Young Justice "Mole Poll" (Possible Spoilers)

Who's working with The Light?

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Active Member
Aug 6, 2011
Wotan was just giving an insult dont read too much into it.

Nabu does not willing give his power to evildoers so that is a no. Unless u are arguing Aqualad is secretly super powerful like Miss Martian and forced Nabu to let go.

Once again no point in Sportsmaster telling Aqualad we have a mole when Aqualad is the mole unless you want to argue that Sportsmaster does not know who the mole is.

As for Atlantis. In no way did he have to foil manta, he very well could have not noticed the fact that Manta Troopers were running distraction and not said a darn thing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
Is it possible that M'gann had more control of the simulation in "Failsafe" then she let on? And that the whole simulation was designed to see how far the team would go to destroy the invaders?


Nov 11, 2006
Is it possible that M'gann had more control of the simulation in "Failsafe" then she let on? And that the whole simulation was designed to see how far the team would go to destroy the invaders?

I love this theory, though it would have to be M'gann's subconscious in control (and answering to the White Martians and/or the Light?). After all, she didn't appear to be acting.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
I love this theory, though it would have to be M'gann's subconscious in control (and answering to the White Martians and/or the Light?). After all, she didn't appear to be acting.

The biggest stumbling block with this theory is that M'gann seems to genuinely care for her friends and for Connor. But would that preclude her from being a double-agent? Is it possible that it's not only M'gann's appearance that is an illusion - but her personality as well? Could the white martians have telepathically constructed a new personality for M'gann and submerged her old one?

Which leads me to another great reason M'gann is likely the mole: it's a great way to [mess] with Superboy! Any writer knows that happy and contented characters are a great recipe for boredom. What better way to inflict some trauma on Connor than to have his first love betray him?

But don't listen to me. I'm usually wrong about everything.
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Nov 15, 2003
Metropolis, Earth,
My guess is that it is,
Miss Martian
final answer. So what is the prize if you're right, and what is the cost if you're wrong? ;)

Edit: (I added more to my post)

Marvelman02 said:
The biggest stumbling block with this theory is that M'gann seems to genuinely care for her friends and for Connor. But would that preclude her from being a double-agent? Is it possible that it's not only M'gann's appearance that is an illusion - but her personality as well? Could the white martians have telepathically constructed a new personality for M'gann and submerged her old one?

That is almost exactly what happened in an issue of the "Justice League Adventures" comic Issue #16 - "Hide N' Seek"
The story is:
"There's a traitor within the Justice League, and only the most alienated member — Martian Manhunter — can put the clues together before the betrayal leads to the end of the League…and perhaps the Earth."

Coincidence? Maybe?... Ha ha ha! ;)

Oct 9, 2011
I think, regardless of how "obvious" it's made out to be, the Mole is definitely the popular choices, Superboy...not knowing he is doing it, Miss Martian, unwillingly doing it, or Artemis as a double agent or just being really evil

If KF, Robin or Aqualad was the mole you would have to go back and watch every episode again and episodes like "Downtime" in Aqualads case,would be called into question for tons of factors.....basically I'm saying thats overthinking it and too complicated

Zatanna is exempt due to her involvement coming later on

Although, to be honest, now that I have seen the new toy reveals for season 2, Aqualad is wearing what appears to be Black Mantas armor, not saying he is the mole but an event could happen where he finds out about his father and maybe Aquaman is responsible for a family members death or something an he turns bad, also, Superboy and Miss Martian are still on the team apparently sort of ruling them out....well if they're betraying the team knowledgably it does.

I would bet Artemis at this point


Mar 11, 2012
New theory: Zatanna is the mole.

Someone once mentioned how she ended an episode with a "Light" wordplay, and at first I didn't think much of it. But the last two episodes had:

1. A scene in which Dick almost mentions the Watchtower in front of her, but catches himself. This reminds the audience that not everyone knows about it (hasn't been mentioned since the pilot), and sets up

2. the scene in yesterday's episode, where Zatanna actually does learn about it, and the fact that it has no weapons. And notice that we never had scenes like this for Conner, Artemis, or M'Gann. Given Greg's history with sneaking important stuff into scenes like this (See: Osborn coming in through the front door), I can't help but think this is relevant.

Kaldur is positive that none of the first six on the Team are traitors. It's also been pointed out that Sportsmaster could have gotten his info without a mole, and was trying to sow dissent among them-- which in this theory, is true, but has the added motive of making them suspect everyone except their newest member.

Zatanna's not traditionally evil, and is thus unexpected (unlike Artemis), but she's not sacred like Dick-- fans won't call foul like they would if Robin or Kid Flash were villains.

The show wants us to think that the traitor was on the Team as of "Infiltrator," but all that has to be true is that The Light had recruited her at this time.

The only thing that's really missing is a motive. Obviously, whoever the mole is, more info is going to be brought to light as we approach the finale. So that's a hole in the theory that I expect to be filled soon enough. Maybe she's a clone, or a magical construct, or otherwise under Klarion's influence. Maybe her dad put her up to it-- though that would make the whole "finding out about the Watchtower" thing moot, as he would be able to tell the Light about it himself. We'll see.

Zatanna appears to be on the Invasion promo, but we know that's just concept art and not necessarily legit, and we can't prove it's even her. What we do know is that she's not on the season 2 action figure box. And while that's not necessarily indicative of the entire Team (neither archer is on it), these suspicions would be eased if she were shown alongside Dick and Kaldur and the rest. Also of note is that my previous two suspects, M'Gann and Conner, are on the box and are thus returning.

Final piece of evidence: I think this show's Zatanna is awesome, and Greg wants to break my heart when she turns out to not really be on the Team in a permanent fashion.


Active Member
Dec 23, 2011
*Sigh* I REALLY hope that Artemis isn't the mole. As of right now I think it's too obvious, but Sportsmaster (who works for The Light) probably saw the chance to get a mole via blackmailing Artemis. She's not on the invasion box, but her voice actress is confirmed for Season Two, so there's that. So I think see she's possible but not likely.

I also want to talk about Miss Martian.
After watching "Image" in Turkish, I think there's a good chance of her being the mole. Queen Bee said something M'Gann at the end.
And I think it's clear The Light will have interest in her strong telepathic powers. I think M'Gann is pretty likely, I'm sure will be apart of The Light's plan.

Superboy, as you know, is the obvious choice. Perhaps too obvious. I stil think that he has a good chance of being the mole (The end of Fireworks)

KF, and Robin probably won't happen. Aqualad is a possibility, but I guarantee you he will learn about his father by the end of season 1.

But who do I think is the mole? Two words, DOUBLE MOLE. Probably M'Gann and Superboy.
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Active Member
Aug 6, 2011
Spartan I watched the episode in question subbed.
Miss Martian is not the mole, Queen Bee blackmailed her using knowledge of a her true form and a certain telepathic command that she placed on Gar. And there is no point in blackmailing her if she already was working for the light.

So Image while Ms. Martian is now a mole, she is not the original mole.
Artemis got eliminated in Homefront, no point in saving the team when u can bail and let them get killed. Although its her internal monologue that seals it.

Robin is not the mole.

KF could be the mole but only if his parents are up to no good like in comics.

Superboy though could still be a sleeper.

Aqualad no reason if he does not know Manta is dad. Yes, I do think this is likely to happen in Season 1. They told us it would anyway besides seems like the Light is targetting the members with weaknesses.
Queen Bee went after Miss Martian. Lex will go after Superboy.
Artemis's family will go after her. Black Manta will go after Aqualad.
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Active Member
Dec 23, 2011
As of Image Miss Martian is now a mole.
That means there is a another mole The Light talked about back in "Infiltrator". It seems like my double mole theory could be correct.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
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Oct 9, 2011
I still think the Mole, as of Infiltrator and mentioned in Targets is either Superboy or Artemis in some capacity.

I believe this has to do with just people going haywire over the mass hiatuses the show repeatedly takes. I remember when I watched Lost and you would have to wait a whole year between seasons, people would just come up with the craziest scenarios...and speculate like crazy......and when the answer was revealed, you were like "Oh. it was just simple"

basically people are overblowing it, I think the revelation is going to be a let down after months of build up....our build up

In the case that its a surprise, I would say Aqualad only because he appears to be wearing Black Manta armor next season, and he is the only character that really has never had inner dialogue, in fact in Bereft you didn't see in his mind at all. Additionally, he was the only one released from Dr Fates helmet when he actually had some mystical ability...strange...

Although there is a number of things that would contradict I'm not saying thats my theory, just that he would be a surprising culprit

We'll probably find out its Superboy in his next spotlight episode


Active Member
Dec 23, 2011
Good point, horrorbuisness , look at one of Greg Weisman's shows, example, The Spectacular Spiderman. People debated over who was The Master Planner and The Green Goblin, they both turned out to be Doc Ock and Norman. But the Green Goblin mystery was a different, there was a lot if twists.

So right now Miss Martian, Aqualad could be used as the decoy mole. While Superboy has been the mole the whole time. I do hope that Weisman makes the mole someone else other than Superboy or Artemis.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011

[DELETED] I am now 99% certain who the mole is. Do not read my theory if you don't want to be spoiled for the next four episodes.

In all of the eps since Image, one member of the team has been tempted to betray the team. At the end of Image, Queen Bee threatens to reveal Miss Martian's true form to her team-mates unless she works for her. Presumably, Luthor and Sportsmaster had similar conversations in Portuegese with Superboy and Artemis at the end of Agendas and Insecurity. So, we know up until this point that Miss Martian, Superboy, and Artemis have not been moles. That leaves Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Robin. I expect that Aqualad will have a similar conversation some time soon with Black Manta. And let's face it: it's not KF. It's just not.

That means the mole must be the least likely candidate of all... ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, as we all know, Robin would never betray Batman - never! Which means that Robin has likely been acting as a double-agent, spying on the Light for Batman. Robin is also the most likely candidate because he alone has the acting and spying chops to successfully pull off this subterfuge. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

There is one other alternative and that is that there never was a mole, but I just don't think Greg would do something like that to us.
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I Will Find Him!
Mar 3, 2005

[DELETED] I am now 99% certain who the mole is. Do not read my theory if you don't want to be spoiled for the next four episodes.

In all of the eps since Image, one member of the team has been tempted to betray the team. At the end of Image, Queen Bee threatens to reveal Miss Martian's true form to her team-mates unless she works for her. Presumably, Luthor and Sportsmaster had similar conversations in Portuegese with Superboy and Artemis at the end of Agendas and Insecurity. So, we know up until this point that Miss Martian, Superboy, and Artemis have not been moles. That leaves Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Robin. I expect that Aqualad will have a similar conversation some time soon with Black Manta. And let's face it: it's not KF. It's just not.

That means the mole must be the least likely candidate of all... ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, as we all know, Robin would never betray Batman - never! Which means that Robin has likely been acting as a double-agent, spying on the Light for Batman. Robin is also the most likely candidate because he alone has the acting and spying chops to successfully pull off this subterfuge. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

There is one other alternative and that is that there never was a mole, but I just don't think Greg would do something like that to us.

I love that theory and it could work


Active Member
Mar 4, 2011
Houston, Texas

[DELETED] I am now 99% certain who the mole is. Do not read my theory if you don't want to be spoiled for the next four episodes.

In all of the eps since Image, one member of the team has been tempted to betray the team. At the end of Image, Queen Bee threatens to reveal Miss Martian's true form to her team-mates unless she works for her. Presumably, Luthor and Sportsmaster had similar conversations in Portuegese with Superboy and Artemis at the end of Agendas and Insecurity. So, we know up until this point that Miss Martian, Superboy, and Artemis have not been moles. That leaves Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Robin. I expect that Aqualad will have a similar conversation some time soon with Black Manta. And let's face it: it's not KF. It's just not.

That means the mole must be the least likely candidate of all... ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, as we all know, Robin would never betray Batman - never! Which means that Robin has likely been acting as a double-agent, spying on the Light for Batman. Robin is also the most likely candidate because he alone has the acting and spying chops to successfully pull off this subterfuge. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

There is one other alternative and that is that there never was a mole, but I just don't think Greg would do something like that to us.
Your theory has one large flaw, and that is the assumption that the mole knows they are the mole. If the mole is unwitting, either via mental control (Conner, maybe?), surveillance by a trusted third party (Artemis' mother?), psychic subterfuge (the "fake personality" theory for M'gann), or something similar, then having a known villain attempt to enlist them as an inside source only distracts from the possibility that they are already a mole.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2011
Your theory has one large flaw, and that is the assumption that the mole knows they are the mole. If the mole is unwitting, either via mental control (Conner, maybe?), surveillance by a trusted third party (Artemis' mother?), psychic subterfuge (the "fake personality" theory for M'gann), or something similar, then having a known villain attempt to enlist them as an inside source only distracts from the possibility that they are already a mole.

Well, I am making that assumption in this theory.

I have seen the Usual Suspects. I could not understand all of the fine details but there is a chance that Red Arrow may be your involuntary mole.

I still think it's possible that Robin could be the mole because for all of the Light's manipulations to have taken place without Batman knowing at least a little about it would make him... not Batman.


I Will Find Him!
Mar 3, 2005
I suppose it could be Superboy but he doesn't know maybe it is him and by the end of the finale he will have redeemed himself I just hope it isn't him.

Master Toon

Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Hold on. Can members who are not full-time or just joined be considered candidates for being the mole? The mole was said to already be inside the group so that should exclude new members. And people like Red Arrow do not have sufficient resources to be considered moles. Everyone here does know what a mole is and what a mole does, right? You certainly cannot spy and steal info from a group who you team up with every other month.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2011
Houston, Texas
Hold on. Can members who are not full-time or just joined be considered candidates for being the mole? The mole was said to already be inside the group so that should exclude new members. And people like Red Arrow do not have sufficient resources to be considered moles. Everyone here does know what a mole is and what a mole does, right? You certainly cannot spy and steal info from a group who you team up with every other month.
Red Arrow may not be a member of the Team, but it's not like he wouldn't be able to get the lowdown on every mission they're involved in directly from the team. Even Artemis, as combative as their introduction was, could be cajoled into sharing any "work-related" info with only a modicum of justification. Aqualad wouldn't even need that, and KF would volunteer more information than RA would ever need to make him a worthwhile mole. And he's got more or less full access to Mount Justice, anyway, or at least enough to allow him to waltz right in and commandeer their computers, as he did in "Infiltrators".

My only problem with the mole being anyone else other than the original 5 is that we haven't seen any hint of extra-Team information gathering, surreptitious or otherwise. Taking RA for example, the only things resembling infotrolling are his short call with Aqualad at the beginning of "Targets", where the only piece of info was clearly tied to his current job, and his appearance at the mole meeting in "Secrets".


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