sight, while the Raph & Mona Lisa romance was very rushed to get the two to meet and fall madly in love with each other in only half an hour.

No worries, I didn't think your post was attacking me or anything. It's a well thought out discussion and as the opening post on this thread mentions, "we appreciate and encourage discussion". Hopefully you'll find my answers equally friendly and somewhat well thought out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
South of Europe
"We wanted to have more fun with the idea of the Sinister 6, villains teaming up against him and very personal threats -- by that I mean the villains who have very personal grudges against him".

So, maybe we should consider which villains could have personal grudges against Spider-Man. I have made I list for candidates to reappear:
+ Doctor Octopus: Obviously, one of the top villains.
+ Arnim Zola: Another one quite obvious.
+ Ultimate Green Goblin: We don't know about this one from another dimension, but I guess we can consider him similar to the regular Norman Osborn.
+ Taskmaster: Very possible, since he was the main villain at the start of season 3.
+ Scorpio: With Zodiac to back him, I'm pretty sure he has a grudge against Spidey.
+ Mesmero: Quite possible, although I have a very bad feeling about this one.
+ Electro: Maybe, but I'm not sure. He didn't seem interested in Spider-Verse's arc after all.
+ Kraven: Very likely. After all, Spidey made him lost the price of the White Tiger.
+ Arcade: After Spidey ruined his game for Captain America and Wolverine, it's very likely.

+ Beetle: Professional mercenary humilliated several times by the wallcrawler, very likely.
+ Scorpion: Because of Spider-Man, he was exiled from K'un-Lun and lost the throne.
+ Loki: He has returned several times to "bug" Spider-Man's life, so he will surely do it again.
+ Nightmare: Took him quite time to return after Spidey defeated him once, so I don't think he will forget his second defeat so easily.
+ Wizard and the Frightful Four: Quite I chance, I would say.
+ Dracula: I would say this is quite probable, although it would surprise me.
+ Maximus: With the Inhumans current popularity, I would say it's quite probable.
+ Morgan Le Fay: Quite a chance for her return, even more if we consider her origin as Spider-Woman's (Jessica Drew) original nemesis.
+ Grandmaster: I wouldn't be surprised if, at the end of this story, we discover that all the season has been a game of the Taskmaster trying to have revenge on Spider-man.

Well, what do you think?


Peace Loving Shinobi
Mar 8, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Since we are in the fourth season, I kind of want to see The Kangaroo show up. We've gotten low level Spider-Man villains like Paste Pot Pete, The Grizzly and even Boomerang. I kind of want to see The Kangaroo get a shot now.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
From Wacker's Tumblr:

Scarlet Spider/Kaine's origin will be revealed, but it will take a while.
Mary-Jane has a big story coming up.
There are no plans for Speedball to appear on USM. I'm guessing the same might apply to Echo or Gravity.
No plans to bring back Deadpool, either. I'm not really surprised, but at the same time the movie's success might change their plans eventually.

Swarm is not necessarily dead on the show, he could always come back.
Villains we might get to see on the show. Classic foes like Hobgoblin, Mysterio, Spider-Slayers, or modern villains like Morlun, Mr. Negative, Anti-Venom.
Not really a confirmation and I kind of doubt the show will get a Season 5 as well, but Spider Island would be an obvious story-line for the next season.
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
First look at Agents Fitz and Simmons from "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." on Ultimate Spider-Man

The new season of Spider-Man's animated adventures feature him working closely with S.H.I.E.L.D. as his biggest foes unite to take him down once and for all! S.H.I.E.L.D. provides Peter Parker with plenty of resources, including the organizations expert Agents. When Spidey takes a course run by Fitz and Simmons from "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," stars Iain de Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge happily lent their voices to make the characters even more authentic! Check out their episode on Sunday, March 13 at 9:00 AM ET on Disney XD.

Judging by the air date, they're going to appear in the episode titled "Lizards".


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I'm looking forward to or hoping for more hints/teases. I imagine it's very deliberate that he wears a mask all the time because what he looks like would be a big reveal. Either he has Peter's face or Kaine's face is deformed like it is in the comcis, possibly from clone degeneration :eek:.

Also, while it's pretty obvious given his costume and personality, we have confirmation that this Scarlet Spider is Kaine.
I'm expecting this to be part of the Carnage arc, and MJ's probably going to get infected by a Symbiote and become the new Spider-hero that was mentioned in the Lane interview, and so the Web Warriors can at least have one female Spider.

Not like she would have much chance of being relevant otherwise :sweat:.
There are no plans for Speedball to appear on USM. I'm guessing the same might apply to Echo or Gravity.
I'm kinda surprised they teased those heroes for the New Warriors but never intended to actually use them, compared to the characters who they actually used o_O.

No plans to bring back Deadpool, either. I'm not really surprised, but at the same time the movie's success might change their plans eventually.
I would not be surprised if they rethink their animation embargo's when it comes to Deadpool.

With his big movie success, his popularity, and how heavily he's promoted by Marvel in the comics, in-spite of the reduced focus of the X-Men, they might try and continue to push Deadpool whenever they can and bank on how big he's becoming.

Though I just hope that if he does come back it's with Nolan North reprising, not Will Friedle ;).

I didn't assume Swarm was dead, but I can't say I'm crying for him to come back. I felt he was better used in this one appearance then in any of his previous outings :p.
Villains we might get to see on the show. Classic foes like Hobgoblin, Mysterio, Spider-Slayers, or modern villains like Morlun, Mr. Negative, Anti-Venom.
Negative and Anti-Venom I could definitely see appearing because Wacker was involved with creating and using those characters during BND and he's already brought in a lot of elements from his time editing Spider-Man into the show.

We already basically have confirmation that Mysterio is appearing this season, so that's a definite :cool:.

Harry almost being infected with the Goblin Serum reminded me that we haven't seen Hobgoblin in animation since the 90's show, and Spectacular never got the chance to use him.

Not really a confirmation and I kind of doubt the show will get a Season 5 as well, but Spider Island would be an obvious story-line for the next season.
I wonder if they could really stretch Ultimate into a fifth season...it's still popular, but with it having ran so long I wonder if they'd just cut it and replace it with a new show in the same way Guardians replaced SMASH?

Though when you think about it, a season prominently featuring a whole Spider-themed team in a prominent way is basically asking for a Spider-Island adaption.

But I am still kinda hoping we get a retooled Spider-Man cartoon out of Ultimate ending that's a more traditional take in-line with what the MCU Spider-Man will likely be doing, especially given Marvel Animation is more likely to do another Spider-Man cartoon around the time of his movie then to take a chance on another character.

Maybe they would take a chance on an Ant-Man or Dr. Strange cartoon, given Ant-Man's success and Dr. Strange's possible success :)?
First look at Agents Fitz and Simmons from "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." on Ultimate Spider-Man

Judging by the air date, they're going to appear in the episode titled "Lizards".
As cool as it is to see Fitz and Simmons in animation and actually voiced by their actors from Agents of SHIELD, it's so weird to see that happening in a Spider-Man cartoon :confused:.

It looks like the Web Warriors and the New Warriors are competing against each other. Which makes me realize that Spidey moved on to a whole new team pretty fast...poor New Warriors :(.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
Surprised MJ is getting a big story. It'd be funny if after like 3 years of guessing Roxas Sora's theory about MJ becoming Spider-Woman finally happened. XD


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Surprised MJ is getting a big story. It'd be funny if after like 3 years of guessing Roxas Sora's theory about MJ becoming Spider-Woman finally happened. XD
If they don't end up giving her a Symbiote codename, that would be the only name left that would make sense (especially since Spider-Girl's taken) and is more recognizable to boot :cool:.

Too bad for Jessica Drew and Julia Carpenter though :sweat:.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
Surprised MJ is getting a big story. It'd be funny if after like 3 years of guessing Roxas Sora's theory about MJ becoming Spider-Woman finally happened. XD
It would be nice of them to do an MJ centric story. When they were first promoting the series, it seemed like they might do more with her than they actually did in the first season and she's been pretty much a non factor since that season ended. I've always been a big MJ fan (616 and Ultimate) so personally, it's about time that they actually tried to use her again.

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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
The Disney ABC Press website has been updated with summaries and images from the episodes premiering in March:

Iron Vulture Air Date: 03/06/16
Spider-Man must stop Doc Ock from eliminating Norman Osborne.

Lizards Air Date: 03/13/16
Vulture’s revelation that Doc Ock has a spy inside S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy leads the Web Warriors on a hunt to find the mole. “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” stars Iain De Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge voice guest star as their respective characters, Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons.

Double Agent Venom Air Date: 03/20/16
Spider-Man and Scarlet Spider must overcome Kraven in order to rescue their kidnapped teammate, Agent Venom.

Beached Air Date: 03/27/16
Spider-Man and Iron Spider discover Doc Ock has taken control of Sandman.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Another clip from "Miles From Home", from Marvel's YouTube channel:

That...does not sound like Jack Coleman's Dr. Strange at all. I'm 99% sure that's Liam O'Brien playing Strange.
The Disney ABC Press website has been updated with summaries and images from the episodes premiering in March:

Iron Vulture Air Date: 03/06/16
Anyone else find it fitting that we get another "Iron" episode involving Doc Ock trying to kill Norman Osborn? Complete with the return of the Iron Patriot :cool:?

Still curious as to who exactly this, apparently, new Vulture is.
Lizards Air Date: 03/13/16
So if the traitor/spy is at the SHIELD Academy, and this episode has Lizard in it...what if Conners is the spy :eek:?

Also, seeing all the Web Warriors together, I feel like Miles should be a lot shorter then most of them given his age :sweat:.
Looks like Kraven is back to his armor look, even though personally I thought he looked a lot better with his old design :shrug:.

And what the heck is that big monster thing o_O?
Beached Air Date: 03/27/16
Guess that explains why Sandman joins the Six...Ock mind controls him. It would explain why he'd want to help Spidey when it would be expected that he'd want to destroy him.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
South of Europe
OK, I have a LOT of thing to comment.

1º) First, about Wacker's last answers:
+ "Scarlet Spider/Kaine's origin will be revealed, but it will take a while": Well, as long as we don't have to wait until the end of the season. If we discovered at the middle of the season, it would be perfect for me.
+ "Mary-Jane has a big story coming up": I really can't wait for it. I really hope my theory of her becoming another spider will be correct. I believe she could use the costume of Ultimate Jessica Drew. (Another idea, however, would be the last costume used by Mattie Franklin).
+ "There are no plans for Speedball to appear on USM": Well, this better be just temporal, because I was left wishing to see this guy in action, alongside Echo and Gravity. Not to mention other potential heroes like Miss Marvel and Reptil. Although I'm happy of seeing the Web Warriors, the other young heroes can't be ignored.
+ "No plans to bring back Deadpool, either": With the movie's popularity (even although I don't get were it get it), it wouldn't surprise me if they change their minds eventually. After all, many people say they can't take Spider-Man's endless babble, but we all know Deadpool is even one thousand times worst than that.
+ "Swarm is not necessarily dead on the show, he could always come back": Well, of course. As long as one nanobot has escaped Ock's infection, he can always regenerate himself.

+ "Villains we might get to see on the show". Let's check the candidates:
- Hobgoblin: With the Ultimate Goblin now, and considering Harry Osborn's story as the original monster Venom, I would say no. Harry could be used for something better than that.
- Mysterio: Already confirmed, which is quite obvious. I bet Mysterio's trickery will be very useful in ock's plots of revenge against Spider-Man.
- Spider-Slayers: Very likely, as they have already appeared in the Infinite Comics, and Octavius could really use them to destroy all Spiders.
- Morlun: Don't count on it. He's supposed to be only one in the whole multiverse (Spider-Verse), and using him would be too violent for this series.
- Mr Negative: I don't bet on it either. This series has practially ignored all the material from the "regular real crime world", so Mr Negative can't be used for being a crimelord.
- Anti-Venom: I think it's possible, but I don't see Anti-Venom as a real villain, more like an "anti-hero". I have been mentioning that Harry Osborn could become Anti-Venom if he's infected by Venom again and "purified" by Dagger's light. Then, he could become another Spider, similar to Spidey in his Future Foundation's suit. His healing powers would be useful to cure the experiments of both Octopus and Zola. (I still think for Mary Jane becoming Spider-Woman).
+ "Spider Island would be an obvious story-line for the next season": Well, I would really hope for a 5th season about Spider-Island. I already have several suspictions about potential events.

2º) Now, about the pictures of the episodes, I have more comments. (By the way, good find, let's hope they will eventually post pictures of the rest of the episodes). Now, let's see:
+ Iron Patriot is back? For Pete's Sake!! Everytime I see Osborn with this, I can't avoid to think about his Dark Reign and how he tried to fool everyone with such stupid idea.
+ I knew the Iron Vulture was the toy I found about Hasbro. By the descriptions, it seems the Vulture is going to work as an "independent's agent" instead of working with the rest of SHIELD's Academy. I hope they will explain how the Vulture changed from "organic" to "mechanical".
+ It seems Miles is about to use his Venom's at maximum power. I would love to see that.
+ The pictures where we see the 5 spiders together, the new Web Warriors, are really awesome. However, I hope it won't take too much time to have a female member.
+ By the pictures and the descriptions, it seems the one close to Spidey who betrays him and joins the Sinister Six is Connors as the Lizard. I hope this will leave Rhino out of the matter.
+ I can't believe you don't recognize the monster from "Double Agent Venom". It's clearly a lion version of classical Venom, which means that can only be Kraven with Venom's simbiote, or a part of it. It's obvious that Octopus is going to try to remove the symbiote from Flash in hopes of creating a new army (like the Spider Soldiers from the first episode of Iron Patriot). I believe this is also the episode where we get the scenes of Rhino from the first preview. In a funny twist of facts, Rhino comes to help in rescuing Flash/Agent Venom.

+ By the way, nobody noticed Agent Venom seems to sufer some kind of change/upgrade in this episode? There's one scene where he's trapped on a capsule with his current design (the first one he had in comics); and then there's another scene where he has his posterior design (the one he had before joining the Guardians of the Galaxy. I would say Flash will absorb some new tech to "upgrade" his symbiote, making him a little more "refined". I just hope they won't use his current design in his space adventures, because I really don't like that.
+ What happened to Iron Spider in the "Beached"? Did Sandman stole Amadeus' armour to contain himself? Was Amadeus infected by a sand-virus or what? And by the way, I don't know why, but it seems Sandman can disguise himself now. There's a picture where it seems Spidey is punching Sandman disguised as Shang-Chi, master of kung-fu or something like that.
+ By the way, I think I have a suspiction about the potential "weird behaviour" of Sandman in this episode. I believe that, because of the mental control, Sandman's psyche is going to be divided into pieces. And while some of them could join Doc Ock, like his regular self, some others (like his female side) could fight alongside Spider-Man.

3º) Final comments:
Surprised MJ is getting a big story. It'd be funny if after like 3 years of guessing Roxas Sora's theory about MJ becoming Spider-Woman finally happened. XD
I personally hope to be right about this, RoryWilliams.

If they don't end up giving her a Symbiote codename, that would be the only name left that would make sense (especially since Spider-Girl's taken) and is more recognizable to boot .

Too bad for Jessica Drew and Julia Carpenter though .
+ First, you should check the bios of the Spider-Ladies. There are a couple of other names to use, like Arachne or Araña. And besides, Spider-Girl's is only taken in another dimension, so there's no reason for not using it in mainstream reality. Just like Miles is named Spider-Man in his home reality, but he's going to be "Archnid Kid" to avoid confussion with Peter.

+ And second, Jessica Drew could appear using the name Arachne, as it was the name used when she was Hydra's agent. and Julia Carpenter could appear as her current self of Madame Web.

Looks like Kraven is back to his armor look, even though personally I thought he looked a lot better with his old design .

And what the heck is that big monster thing ?
Like I said before, that is clearly Kraven Venomized. Don't you see it's a Venom with a lionish look?

Well, opinions?
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Yeah, I still can't believe that was a thing.
Paramount and Skydance have officially merged. Does this mean that Brian Robbins got the boot?
Season 6 of Total Drama (production code-wise), Pahkitew Island, made its American debut a decade ago.

It's my favorite season of the show (behind all 3 of Total Dramarama's) and has the best cast of the series, which includes the 2 best characters of the franchise, Leonard and Max (who should've been the finalists).

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