Young Justice "Mole Poll" (Possible Spoilers)

Who's working with The Light?

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Active Member
Apr 14, 2008
2) In the Episode "Revelations" Aqualad said that the Injustice League was the "secret society" that they were looking for. It is then revealed that the Injustice League were just proxies used to divert the attention of the JL and YJ. Since Aqualad is my proposed mole here, it makes sense that Aqualad, being the rat, lead the League and his team into thinking that the Injustice League were the Secret Society to help the Light accomplish what they were trying to accomplish (diversion). Rewatch the episode and you'll see what I mean.
I did rewatch and it was exactly Robin who suggested that the Injustice League were The Light.

"...Seven heavy hitters, probably behind everyone and everything we've ever faced!"

All Aqualad offers is some opinion backing Robin's theory and a bit earlier he along with everyone else realized it's clear that super-villains are working together. But he didn't initiate the speculation and he didn't lead them to that conclusion since he was the last one to talk, and by then everyone was already on the same line of thinking.

4) To me, the Episode "Disordered" was pretty revealing. In it you learn that Superboy is basically good (despite his odd need to be Superman) and to me that episode rules out that he is knowingly the mole as you see his motives to want to be good.
Really? If anything that episode showed Superboy isn't all good. The guy was at peace when he thought everyone he knows and loves was dead.

5) There's much more but also in "Secrets" Red Arrow says that Kaldur is "above suspicion" I don't really know what Red Arrow's basing that off besides the fact that Kaldur learned that there was a mole first...which would definitely play right into his hands. Also, as we so often learn, those "above suspicion" usually are the ones we should be suspicious about.
Red Arrow thinks Aqualad, Robin and KF are above suspicion since the four of them have been doing this for at least 2 years before The Team was even formed, and he knows them all pretty good. He isn't at all familiar with Superboy, Miss Martian and Artemis though.


Nov 11, 2006
A summary of my thoughts:

Artemis is too obvious, given how she just appeared out of the blue in "Infiltrator", the very same episode in which L-2 said they had "an operative on the inside".

Superboy is too obvious, bearing in mind L-1's line at the end of "Fireworks": "Even the temporary loss of the weapon may prove useful...".

I can't see Robin or Kid Flash as moles. It doesn't feel right to me.

Aqualad does seem unemotional and level-headed, plus it feels like he's carrying some burden around with him, but apparently the comic made it clear that he doesn't know the true significance of Black Manta yet. Also, if Aqualad is the mole, then everyone's views on "Alpha Male" will be altered: when people look back on that episode, they'll no longer feel sorry for Aqualad. I believe that the point of the episode was to have the viewers sympathise with Kaldur being caught between a rock and a hard place, and I can't see this being 'retconned' later down the line.

Miss Martian is the most likely candidate. Her relationship with Superboy won't last forever. She's allowing the sitcoms she's watched to mould her into something she's not: her true self remains hidden, disguised. It's also very suspect that the writers are dragging out the Team members finding out about the M'gann/Conner romance (a bit mean that the pair allowed Wally to make a fool of himself in "Secrets" and not tell him the truth, no?). If M'gann is an unwitting mole, then maybe her closeness with Superboy serves the Light's interests, as he used to belong to them? She's lied about her origin in the comic too. Not to mention that she is a more powerful telepath than Martian Manhunter. She's a reasonable candidate without being blindingly obvious.


Dec 5, 2011
An interesting point, relating Aqualad's constant desire to step down as a sort of guilty reaction to distance himself from the team. In my opinion, though, this is more due to Aqualad's utter lack of ambition. He doesn't really seek to be anything beyond a good soldier, and hence doesn't consider himself a good commander.

I'm unable to see Aqualad as the mole for two reasons. One is his behavior in Atlantis, where he clearly foiled Black Manta's scheme. Garth was there, true, but it still would have been easy to arrange an "accident" that allowed Manta to escape with the Starfish, instead of forcing him to adopt "Plan B." Also don't forget that Kaldur, along with Garth, was responsible for holding back Ocean Master, one of the Light's members, back in the day (though things could easily have changed).

The other reason is the fact that Aqualad was the one TOLD of the mole. Why tell the mole about the mole? The only reason would be if they did it for Roy's benefit (in effect telling ROY about the mole, and totally exempting Kaldur from suspicion). But if that was the purpose, then why DIDN'T Kaldur tell others about the mole? Presumably, the Light wanted the team to know, or Sportsmaster wouldn't have blurted it out. Then why didn't Kaldur, as an agent of the Light, pass it on? It doesn't make sense. Either there was some miscommunication in the Light's ranks, or Kaldur isn't the mole.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2010
Alberta, Canada
Really? If anything that episode showed Superboy isn't all good. The guy was at peace when he thought everyone he knows and loves was dead.
But that's not the reason he was at peace, it was because he got the chance to fill Superman's role, which is what he was "bred and raised" for. The fact that he was racked with guilt about feeling like that while his friends were dead indeed indicates that he really is good at heart.


New Member
Mar 31, 2011
I am just gonna have to say Miss Martian. Reason: she try's way to hard to please the team like what a kid does when they don't want to get into trouble.

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Active Member
Apr 14, 2008
But that's not the reason he was at peace, it was because he got the chance to fill Superman's role, which is what he was "bred and raised" for. The fact that he was racked with guilt about feeling like that while his friends were dead indeed indicates that he really is good at heart.
True he did feel guilty for not caring about his friends dying, but he was still at his happiness when he was filling Superman's role. Not to mention Cadmus programmed him to dream about killing Superman and enjoy it. So perhaps his want for happiness could outweigh his guilt? I personally don't think so though.


New Member
Jan 8, 2012
Washington DC

I did rewatch and it was exactly Robin who suggested that the Injustice League were The Light.

"...Seven heavy hitters, probably behind everyone and everything we've ever faced!"

All Aqualad offers is some opinion backing Robin's theory and a bit earlier he along with everyone else realized it's clear that super-villains are working together. But he didn't initiate the speculation and he didn't lead them to that conclusion since he was the last one to talk, and by then everyone was already on the same line of thinking.

Actually, Aqualad forwarded the exact thinking the Light wanted them to think. Aqualad says:

"Perhaps after India, they realized we would deduce the truth and saw no point in hiding any longer."

It could fly over most people's heads, but communicated the exact thought which gave the Light the exact effect they wanted. Definitely a point to look at.

Really? If anything that episode showed Superboy isn't all good. The guy was at peace when he thought everyone he knows and loves was dead.

Actually it showed he was good. He said he wasn't devastated by his friends' death, he felt he was at peace in that moment.

"Everyone I care about dead or traumatized, and I'm do I get past the guilt of that?"

BUT he is guilty of it. He knows his emotions are wrong. He is a creation with the commands to be bad but the impulse to be good. He is at war with himself and we see it.

The thing about Superboy is that he's not hiding anything from anyone, he didn't withhold how he felt about RT when it was believed that RT betrayed his team. He wears his heart on his sleeve, that is the type of person you can trust.

Kaldur on the other hand hasn't really shown much of his heart to me, we don't really know him too well yet and I think that is on purpose.

But hey I'm sure I'm not 100% right...for now it is just a hunch.;)


Active Member
Apr 14, 2008
Actually, Aqualad forwarded the exact thinking the Light wanted them to think. Aqualad says:

"Perhaps after India, they realized we would deduce the truth and saw no point in hiding any longer."

It could fly over most people's heads, but communicated the exact thought which gave the Light the exact effect they wanted. Definitely a point to look at.
But he said that after Robin said what he said. So really he was just backing up what Robin had already stated. Here's how the conversation played out.

Robin: ...Seven heavy hitters, probably behind everyone and everything we've ever faced!

Wally: There's your Secret Society.

Artemis: Not so secret anymore.

Aqualad: Perhaps after India, they realized we would deduce the truth and saw no point in hiding any longer.

If Aqualad was trying to lead them into thinking something, he wouldn't have been the last person to say something, and he probably would said something more along the lines of what Robin said.

It was also a well laid out plan by The Light to set up the Injustice League. I don't think they'd need their mole to be all *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*, because really what else would the League think given the evidence they had?


Active Member
Aug 6, 2011
He can still have a command override. In some ways there is no better spy then the spy who does not know he is a spy. U never have to worry about him slipping up and spilling crucial information.

On Aqualad if I got him as a spy and he knows it then there is no point in alerting the JL to look for a spy when they don't have any reason to look for one in the first place. Second I hardly want my spy to keep saying he does not want to lead that just draws too much attention.


Active Member
Dec 23, 2011
Come on, Weisman is the creator of this show, we're going to have a REALLY big twist regarding the mole storyline. I am suspecting there are two moles, Aqualad who is not feeding intel to The Light, but just an agent. The Light could've ordered him to reprogram Superboy, thus, Superboy giving intel to The Light. Miss Martian is definetely a canidate, not because of her White Martian heritage, but her powerful telepathic powers maybe become useful to The Light. Since Miss Martian is so close to Superboy, maybe she reprogrammed him.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2011
Come on, Weisman is the creator of this show, we're going to have a REALLY big twist regarding the mole storyline. I am suspecting there are two moles, Aqualad who is not feeding intel to The Light, but just an agent. The Light could've ordered him to reprogram Superboy, thus, Superboy giving intel to The Light. Miss Martian is definetely a canidate, not because of her White Martian heritage, but her powerful telepathic powers maybe become useful to The Light. Since Miss Martian is so close to Superboy, maybe she reprogrammed him.

Why would he reporgam Superboy? They built Superboy in Cadmus. They already programmed him they don't need Aqualad to reprogram. They probably just have trigger word, scent, or image.

Although it occurs to me that there might be two agents. Superboy unknowningly working for the Light and Miss Martian working for the White Martians.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
No, he said to directly to Aqualad. However, just because Sportsmaster is aware of The Light having an inside source, it doesn't mean he actually knows said source's identity.

I read a theory somewhere that Aqualad was cloned and replaced by The Light. Sounds crazy but remember when they took DNA samples of the 3 sidekicks during "Fireworks"? That means Robin and/or Aqualad may not be themselves.

Regardless, this mole business is my favorite part of the show and the main reason I stay tuned in and read the comic book. The end results should be pretty interesting.

Those DNA samles were destroyed in that episode. The writers went out of their way to say so.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
People tell themselves what they need to believe in order to live with themselves. How many people who are evil actually think they are evil? Did Hitler think he was evil? Did Osama Bin Laden? And sometimes people who are otherwise decent commit acts of evil even though their intentions are not. What about those soldiers who fired rockets in to Baghdad and killed Iraqi civilians? What they did was wrong, but does that make them evil?

The mole has so far only passed along information. That's quite different from intentionally trying to murder your team-mates. The point I'm trying to make which may have gotten lost along the way is that the same person who is blabbing about the team's secrets may not see this as hurting their teammates, and would otherwise never imagine raising a hand against them. This person may not be the next Terra.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2010
Alberta, Canada
I've seen quite a few fanfics where the "mole" turned out to be Artemis working as a League-sanctioned double agent. She would give the Shadows false info on the team/JL and give the League real info on the Shadows. Maybe it will turn out to be something like that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
I've seen quite a few fanfics where the "mole" turned out to be Artemis working as a League-sanctioned double agent. She would give the Shadows false info on the team/JL and give the League real info on the Shadows. Maybe it will turn out to be something like that.

IF Artemis does turn out to be the mole, I think it would have to end up being a twist like that. In the issue dealing with her origin I had thought Batman offered her a spot on Young Justice as a way to A) Encourage her heroics so she didn't end up like her parents B) possibly shut her up about Young Justice's existence since nobody is supposed to know about them, but it's also possible that he knew about her heritage and brought her onto the team as a double agent with that in mind.

But as I said in the other thread, there's no way she's the mole if they're playing it straight and simply intend to have the mole sell out the team and try to harm them.


May 28, 2010
Whoever the mole is, it will probably be someone you would least expect. That is my opinion after reading comics and watching super hero shows over the years.
Jul 21, 2006
United States
Whoever the mole is, it will probably be someone you would least expect. That is my opinion after reading comics and watching super hero shows over the years.

Those "least expected" are pretty much just Robin and Kid Flash. Heck, Kid Flash shouldn't even be on the mole list and should be exempted automatically. They're going to need an extremely good reason for the fans to buy that they'd do such a thing. Unless they don't know they are.

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
Whoever the mole is, it will probably be someone you would least expect. That is my opinion after reading comics and watching super hero shows over the years.

The problem is suspecting someone you'd least suspect so much (like in this case, Aqualad, since he brought the information to the attention of everyone) makes them the most likely suspect. Therefore, it should be the MOST likely suspect because that would be the person you'd least suspect.


Ah yes, comics and super heroes, but remember the whole fiasco over Monarch's real identity.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2010
Pennsbury Band Room
The problem is suspecting someone you'd least suspect so much (like in this case, Aqualad, since he brought the information to the attention of everyone) makes them the most likely suspect. Therefore, it should be the MOST likely suspect because that would be the person you'd least suspect.


Ah yes, comics and super heroes, but remember the whole fiasco over Monarch's real identity.

Nice paradox, and I see your point. That's the pure genious of this mystery - nobody can be 100% certain as to who the mole is. I'm sure we'll all be guessing right up to minutes before the reveal.


herp derp
Jun 13, 2010
Miracle City
Nitemayer's YJ fanfic

You're all wrong, the mole is actually Miss Martian's Bioship. She was hanging out at a seedy club one night, and did some things she's not proud of. Long story short, the Light knows her secret. During her time with the team she met a very special, very round foreigner. That's right, she shares the love that dare not speak its name with the most powerful member of the team: Sphere. But neither one is officially out of the garage, and that puts a huge strain on their relationship. She would disown the Light, but they threatened to reveal her secret, thus outing her lover as well. In order to keep them quiet, she must undermine the team. Eventually everything will be brought into the open in one giant climactic battle where Ship will have to choose between protecting the one she loves by betraying their communal secret, or betraying her beloved by protecting that dark truth.



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